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Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:51 pm
by SkySpaghetti
I'm building a Tricopter using a Multiwii Pro 2 Mega board ( ... controller ) and I can't get the YAW Servo to function. I've got the ESCs and Servo set up according to the diagram here for MEGA boards, Servo on Pin D2, and I've loaded MW2.3 and have the Config.h file set up properly, I believe. But I'm still not getting any action in the servo. The motors will arm and respond to the FC and TX inputs but the Servo is just dead.

I've read on a few forums about commenting out a line for the MEGA Servo Pin or something, but its already commented out on my Config.h file and still nothing.

Am I plugged into the correct Pin on the Multiwii?

Any help is much appreciated!

Re: Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:50 pm
by Kbev5709
In your config.h file first you need to uncomment the #define TRI statement under the /************************** The type of multicopter ****************************/ heading.
Then under /*************************** Combined IMU Boards ********************************/ uncomment the #define FREEIMUv043 which is the correct board.
Then, under /******************************** PID Controller *********************************/make sure hat the
#define YAW_DIRECTION 1 is commented out and disabled.
If those three things don't help, or if you have already done them, then under /*********************** HW PWM Servos ***********************/
if you are using a regular pwm TX you need to uncomment #define MEGA_HW_PWM_SERVOS where you will also see
SERVO4 = pin 11 (aileron left for fixed wing or TRI YAW SERVO) and use pin 11 to hook up your yaw servo.

Disclaimer....I don't fly a tri nor have I built one. I'm giving my best uneducated guess here, sorry. Just trying to help out where I think I might be able to.
I think Cerial Killer flies a tri. Drop him a line and he might be able to help more than me.

Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:32 am
by SkySpaghetti
Kbev5709 wrote:In your config.h file first you need to uncomment the #define TRI statement under the /************************** The type of multicopter ****************************/ heading.
Then under /*************************** Combined IMU Boards ********************************/ uncomment the #define FREEIMUv043 which is the correct board.
Then, under /******************************** PID Controller *********************************/make sure hat the
#define YAW_DIRECTION 1 is commented out and disabled.
If those three things don't help, or if you have already done them, then under /*********************** HW PWM Servos ***********************/
if you are using a regular pwm TX you need to uncomment #define MEGA_HW_PWM_SERVOS where you will also see
SERVO4 = pin 11 (aileron left for fixed wing or TRI YAW SERVO) and use pin 11 to hook up your yaw servo.

Disclaimer....I don't fly a tri nor have I built one. I'm giving my best uneducated guess here, sorry. Just trying to help out where I think I might be able to.
I think Cerial Killer flies a tri. Drop him a line and he might be able to help more than me.

Thanks Kbev,
I think most of that is done. I'll have to double check my code when I get a chance. I'm using a PPM RX that I had to plug into the 1st Serial port to get it to work. My ESCs are plugged into D6,5,3 and the Yaw Servo on D2.

I've tried both MW2.3 and 2.4. In both I can get RX signal in the GUI and it shows signal going to the YAW Servo on the monitors on the right of the GUI. But when using 2.4 the motors won't arm and the YAW Servo still doesn't work.

In 2.3 I can arm and fire up the motors but the YAW Servo is dead.

I'll try and post some copies of my Config.h files tonight. I gotta be missing something...

Re: Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:56 am
by SkySpaghetti
Here's my Config.h txt files for MW 2.3: ... sp=sharing

And my MW 2.4: ... sp=sharing

Let me know if I'm missing something!


Re: Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:17 pm
by Kbev5709
In your config.h I noticed that in both of them you still have not commented out the statement under
******************************** PID Controller *********************************/
this statement: #define YAW_DIRECTION 1
needs to look like this: //#define YAW_DIRECTION 1
You need to add the two forward slashes to yours.

Here's why I think this is your problem. Just above the statement that you need to re-comment there is this sentence:
/* NEW: not used anymore for servo coptertypes <== NEEDS FIXING - MOVE TO WIKI */

You are trying to fly a servo copter type. Your servo is getting PID setting/commands that are not relevant to it's operation.

Try re-commenting that statement and see if it helps.

Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:41 pm
by SkySpaghetti
Kbev5709 wrote:In your config.h I noticed that in both of them you still have not commented out the statement under
******************************** PID Controller *********************************/
this statement: #define YAW_DIRECTION 1
needs to look like this: //#define YAW_DIRECTION 1
You need to add the two forward slashes to yours.

