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MultiWee software problem with ROLL, PITCH

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:41 am
by kibr3
I have connected my Quad without wings with the MultiWii controller to the MultiWiiConf_2_1 software.
By default LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT, REAR values are 1150 at the start.
Then I move Throttle stick up. Now all mentioned values are around 1300.
1. I start to play with ROLL stick moving it to most left, then release it
to get back to the center. After that LEFT value become around 1350 and remains in that level.
RIGHT value become 1250 and remains on that level.
2. I move ROLL stick to the most right position, then release it.
RIGHT value become 1350 and remains an this level (approximately).
LEFT value become around 1250 and remains in that level.
Similar behavior repeated if I play with PITCH and look at REAR, FRONT in MultiWiiConf program.
I think values should stabilize in around 1300 and remain there, isn't it?
Could anybody else please check this behavior?
There are several other problems, but let start with this.

Re: MultiWee software problem with ROLL, PITCH

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:17 pm
by PatrikE
It's in the nature of PID regulators when the copter is stationary.
If it don't move there's nothing to compensate.

If it move around it will work as expected.(Normal flying)

Re: MultiWee software problem with ROLL, PITCH

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:17 pm
by ReadError

Re: MultiWee software problem with ROLL, PITCH

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:20 am
by kibr3
Thank you for answer,
Another issue. Quad without wings with the MultiWii controller. If I move Throttle stick up and leave it in position 1250, after about 10 sec one pair of opposite motors increasing speed, while other pair decrease it until full stop. So I have on 20-30 sec only one pair of very fast turning motors. This could not be eliminated by any regulation of Throttle range or Yaw range or Yaw stick.
After decrease in MultiWiiConf_2_1 software all P and D parameters of PID to zero this effect does not take place any more.
After all is it possible to properly configurate PID and is there any meaning in using of PID if such side effects appears?

Re: MultiWee software problem with ROLL, PITCH

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:10 pm
by PatrikE
Basicly the same answer as previous.
It's The I-Trem who build up on a small errorangle.(Saving History)
Set P & normal and decrease I-term you'll see.

I-Iterm can cause a drift in Level-modes.
And if you fly forward in Level and release the stick it can drift backwards for a while.
In Acromode you will not notice it.

Hold the copter in your hand and move it around to simulate flying.
Then the PID's will be able to work freely.

It should resist all moves you do with it.