Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

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Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

A little bit history first. Recently I have replaced ESCs in my quad from Mystery 20A Brushless Speed Controller (Blue Series) to the Turnigy Plush 30A. And I would say that this dramatically changed behaviour, it was not bad before, but now it is significantly more stable! :shock:
So, I was curious what is so different about them and I have performed couple of bench tests. I’m not saying that it was really precise tests and could provide only general points:

1) Mystery ESC is more responsive to the throttle commands
2) Mystery ESC is more linear to the throttle (at least according to the current). The Plushes have more exponential throttle curve.
3) But Mystery ESC has only around 60 points resolution (again according to the current) and Plush has more than 100 :shock:

According to this results, looks like, MultiWII likes more ESCs with higher resolution than ones with quicker response times. BTW, I would not recommend using Plushes as they have big problems keeping motors in sync during fast manoeuvres. I already have couple of crashes due motor(s) just stops in flight.
So currently I’m investigating possibility to re-flash Mystery ESC to the Quax firmware. The idea is to improve resolution. If somebody have experience with it, your help will be really appreciated. ;)


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

I developed the software for that purpose and, of course, I use it in my MWC.

I have a very special solution implemented. The motor outputs are programmed as 4kHz PWM from 0-100% duty cycle. The BLCs are programmed to evaluate this 4kHz input and therefore the motor-power is updated with a 4kHz rate. The new motor-power is set directly without any timing ramp.
The default PID values were to high for my MWC :)

This is the fastest motor-power control I know.

But I have also versions that can accept a very high input rate of 1-2ms input pulses. They can do also a direct tranfer of the input-value to the motor-power. Unfortunately there are a lot of different HK-BLCs out there and they are often sold with different hardware under the same name.

In the DIY thread of rcgroups there are some disclosed versions. Newer BLCs have a C8051F330 type mcu instead of an ATmega8 type. For those new versions there is still no software available.

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by Hamburger »

I am not at all familiar with the intricacies of ESCs, so consider this a question out of curiosity.
Could we not bypass the entire ESC hassle and have our MultiWii arduino drive the power mosfets (or whatever it is that handles the big amperes) directly?

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

Hamburger wrote:.....
Could we not bypass the entire ESC hassle and have our MultiWii arduino drive the power mosfets (or whatever it is that handles the big amperes) directly?

The control of the Power-FETs is not the problem. The problem is to evaluate the rotor position, calculate the commutation timing and do the commutation with a correct timing. For a good control you need a MCU on each BLC.

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by sandmen »

which blc's do you prefer for your firmware?

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

These two types are my favorit ESCs: ... A_ESC.html ... A_ESC.html

The problem is, that they are more and more replaced by a C8051F330 controlled device with the same brand. There is still no software available for the C8051F330.

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by Alexinparis »

ziss_dm wrote:A little bit history first. Recently I have replaced ESCs in my quad from Mystery 20A Brushless Speed Controller (Blue Series) to the Turnigy Plush 30A. And I would say that this dramatically changed behaviour, it was not bad before, but now it is significantly more stable! :shock:

I replaced today on a quad my 4 Mystery 12A Brushless Speed Controller (Blue Series) to the HK Super Simple 18A.
I noticed the same. The behavior is far more predictable and safe.

Mystery blue series are definitively not the best choice for multiwii.

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi quax,

I have another question bl-17a.asm or tp-18a.asm? ;) Are they supposed to be the same (apart from timings)?
In my case bl-17a.asm behaves better on sturtup..

So far my progress is:
1) Created ISP programmer from Arduino (ArduinoISP example ;))
2) Have managed to backup firmware from Mystery 20A (chip is not locked)
3) Have managed to adjust pin mapping for the bl-17a firmware for Mystery 20A
4) Have managed to adjust input PWM timings in the bl-17a firmware to accept timings in range 16-2000 usec. This would "align" it to the Arduino's PWM analogWrite(), with range 2-250. Which should give 248 steps of effective resolution. (for standard ESC's we have range 125-250 1000-2000 usec)
5) Re-flashed one of Plushes with tp-18a.asm

To Do:
1) Sort out startup issues with tp-18a.asm
2) Try to adjust input timings in tp-18a.asm
3) Adjust MWC to use extended resolution
4) Test ;-)


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

ziss_dm wrote:Hi quax,

I have another question bl-17a.asm or tp-18a.asm? ;) Are they supposed to be the same (apart from timings)?
In my case bl-17a.asm behaves better on sturtup..

There are a big differences in the design.
The tp-17a uses 3 multiplexed comparator inputs and has usually a 16MHz resonator.
The tp-18a uses 2 multiplexed comparator inputs and the original second comparator input and runs with the internal 8MHz oscillator.
Both versions have to be adapted to the port usage of the chosen ESC.
You should evaluate your ESC version first.

ziss_dm wrote:....
2) Have managed to backup firmware from Mystery 20A (chip is not locked)

If you really could read the firmware, than you are the first one (as far I know).
Normally you only read the low address or 0xff or something like that.

