2 arduino promini + GY80 + GY-NEO6MV2

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2 arduino promini + GY80 + GY-NEO6MV2

Post by ezio2461 »

Hi everybody.
I send a couple of picture of my first experiment with multiwii.
I would like to thank everybody in the forum because a month ago i did not know anything
about arduino, imu, sensor and any other thing.
Just readin in the forum and searcing in the web today i finished to test what will probably be
mount on my plane.
From left to right
2. GY-80 nine-axis accelerometer BMP085 three-axis magnetic field axis gyro module atmospheric flight control C5A2 (Chip: L3G4200D ADXL345 BMP085 HMC5883L) ----> sends data in the i2c bus
3. resistrors (1.5k ohm) in from + to i2c
4. arduino pro mini with I2c gps nav (fixed wing nav code from Patrik Emilsson ) ----> sends data in the i2c bus
5. arduino pro mini with multiwii 2.3 <---- receives data from i2c bus
(std version of multiwii. The version from Patrik E. makes my wingui to hang up when trying to open the mission window. I will tray to find out why. )
6. arduino uno without processor used as a converter from serial to usb ( i do not have one converter)
7. battery

It works! I do not have any i2c error.

Next step: putting all togheter in a shield

Thanks to everybody.
(sorry for my english. It's not my first language)




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