Here's why I think this is your problem. Just above the statement that you need to re-comment there is this sentence:
/* NEW: not used anymore for servo coptertypes <== NEEDS FIXING - MOVE TO WIKI */

You are trying to fly a servo copter type. Your servo is getting PID setting/commands that are not relevant to it's operation.

Try re-commenting that statement and see if it helps.

Yeah, I just noticed that last night as I copied the files to be uploaded. I'll try switching it when I get home, hopefully it'll help get the servo working in 2.3

I'm still not sure why I'm not able to arm my motors in 2.4 though... are Multiwii boards limited to only certain firmwares? Just wondering.

Re: Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:25 pm
by Kbev5709
After going over your config.h one more time I can not find anything in there that would prevent arming in 2.4. Can anyone else help out there? :idea: My only other suggestion would be to lower your minthrottle to 1000 and your mincommand to 950 and see if that fixes things. :| :arrow: Right now your minthrottle is at 1220 and your mincommand is at 1000.

Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:27 pm
by SkySpaghetti
Kbev5709 wrote:After going over your config.h one more time I can not find anything in there that would prevent arming in 2.4. Can anyone else help out there? :idea: My only other suggestion would be to lower your minthrottle to 1000 and your mincommand to 950 and see if that fixes things. :| :arrow: Right now your minthrottle is at 1220 and your mincommand is at 1000.

Yeah, I tried matching the settings from the 2.3 Config.

The original settings were a bit higher for the Min and Max so I lowered them to the 2.3 settings.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:30 pm
by SkySpaghetti
When using MW2.4, I've noticed in the GUI that the Left, Right, and Rear readouts don't move when I move the frame around. The Servo readout works but there's not servo action when I try running onnthe flight battery.

Re: Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:50 pm
by Kbev5709
The only thing I can suggest for your GUI issues is to try and re-install it. I don't have any more ideas on what your problem might be. Try asking a fellow tri pilot. Cerial Killer flies a tri.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:51 am
by SkySpaghetti
I sent him a PM. Waiting to hear back.

Which GUI do you use and what MW software?
I'm using the old-style GUI but I've seen that there are other ones now that have a different layout and offer Waypoint programming.

Re: Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:30 am
by Kbev5709
I use EOSBandi's WIN GUI on the computer and when I'm out flying I use the Android EZ GUI app. I run 2.4. If you try to run 2.4 on the WIN GUI you will get an error unless you change the version back to 230 (from 240) in the multiwii.h file.

Re: Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:45 am
by SkySpaghetti
I got this error in MW2.4 when I tried to comment out the Yaw-Direction option

Output.cpp: In function 'void mixTable()':
Output.cpp:1144: error: 'YAW_DIRECTION' was not declared in this scope

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:19 am
by SkySpaghetti
I have the RX running on PPM and the ESCs on the D6,5, and 3 pins. The 5v BEC off the PDB powers the system on the 5 pin's power terminals. I have the servo on pin D2. This is what I found for setting up the outputs on a MEGA board for a Tri... is this correct or is there an alternative setup I should be using?

Re: Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:59 pm
by Cereal_Killer
Hi SkySpaghetti, sorry I dont come here much and I dont get email notifications from here either so I didnt see you PM till you sent me one on RCGroups...

Anyway there's not a easy solution I can give you as I never used a mega based mwc, I'm switched almost completely to Naze32 now (except for my very first tri I still fly with a 328p arduino and single MPU6050 gyro, I still tear it up too. I als have a Pixhawk now...) but I should be able to help you get going still. Man I wish FSD was still around, he knew everything about those boards (but someone pissed him off and he deleted all his posts and left)

First thing I need to know is the exact MCU on the board you have. My first suggestion I'm going to give you is to look up the MCU's datasheet, find the hardware PWM pins and try the first HWPWM output for the yaw servo. If you'll post the MCU I can tell you the pin.

Lets try this and go from there... Good luck, I will try to remember to check this but if you want to drop me a PM on RCGroups when you reply here I wont be bothered by that.


Re: Tricopter YAW Servo non-responsive

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:26 pm
by Cereal_Killer
Posting this here incase anyone else ever reads it...

My first suggestion is to tey pin D9, this corrosponds to the same ARV timer (8-bit timer 2B) as pin D3 of a 328P based board (what I use and know works for the tri servo). If this doesnt work please post your sketch

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:36 am
by SkySpaghetti
So, it turns out the Multiwii Mega Pro 2 board I'm using doesn't output power for the Yaw Servo on the D2 Pin.... you think that would be documented somewhere that's easy to find... :-/

Anyway, I was able to splice a 2nd 5v power line from my PDB to my servo and just run the Signal Wire off the board and BAM... Yaw Servo is working!!