But If you really managed to read the firmware, you would do me a huge favor, if you send it to me. I'm very curious, how they do the control. Even if it is a C-compiled code, I expect to have a chance of understanding. (my email address in on my homepage).

ziss_dm wrote:....
3) Have managed to adjust pin mapping for the bl-17a firmware for Mystery 20A
4) Have managed to adjust input PWM timings in the bl-17a firmware to accept timings in range 16-2000 usec. This would "align" it to the Arduino's PWM analogWrite(), with range 2-250. Which should give 248 steps of effective resolution. (for standard ESC's we have range 125-250 1000-2000 usec)
5) Re-flashed one of Plushes with tp-18a.asm

Sounds good, but why did you change the 17a software to load in the end the 18a software?

ziss_dm wrote:....
To Do:
1) Sort out startup issues with tp-18a.asm
2) Try to adjust input timings in tp-18a.asm
3) Adjust MWC to use extended resolution
4) Test ;-)


Please keep us informed. I must admit, that I only would reflash the ESC, if it is necessary. If the quad flys great, I would take the ESC as it is sold.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi quax,
There are a big differences in the design.
The tp-17a uses 3 multiplexed comparator inputs and has usually a 16MHz resonator.
The tp-18a uses 2 multiplexed comparator inputs and the original second comparator input and runs with the internal 8MHz oscillator.

Tnx, somehow I have missed comparator differences (thought, that this is leftovers from voltage/current measurements). I'm trying to adapt tp-17a to the Plush as it looks like, this version has more tweaks and fixes ;)

I will post backup of the firmware tonight.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi quax,

Just for curiosity:
Is it really metter which FET doing PWM (N or P)? Maybe it would be better to clamp transistor bases trough Shottki diodesd to the OCP pin and run HW PWM on timer2? Or I'm inventing a wheel? ;)


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

ziss_dm wrote:Hi quax,

Just for curiosity:
Is it really metter which FET doing PWM (N or P)?

The low cost ESCs have normally only a transistor control for the high side FETs. That's a slow switch and cannot be used for 8kHz or more motor-PWM. Only the low side FETs are driven on and off with high speed and switch fast enough.
There are also some low cost ESCs in the higher power range, which are also driven on the high side. Those can do both either N-PWM or P-PWM. But the most importand improvement of high and low side driven ESC is the capability of the free running mode, that allows to decrease the power lost of the ESC.

ziss_dm wrote:....
Maybe it would be better to clamp transistor bases trough Shottki diodesd to the OCP pin and run HW PWM on timer2? Or I'm inventing a wheel? ;)


There are some attempts to do this on some 18a types. They made an interesting resistor coupling for that feature. But I don't know, if it was really implemented there.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi Quax,

This is Mystery firmware backup.

(113.5 KiB) Downloaded 1885 times

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi Quax,

You probably tired of my questions, but I would try once again. ;)


Code: Select all

set_new_duty:   mov   temp1, ZH
      sub   temp1, sys_control
      brcc   set_new_duty10
      ldi   temp1, MIN_DUTY-1
set_new_duty10:   lds   temp2, timing_x
      tst   temp2
      brne   set_new_duty12
      lds   temp2, timing_h   ; get actual RPM reference high
      cpi   temp2, PWR_RANGE1   ; lower range1 ?
      brcs   set_new_duty20      ; on carry - test next range
set_new_duty12:   sbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE1)
      sbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE2)
      ldi   temp2, PWR_MAX_RPM1   ; higher than range1 power max ?
      cp   temp1, temp2
      brcs   set_new_duty31      ; on carry - not higher, no restriction
      mov   temp1, temp2      ; low (range1) RPM - set PWR_MAX_RPM1
      rjmp   set_new_duty31
set_new_duty20:   sbrs   flags2, STARTUP
      rjmp   set_new_duty25
      ldi   temp3, PWR_MAX_STARTUP   ; limit power in startup phase
      cp   temp1, temp3
      brcs   set_new_duty25      ; on carry - not higher, test range 2
      mov   temp1, temp3      ; set PWR_MAX_STARTUP limit
      rjmp   set_new_duty31
set_new_duty25:   cpi   temp2, PWR_RANGE2   ; lower range2 ?
      brcs   set_new_duty30      ; on carry - not lower, no restriction
      cbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE1)
      sbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE2)
      ldi   temp2, PWR_MAX_RPM2   ; higher than range2 power max ?
      cp   temp1, temp2
      brcs   set_new_duty31      ; on carry - not higher, no restriction
      mov   temp1, temp2      ; low (range2) RPM - set PWR_MAX_RPM2
      rjmp   set_new_duty31
set_new_duty30:   cbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE1)+(1<<RPM_RANGE2)
set_new_duty31:   com   temp1         ; down-count to up-count (T0)
                mov     tcnt0_pwron_next, temp1 ; save in next
                mov     tcnt0_power_on, temp1
   ; tcnt0_power_on is updated to tcnt0_pwron_next in acceptable steps

