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Too aggressive GPS flight

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:18 pm
by misieek31
I have uploaded the latest soft and when you turn RTH tricopter turns his head to the starting position back to me, but I flew too fast too far, then again turns around and flies even farther than he was. Trying to come back too quickly and may shut down and not fly away even further in the road side. Return speed is about 30 km / h too fast!.
So it is with hold position for fast searches, and each time is flying too far.
I think it could be somehow set the PID. Only that?
My GPS works at a speed of 38400.
What should I change and how to set it?

Re: Too aggressive GPS flight

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:37 pm
by Wayne
I see you signed up and started a thread before you learned about the search button.
Assuming you have the correct hardware you can flash you GPS module….

Re: Too aggressive GPS flight

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:16 pm
by misieek31
My GPS is set to 10 Hz 38400.
How to reduce all the pids from the GPS is better, but I do not know who is to decrease the speed of return and reduce the sensitivity of the reaction.

I am of Polish and for me to search in English does not help too much.

Re: Too aggressive GPS flight

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:34 pm
by tovrin
I dont have GPS yet, so I'm going to rely on someone to correct me if i am wrong, but in the newest dev build (r949) in the multiwiiconf gui i see a couple of PID boxes that look related to GPS to me (PosR and NavR). they have full PID controls. anyone, are they not GPS related?

Re: Too aggressive GPS flight

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:06 pm
by Wayne
EOS has provided a WIKI…it's back a couple of dev's but it's helped me alot. ... f&can=2&q=