Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

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Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by dazmatic »

I've built a Q450 quad with a crius aio pro.

Been gradually adding features, testing, adding more features and testing some more. Took out for a fly recently and it flew well apart from when it suddenly dropped for no reason, recovered and carried on flying fine.

After this, I replaced the PPM 7ch receiver with an 8ch PWM receiver and since doing that, it's been dropping constantly. So much so I can no longer reliably fly. I have to test whilst hovering a few feet off the ground to prevent any damage from a drop, even then, it's broken the nice new landing gear I've recently installed so not too happy with that.

Whilst trying to debug, I found a weird issue with multiwii in that I couldn't set a failsafe throttle value. It was ALWAYS 0 regardless of whether I used USB, serial-wifi, 433mhz telemetry link, could not set it to anything to 0. Or, I'd set it to a value and instantly return to 0.

Whether this has anything to do with the dropping out of the sky, I don't know but I'll find out later.

It then suddenly got even weirder when I loaded up the multiwii sketch from my Crius 2.5 mega328p Peon230 quad which does fly really well. I could suddenly set the failsafe to a value and it stayed in memory.

I created a copy of my Peon230 sketch to test out on the Q450, gradually changing the settings 1 by 1 to suit the Q450 mega2560 board including the use of telemetry, extra serial and GPS functions and I can still set the failsafe.

I'll be testing out the apparent working sketch later to see if it still drops out of the sky by something in my original sketch is really broken.

I even downloaded a fresh MW 2.4 zip off the internet, put in the same settings and got the same result of being unable to set failsafe.

I've uploaded the 2 sketches, the broken and working sketch should anyone wish to make a comparison between the 2.

Just a note and point, I have tried clearing the EEPROM several times with different methods so I know it's not that.
Q450 TEST with Peon230
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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by dazmatic »

Nope, still dropping out of the sky.

It seems like the drone stays at it's present angle and just drops, stick inputs don't work either.

I'll go back to the original receiver and see if that helps.

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by dazmatic »

So, never went back to the original receiver bit figured out why I couldn't set failsafe.

Because it was commented out in the config, DUH!

Still, it carried on dropping out for no reason. I had a go with the quad in my garden and it was still dropping connection. It would maintain current heading and keep going OR drop the throttle. I changed the bind from my Devo 7e to the MK801 receiver to DSM2 rather than DSMX and it seemed to be better but it's looking like it could be a TX/RX issue


Just thought. It must be a failsafe issue because if before I was flying without it, it would just drop, now with it it continues in its previous heading

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by Leo »

I can't help but I'm hoping you will find a solution :-)

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by dazmatic »

Hello Leo!

I can appreciate that, thanks for the moral support!

It seems that switching to dsm2 mode flew better. Also changed to mahowii over multiwii to try. Think I've got PIDs locked in also so I'll see how it goes. Need to tune alt hold and GPS modes now. I like having a quad to tinker with but sometimes wish I had an RTF

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by dazmatic »

Yup, would look like the MK801 receiver doesn't really like DSMX mode with my Devo 7E.

Last week, I couldn't even get say 30 seconds of flight time in before it'd drop or loose control. Tried again today in DMS2 mode with orangeRX mode on and it didn't drop once or loose control through 2 battery packs, about 25 minutes flight time.

So, food for thought at least!

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by Leo »

So it's a receiver issue and not necessarily due to MultiWii?

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by dazmatic »

Yeah looks that way. As I say, switching from DSMX mode to DSM2.

But now I think I've got a power issue. When I went out a few weeks back, GPS hold and ALT hold worked nicely, even RTH worked really well.

Went out today and anything GPS related didn't work and my mag hold didn't work.

I checked the details on EZGui and my mag was just all over the place. When trying out GPS hold, the quad would just fly away even with 16 satellites and a steady position as reported, it would fly off. Same for RTH, would fly off.

Strange thing is, plugged in and powered via USB, it's steady!

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by Leo »

Make sure your MAG is far away from the electronics particularly power cables.

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by dazmatic »

Yeah, that much I know. There are no cables near the mag as it's a circuit board Q450 based quad, so the frame of the quad IS the cable so to speak.

Didn't have this issue last flight and nothing has changed. Bizzare really.

I've just recalibrated the Mag again and it's picking up north properly but soon as the battery is plugged in and it's running on BEC, it seems to go haywire. I suspect the BEC is a bit noisy.

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by Leo »

I have the same board as you. I had to use an external MAG and keep it about 120mm away from all wires. Onboard MAG is deactivated.

Here a picture of it in flight taken on 18. June '17:

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Re: Really weird issue with multiwii on Crius AIO Pro

Post by dazmatic »

Yeah, I thought that but there are no cables near the the Mag sensor.

I've doubled checked. It seems like my LED strip lights are causing an issue with the mag sensor BUT it's constant. The motors don't seem to have much effect.

I've moved the LED wires away from the mag sensor BUT the ground wire goes back to a point on the board just under the mag sensor so I'm thinking the return current from the lights is affecting the MAG. I'll desolder the ground wire and move it elsewhere and see if that helps.

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