As I understand it supposed to limit power on startup to the PWR_MAX_STARTUP (in case it is called from startup routine). But because all timings initialized to the 3FFFF (1FFFF) it skips this check... ;( And power is unlimited. So, what is better:
1) Move check for startup sooner
2) or initialize timings with zeros


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

Hi ziss_dm,

many thanks for the files. I'm quite sure, that you are the first one, who detected an open AVR on an ESC.
The code looks sensfully and seemed to be written in ASM :mrgreen:
Hopefully I get some time to investigate it. I'm very curious about the startup sequence.
Do you have an image of the 'naked' Mystery-20A? Does it have the same port usage as the 17a?

ziss_dm wrote:Hi Quax,

You probably tired of my questions, but I would try once again. ;)

No, I'm never tired of interest :)

ziss_dm wrote:....

Code: Select all


As I understand it supposed to limit power on startup to the PWR_MAX_STARTUP (in case it is called from startup routine). But because all timings initialized to the 3FFFF (1FFFF) it skips this check... ;( And power is unlimited. So, what is better:
1) Move check for startup sooner
2) or initialize timings with zeros


There are two intentions in this function:
1.) At lower RPM the PMW is limitted because the current grows very high on the mismatch of RPM and PWM. There are two ranges that have limits.
PWR_RANGE1 corresponds with PWR_MAX_RPM1
PWR_RANGE2 corresponds with PWR_MAX_RPM2

2.) In the startup phase there are special power conditions, because some motor need high power at startup and run reliable with lower power.
if the STARTUP flag is set, the PWM is always between PWR_STARTUP and PWR_MAX_STARTUP.

It looks, as if you catched an older version of set_new_duty:

Here is an actual one:

Code: Select all

set_new_duty:   mov   temp1, ZH
      sub   temp1, sys_control
      brcc   set_new_duty10
      ldi   temp1, MIN_DUTY-1
   ; evaluate RPM range
set_new_duty10:   lds   temp2, timing_x
      tst   temp2
      brne   set_new_duty12
      lds   temp2, timing_h   ; get actual RPM reference high
      cpi   temp2, PWR_RANGE1   ; lower range1 ?
      brcs   set_new_duty20      ; on carry - test next range
   ; lower as range1
set_new_duty12:   sbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE1)
      sbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE2)
      ldi   temp2, PWR_MAX_RPM1   ; higher than range1 power max ?
      cp   temp1, temp2
      brcs   set_new_duty40      ; on carry - not higher, no restriction
      mov   temp1, temp2      ; low (range1) RPM - set PWR_MAX_RPM1
      rjmp   set_new_duty40
   ; higher as range1
set_new_duty20:   cpi   temp2, PWR_RANGE2   ; lower range2 ?
      brcs   set_new_duty30      ; on carry - not lower, no restriction
set_new_duty22:   cbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE1)
      sbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE2)
      ldi   temp2, PWR_MAX_RPM2   ; higher than range2 power max ?
      cp   temp1, temp2
      brcs   set_new_duty40      ; on carry - not higher, no restriction
      mov   temp1, temp2      ; low (range2) RPM - set PWR_MAX_RPM2
      rjmp   set_new_duty40
   ; higher as range2
set_new_duty30:   cbr   flags2, (1<<RPM_RANGE1)+(1<<RPM_RANGE2)
   ; range limits are evaluated - look for STARTUP conditions
set_new_duty40:   sbrs   flags2, STARTUP
      rjmp   set_new_duty50
      ldi   temp3, PWR_STARTUP   ; at least PWR_STARTUP ?
      cp   temp1, temp3
      brcc   set_new_duty42      ; on no carry - higher than PWR_STARTUP, test PWR_MAX_STARTUP
      ldi   temp1, PWR_STARTUP   ; lower - set to PWR_STARTUP
      rjmp   set_new_duty50
set_new_duty42:   ldi   temp3, PWR_MAX_STARTUP   ; limit power in startup phase
      cp   temp1, temp3
      brcs   set_new_duty50      ; on carry - not higher, test range 2
      mov   temp1, temp3      ; set PWR_MAX_STARTUP limit

set_new_duty50:   com   temp1         ; down-count to up-count (T0)
      mov   tcnt0_pwron_next, temp1   ; save in next
   ; tcnt0_power_on is updated to tcnt0_pwron_next in acceptable steps

For the use with a MWC you should theses lines again:

Code: Select all

                mov     tcnt0_power_on, temp1


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

quax wrote:....
Do you have an image of the 'naked' Mystery-20A? Does it have the same port usage as the 17a?

