FRSKY FLD-02 first page
- arming time
left energy of battery (rough fuel display)
battery voltage
vcc voltage
temperature (celsius or fahrenheit)
number of satellites instead of second temperature
rssi (automatically displayed)
FRSKY FLD-02 second page
- altitude (baro required)
amperage (powermeter)
left capacity (calculated automatically by FLD-02)
speed in kmh or mph (gps required)
RPM is interpreted as Return distance to home Position in Meter (gps required)
FRSKY FLD-02 third page
- cell voltages (cell voltage measurement required)
FRSKY FLD-02 forth page
- acceleration (3dimensional)
longitude (in decimal minutes or in decimal degrees)
latitude (in decimal minutes or in decimal degrees)
Since I own the FRSKY display FLD-02 I would like to know:
Are there other values (gps altitude, course, gps course, gyro, mag) to be supported by other devices (eg open9x, er0x, th9x,...) ?
Are there other proposals (other use of acceleration entries, other use of RPM, other use of temperature) ?
Please recall, that I will cover the frsky telemetry part only - not the s.port part, which could be integrated into the telemetry files later.