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Dev 1431 Throttle/ESC issue?

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:42 am
by brettwal
I downloaded and compiled the dev 1431 and uploaded to my Crius AIO Pro. Then go into the GUI and configure. Then when I attempt to fly, my throttle setting is completely out of wack. I then use the ESC calibration in the code and it back to normal. If I connect to the MWC again the problem repeats. Same PC, FTDI ( broken USB on AIO) work fine on MW 2.2

Re: Dev 1431 Throttle/ESC issue?

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:18 pm
by Mis
Alexinparis in other topic explain it:
"If you plan to use dev after r1391, the setting configuration also changed in GUI, and you must use the last GUI in _shared. (for instance MINCOMMAND config was added)
Otherwise, you could encounter such oddity due to parameter misalignment."

In conclusion, leatest compiled version of GUI not work with r1391 and newer.
You must compile the last GUI from MultiWiiConf_shared folder yourself.

Re: Dev 1431 Throttle/ESC issue?

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:39 pm
by brettwal
Yeah, I always pull down the latest GUI when I pull down a DEV build. I may have inadvertently launched the wrong GUI though. I will re-try when I get home.