Hi ziss_dm,

I just saw, that you have updated the with the M-20A port usage.
That's a great help to understand the code. :)

You made a change here:

Code: Select all

       .equ    MIN_RC_PULS = 17*2   ; µs (or lower) = NO_POWER

and here:

Code: Select all

                cpi     i_temp1, low (16*2)
                ldi     i_temp3, high(16*2)    ; test range low

I'm not sure about the meaning of the changes.
Do you want an input control from 16ms to 2000ms pulse-width from minimum power to maximum power?


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi quax,

Do you want an input control from 16ms to 2000ms pulse-width from minimum power to maximum power?

Yes, because it matches Arduino's PWM in range 2-250 (AnalogWrite()) and gives 248 steps of effective resolution. (For standard RC ESCs we have range 125-250 => 1000-2000ms)


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by gompf-2 »


Some guys in the ARM-o-Kopter forums modded quax 17a firmware for the Mystery Blue series, but rs232 only. I just point you to this because they also remove 3 caps in the commutation circuite. Maybe you have a look on this : (german)

Edit: Also very interesting, 1-wire bootloader for BLMCs (sorry, also in german):


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

gompf-2 wrote:....
I just point you to this because they also remove 3 caps in the commutation circuite.

Thanks for the hint, it is absolutely necessary to remove these caps with my software.

Someone can do me a favour and measure the value of the caps. I would like to investigate the behavior of my software with such caps, but would like to know, what values are used e.g. by Mystery

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by gompf-2 »

Fluke 289 gives me 1.14,1.16,1.16nF (desoldered of course) so I asume them to be 1200pF. The one in the RC input filter measures 0.635nF, shoud be 680pf.
ESC is HK 12A blue series, new version (Rs/Cs placed not so ordered).

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

gompf-2 wrote:Fluke 289 gives me 1.14,1.16,1.16nF (desoldered of course) so I asume them to be 1200pF. The one in the RC input filter measures 0.635nF, shoud be 680pf.
ESC is HK 12A blue series, new version (Rs/Cs placed not so ordered).

Thanks, I was wondering, how they want to do high RPM rates. But with 1nF or 1,2nF it should be ok. It's more a spike limiter than a timing element.
Maybe I order a 20A version by next chance.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

ziss_dm wrote:Hi Quax,

This is Mystery firmware backup.


Thanks again. 8-)

But I must say, although I know a lot about the topic, it's a mystery and not an open book ;)
In the moment I cannot preview when I will have understood all the program functions. It's more difficult as I expected. But I like this kind of puzzle :D


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi gompf-2 Quax,

I just point you to this because they also remove 3 caps in the commutation circuite.

Are they reffering to the to the LPF's in Back-EMF signal conditioner?
Are we sure, that they should be removed? ;)


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

ziss_dm wrote:Hi gompf-2 Quax,

I just point you to this because they also remove 3 caps in the commutation circuite.

Are they reffering to the to the LPF's in Back-EMF signal conditioner?
Are we sure, that they should be removed? ;)


I just ordered a Mystery 20A for testing. A capacitor in that range may work, but I don't know it. Therefore I need an ESC for testing and measurement, e.g. with my scope. The opportunity to reload the original software :mrgreen: , makes this device to a preferred test object.

Normally there shouldn't be a capacitor in the BEMF circuit. Higher values like 100nF don't work for sure, because the motor timing depends on the RC delay and not on a calculation as I do.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi Quax,
How is your research?

Just want to share couple of tweaks to your firmware. ;)

1) Zero crossing filter. Just simple majority filter. In my case helps with 4s setup, the motor not loosing sync.

Code: Select all

; *** scan comparator utilities ***
.if CLK_SCALE==2
  .macro __waitp
  .macro __waitp

wait_for_low:   sbrs    flags0, OCT1_PENDING
                clr     temp1
                clr     temp2
                sbic    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                sbic    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                inc     temp2
                sbic    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                sbic    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                inc     temp2
                sbic    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                sbic    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                inc     temp2

                cp      temp2, temp1
                brcc    wait_for_low
wait_for_high:  sbrs    flags0, OCT1_PENDING
                clr     temp1
                clr     temp2
                sbis    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                sbis    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                inc     temp2
                sbis    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                sbis    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                inc     temp2
                sbis    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                sbis    ACSR, ACO
                inc     temp1
                inc     temp2

                cp      temp2, temp1
                brcc    wait_for_high

2) Power ramping for the first commutation during startup (pre-align). again in my setup helps smoothly start, even with high startup power.

Code: Select all

.macro SetPWM
                ldi     temp1, @0
                com     temp1
                mov     tcnt0_pwron_next, temp1
                mov     tcnt0_power_on, temp1

                ldi     temp1, 1
                mov     t1_timeout, temp1
                tst     t1_timeout
                brne    wait120ms_wait_for_t1

pre_align:      ldi     temp1, INIT_PB  ; all off
                out     PORTB, temp1
                ldi     temp1, INIT_PD  ; all off
                out     PORTD, temp1
                ldi     temp1, INIT_PC  ; all off
                out     PORTC, temp1
                ldi     temp1, 20*CLK_SCALE
pp_FETs_off_wt: dec     temp1
                brne    pp_FETs_off_wt
                rcall   com5com6
                rcall   com6com1
                rcall   wait120ms
                rcall   wait120ms
                rcall   wait120ms
                rcall   wait120ms

3) I have managed to merge bl-17a and tp-18a using macroses.

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

ziss_dm wrote:Hi Quax,
How is your research?

Unfortunately my ESC isn't arrived yet.
The code reengineering is stopped at the moment. It is very complicated to find out the sense of the variables and subroutines. From time to time I need a break to clear my brain :)

Edit: but I found out, that this is a version with governor mode :mrgreen:

ziss_dm wrote:Hi Quax,
Just want to share couple of tweaks to your firmware. ;)

1) Zero crossing filter. Just simple majority filter. In my case helps with 4s setup, the motor not loosing sync.

2) Power ramping for the first commutation during startup (pre-align). again in my setup helps smoothly start, even with high startup power.
3) I have managed to merge bl-17a and tp-18a using macroses.


I'm very happy to see a progress in the software. By the next opportunity I will test it and hope you agree, if I publish it at the end on my homepage, including your name.

Unfortunately my time suffic only for a few things to do.
In the moment I enjoy the flying with my MWC and build a second one.



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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Just a quick report. I have tested idea of extending ESC resolution up to 250 points. ;) Results is quite impressive so far (next is outdoor tests).

Normal resolution PID's: 5.7/0.030/17
With extended resolution: 12/0.080/60

And it is really stable in hover ;)

The modifications to the WMC:

Code: Select all

#define MINCOMMAND 1000
#define MINTHROTTLE 1080
#define MAXTHROTTLE 2000
    #ifndef EXT_MOTOR_RANGE 
      analogWrite(PWM_PIN[i], motor[i]>>3); 
      analogWrite(PWM_PIN[i], ((motor[i]>>2) - 250) + 2); 

Firmware for the Mystery 20A in the attachment. If somebody has interest, I can post instructions how to easily re-flash them using arduino.

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by Hamburger »

Hi ziss_dm,

yes, very interesting. Please post info for flashing via arduino.
Does same firmware have chance to work for the 12A blue series?
Thanks, Hamburger

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by EOSBandi »

Terrific, my batch of mystery 20A esc's just arrived. I'll try them out. What do you think about using serial control of ESC's, as described on the page somebody referenced above? This could free up pins on arduino, especially on hex and octo configs.

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »


Just a short story, how I'm re-flashing ESC's ;)

1) After opening ESC, you need to solder wires to the ISP pads.

2) Connect them to the arduino

Code: Select all

10: Reset
11: MOSI
12: MISO
13: SCK 
vcc: +5v

Note, that we are going to power up ESC's MCU from the arduino through USB, so you need to connect ISP +5v to the arduino's vcc pin.
3) In the Arduino IDE open sketch: Examples\ArduinoISP and upload it into aduino.
4) As we are going to use AVRDude as a programmer, we need to disable reset from USB. Some boards have a switch, some does not (Pro Mini, for example). Easiest way to disable reset on boards without switch is to connect resistor 30 ohm between VCC and RST pins.
5) As I said before, we are going to use AVRDude. It is shipped with arduino IDE and located in \hardware\tools\avr\bin. You can set environment variable ARDIDE and you can copy-paste commands. My arduino mapped to com3, you need to change it to your serial port. Next we need to run this:

Code: Select all

"%ARDIDE%\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe" -C "%ARDIDE%\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf" -v -p m8 -P com3  -c avrisp -b 19200

In case everything connected correctly, it should respond:

Code: Select all

avrdude.exe: Version 5.4-arduino, compiled on Oct 11 2007 at 19:12:32
             Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean,

             System wide configuration file is "H:\Program Files\arduino-0022\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf"

             Using Port            : com3
             Using Programmer      : avrisp
             Overriding Baud Rate  : 19200
             AVR Part              : ATMEGA8
             Chip Erase delay      : 10000 us
             PAGEL                 : PD7
             BS2                   : PC2
             RESET disposition     : dedicated
             RETRY pulse           : SCK
             serial program mode   : yes
             parallel program mode : yes
             Timeout               : 200
             StabDelay             : 100
             CmdexeDelay           : 25
             SyncLoops             : 32
             ByteDelay             : 0
             PollIndex             : 3
             PollValue             : 0x53
             Memory Detail         :

                                      Block Poll               Page                       Polled
               Memory Type Mode Delay Size  Indx Paged  Size   Size #Pages MinW  MaxW   ReadBack
               ----------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ ----- ----- ---------
               eeprom         4    20   128    0 no        512    0      0  9000  9000 0xff 0xff
               flash         33    10    64    0 yes      8192   64    128  4500  4500 0xff 0x00
               lfuse          0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  2000  2000 0x00 0x00
               hfuse          0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  2000  2000 0x00 0x00
               lock           0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  2000  2000 0x00 0x00
               calibration    0     0     0    0 no          4    0      0     0     0 0x00 0x00
               signature      0     0     0    0 no          3    0      0     0     0 0x00 0x00

             Programmer Type : STK500
             Description     : Atmel AVR ISP
             Hardware Version: 2
             Firmware Version: 1.18
             Topcard         : Unknown
             Vtarget         : 0.0 V
             Varef           : 0.0 V
             Oscillator      : Off
             SCK period      : 0.1 us

avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.03s

avrdude.exe: Device signature = 0x1e9307
avrdude.exe: safemode: lfuse reads as 2E
avrdude.exe: safemode: hfuse reads as CF

avrdude.exe: safemode: lfuse reads as 2E
avrdude.exe: safemode: hfuse reads as CF
avrdude.exe: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude.exe done.  Thank you.

If something wrong, check your wiring, com port, power, etc..
6) If you want to backup existing firmware, execute the following:

Code: Select all

"%ARDIDE%\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe" -C "%ARDIDE%\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf" -p m8 -P com3  -c avrisp -b 19200 -U flash:r:flash-orig.hex:i -U eeprom:r:eeprom-orig.hex:i

avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.05s

avrdude.exe: Device signature = 0x1e9307
avrdude.exe: reading flash memory:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 14.55s

avrdude.exe: writing output file "flash-orig.hex"
avrdude.exe: reading eeprom memory:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 20.97s

avrdude.exe: writing output file "eeprom-orig.hex"

avrdude.exe: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude.exe done.  Thank you.

7) To flash new firmware:

Code: Select all

"%ARDIDE%\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe" -C "%ARDIDE%\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf" -p m8 -P com3  -c avrisp -b 19200 -U flash:w:Mystery20A_arduino_pwm.hex

avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.03s

avrdude.exe: Device signature = 0x1e9307
avrdude.exe: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
             To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude.exe: erasing chip
avrdude.exe: reading input file "Mystery20A_arduino_pwm.hex"
avrdude.exe: input file Mystery20A_arduino_pwm.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude.exe: writing flash (2336 bytes):

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 3.81s

avrdude.exe: 2336 bytes of flash written
avrdude.exe: verifying flash memory against Mystery20A_arduino_pwm.hex:
avrdude.exe: load data flash data from input file Mystery20A_arduino_pwm.hex:
avrdude.exe: input file Mystery20A_arduino_pwm.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude.exe: input file Mystery20A_arduino_pwm.hex contains 2336 bytes
avrdude.exe: reading on-chip flash data:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 4.20s

avrdude.exe: verifying ...
avrdude.exe: 2336 bytes of flash verified

avrdude.exe: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude.exe done.  Thank you.

8) Test your ESC with current limiter first. It could be just automotive bulb connected in series.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »


I cannot verify it my self, but according to this information all ESC's in range 6-40A have similar MCU layout and therefore you can use same firmware.

Not sure I want to sacrifice serial port for escs.. ;) Currently I'm seriously thinking about this i2c-PPM converter: With price tag around $10 it is really attractive option, to extend Pro Mini up to 8 motors. ;)


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by Hamburger »

thanks for the thorough description.
I am afraid my eyes and soldering skills are not sufficient to perform such tasks. What a pity.
Maybe I can interest someone to perform these tasks for me ( I have a small bulk of ESCs sitting in drawer, waiting).

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by funth1ngs »

ziss_dm wrote:Hi gompf-2 Quax,

I just point you to this because they also remove 3 caps in the commutation circuite.

Are they reffering to the to the LPF's in Back-EMF signal conditioner?
Are we sure, that they should be removed? ;)


Hi ziss_dm,

i have a Mystery 30A and would like to test your modificated firmware. I'm unsure if the caps/resistors should be removed? Can i destroy the ESC if i don't remove them?


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi funth1ngs,

In my case, I have removed caps after testing with 4s setup. With 3s it was working fine with caps.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by funth1ngs »

Hi ziss_dm,

i compiled the files with the following modifications:

Code: Select all

.equ    POWER_RANGE   = 250
.equ    MIN_RC_PULS   = 1000

; falling->rising intervals
.equ    MAX_INT_FR    = 2600 ; PWM + 100 = 2500 + 100
.equ    MIN_INT_FR    = 400 ;  PWM - MAX_RC_PULS - 100 = 2500 - 2000 - 100

; rising->falling intervals
.equ    MAX_INT_RF    = 2020 ; MAX_RC_PULS + 20 = 2000 + 20
.equ    MIN_INT_RF    = 980 ; MIN_RC_PULS - 20 = 1000 - 20

When I power up the ESC, the motor beeps and starts immediately to run at nearly full speed (rc_puls set to 1000ms). If I increase rc_puls, the speed increases too. But I can't stop the motor.

The PWM is arround 400Hz (2500ms) with 1000-2000ms rc_puls. Did I set the paramters correct?


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi Heiko,

I would guess, that you are modifying the file. The macros EvaluatePWC there is not subtracting MIN_RC_PULS and designed to accept PWM in range 16-2016ms .
In case you want standard RC range, just use other include or (second parameter of the _make.cmd).
POWER = Len / 8
POWER = (Len - MIN_RC_PULS) / 4
POWER = (Len - MIN_RC_PULS) / 8

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by funth1ngs »

Thx ziss_dm,

it's working great now with 3s and 4s (the caps are still not removed) on the test bench. You guessed right, I've copied the and used it as template ;)


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by Hamburger »

Hi ziss_dm and quax,

I have a couple of questions regarding the internals of the ESC firmware, please. As you seem to have dived into the firmware internals I ask you for some insight.

You may or may not have followed my attempts to program a powermeter estimator based on the pwm signals sent to the ESC. This works with approx. 5% accuracy for me so far (with BlueSeries and Plush ESC; does not work well with HK SS ESCs). To improve accuracy and understanding I would like to learn more about firmware internals.

1. with arduino we send pwm out of [1000;2000] with step size of "1". But does ESC really care for this accuracy? How many steps resolution of the input signal does the firmware resolve?

2. by what formula does the input pwm signal get transferred into power outputted to motor? It is a linear function, I hope?

3. by power I mean voltage * current. Is the following correct?
- voltage: the voltage does not get moderated by the ESC; so is dependant on battery's ability to keep up with actual current
- current: the current gets moderated by the ESC depending on pwm input to achieve different rpm

Thanks, Hamburger

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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by funth1ngs »


it worked great, but now it's burned ;)

I made some fast throttle changes while the motor was running, no problems. Then while motor was not running, I've set throttle to 100% very fast. The motor made it's normal start sound, but just for a very short time and it did not start to spin. Then I heard some hard clicking and the ESC died.

Is it possible that there is a problem with the start up routine and "motor is running detection"? It looked like the motor was fully powered even though it wasn't spinning. Or could this been caused by the not removed caps/resistors?

I will order some new ones.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

funth1ngs wrote:Hi,

it worked great, but now it's burned ;)

I made some fast throttle changes while the motor was running, no problems. Then while motor was not running, I've set throttle to 100% very fast. The motor made it's normal start sound, but just for a very short time and it did not start to spin. Then I heard some hard clicking and the ESC died.

Is it possible that there is a problem with the start up routine and "motor is running detection"? It looked like the motor was fully powered even though it wasn't spinning. Or could this been caused by the not removed caps/resistors?

I will order some new ones.


The answer is simple: It's absolutely forbidden to start with 100% power :!:

You cannot have both: a very fast reaction to the input changes and a slow down of the input reaction that is necessary to smoothen power jumps. If you increase the power of a brushless motor from lets say 30% to 100% it is equal to a accu short. The weakest link in the chain will be damaged. Therefore the increase has to be moderate or the ESC has to slow down power changes.

We need a fast power response for attitude control and therefore the power change control in the ESC software is omitted. The MultiWii software makes no sudden high power changes and doesn't destroy the ESC.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi Hamburger,

1. with arduino we send pwm out of [1000;2000] with step size of "1". But does ESC really care for this accuracy? How many steps resolution of the input signal does the firmware resolve?

This is not exactly true.
1) Arduino PWM has only 8 bit resolution. It has multiplier 8
2) To fit to the RC range 1000-2000, we have to limit values to the 125-250. So effectively WMC has < 7bit of the resolution of the PWM

The different ESC's firmwares have different internal resolution:
Mystery - 64 steps (according to my experiment)
Plush - 128 steps (according to my experiment)
BL-Ctrl 2.0 - 2048 steps
CC - 2048 steps
Quax - up to 255

2. by what formula does the input pwm signal get transferred into power outputted to motor? It is a linear function, I hope?

Sometimes yes, sometimes ESC has built-in throttle curve.

3. by power I mean voltage * current. Is the following correct?
- voltage: the voltage does not get moderated by the ESC; so is dependant on battery's ability to keep up with actual current
- current: the current gets moderated by the ESC depending on pwm input to achieve different rpm

I would say vice versa. The esc controls voltage and have no idea about current (we are talking about cheap escs). 50% of throttle usually means 50% of input voltage.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by quax »

Edit: ziss_dm was faster than me ;)

Hamburger wrote:....
1. with arduino we send pwm out of [1000;2000] with step size of "1". But does ESC really care for this accuracy? How many steps resolution of the input signal does the firmware resolve?

If you use an ESC with an onboard resonator of 16MHz, then you have 200 steps solution on the motors PWM side.
For an ESC that run with the internal 8MHz you have only 100 steps.
Meanwhile I can say that a solution of 100 ist sufficient for the attitude control of a quadrocopter.

Hamburger wrote:....
2. by what formula does the input pwm signal get transferred into power outputted to motor? It is a linear function, I hope?

It's linear, not least because of the calculation effort needed for other transfer characteristics.

Hamburger wrote:....
3. by power I mean voltage * current. Is the following correct?
- voltage: the voltage does not get moderated by the ESC; so is dependant on battery's ability to keep up with actual current
- current: the current gets moderated by the ESC depending on pwm input to achieve different rpm

Thanks, Hamburger

The voltage of the motor is the average of the motor-PWM. V_motor = on_time/pwm_period. If the PWM frequency is high enough, the voltage is transformed by the inductivity of the motor. The motor voltage controls the motor RPM.

The current depends on voltage, rpm and motor_properties. As the example of the sudden rise to 100% power shows, that current is also a function of the RPM. If you look for (there is also an English version) you can see that behaviour in graphs and you can do some tests with the parameters.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by Hamburger »

ziss_dm and quax,

thanks to both of you for your explanations. Now I understand much better how to interprret the arduino output signals with respect of the power consumption. A future version of the power estimator could improve on that basis.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by funth1ngs »

quax wrote:
funth1ngs wrote:Hi,

it worked great, but now it's burned ;)

I made some fast throttle changes while the motor was running, no problems. Then while motor was not running, I've set throttle to 100% very fast. The motor made it's normal start sound, but just for a very short time and it did not start to spin. Then I heard some hard clicking and the ESC died.

Is it possible that there is a problem with the start up routine and "motor is running detection"? It looked like the motor was fully powered even though it wasn't spinning. Or could this been caused by the not removed caps/resistors?

I will order some new ones.


The answer is simple: It's absolutely forbidden to start with 100% power :!:

You cannot have both: a very fast reaction to the input changes and a slow down of the input reaction that is necessary to smoothen power jumps. If you increase the power of a brushless motor from lets say 30% to 100% it is equal to a accu short. The weakest link in the chain will be damaged. Therefore the increase has to be moderate or the ESC has to slow down power changes.

We need a fast power response for attitude control and therefore the power change control in the ESC software is omitted. The MultiWii software makes no sudden high power changes and doesn't destroy the ESC.


Hi Bernhard,

thanks for the explanation.

I made some quick changes from 5% to 100% and nothing happend as long as the motor was running. Because it has happened while the motor did not run, i thought it maybe has something to do with the start up routines or not removed caps.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi Heiko,

I think, there are big difference between fast transitions and attempt to start at high power:
During fast transitions the motor start responding almost instantly and there are no big power difference between commutations. During startup it starts at low power and runs about second and then switches to the normal mode. If you set throttle to 100% this would produce step change between 5% and 100% and may damage FETs or even motor ;(


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi Quax,

Meanwhile I can say that a solution of 100 ist sufficient for the attitude control of a quadrocopter.

Currently I can test both 125 and 250 steps resolution on the same setup, just by re-flashing ESCs and WMC ;) And I would say there are big difference. With 250 steps resolution I pretty much cannot make it to oscillate (I have increased P up to 16 and stopped because, for some reason, it became difficult to control height. But was no signs of oscillations). Will see how it flies outdoors, but so far results are really promising. ;)


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by funth1ngs »

ziss_dm wrote:Hi Heiko,

I think, there are big difference between fast transitions and attempt to start at high power:
During fast transitions the motor start responding almost instantly and there are no big power difference between commutations. During startup it starts at low power and runs about second and then switches to the normal mode. If you set throttle to 100% this would produce step change between 5% and 100% and may damage FETs or even motor ;(


Hi ziss_dm,

it's hard to explain with my limited english :).

It looked like the startup didn't work and the ESC went into the normal mode although the motor has not rotated.


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »

Hi Heiko,

Was it completelly stopped for long time?


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by ziss_dm »


Just a short video of ESCs running with 250 steps resolution, this is acro mode: ... rofilepage


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Re: Alternative ESC firmware (reflashing)

Post by funth1ngs »

ziss_dm wrote:Hi Heiko,

Was it completelly stopped for long time?


Hi ziss_dm,

I'm not 100% sure, but i think it was stopped for at least 5 - 10 seconds.


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