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Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:10 am
by juanquy
SOLVED !!! :D :D :D
It was the Arduino version.


juanquy wrote:Please help:

I have this compiling error:

Error compiling:
In file include from KV_Team_OSD.ino:28:0:
GlobalVariables.h:714:32: error: variable 'item_table' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmen)) '

KV_Team v2.3
Ubuntu 13.10, Arduino IDE 1:1.0.5+dfsg2-1

Tried the file KV_Team_OSD v2.2 (dev-r345) Feb 2013 and compile + upload was successful.

help please :(


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:57 am
by jhitesma
I got a minimOSD board from witespy (ready to fly quads) a bit over a month ago...but never got around to wiring it up until this weekend since I finally got some goggles.

I flashed and configured it with t he latest software build from the official google code site (KV_Team_OSD_2.2_20131221) and it seems to be working...except there seems to be some kind of problem with the font. I'm getting letters and other symbols for the artificial horizon and lots of other parts of the OSD also appear to be using the wrong symbols. I tried re-uploading the font that came with the zip but it's still doing the same thing. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

Also is the ability to set a callsign that's always displayed gone now? I'm in the US and using 5.8ghz at usable power levels for video requires an amateur license and station identification...screenshots of the configurator show a spot to set that - but the version in the latest .zip seems to have dropped that.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:51 am
by jhitesma
Figured out my problem with the display - I was using a 3.3v adapter with the config software and my settings weren't saving. Rewired my adapter to be 5v and reconfigured for minimosd/NTSC - display looks great now. it's no longer communicating with the MW. Just get 0 on the flash screen for MW version and no signs of communication with the MW (I'm running MW 2.3) It was communicating before as I could see the artificial horizon move as I moved the quad and my RSSI was working (even if it all looked funky) but now it seems it's not communicating. Guess I'll have to dig into that tomorrow...not sure what could have changed as I don't see anything in the config program that should have affected that.

(Still wondering what happened to the callsign setting as well.)

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:08 am
by JirkaA
jhitesma wrote:I got a minimOSD board from witespy (ready to fly quads) a bit over a month ago...but never got around to wiring it up until this weekend since I finally got some goggles.

I flashed and configured it with t he latest software build from the official google code site (KV_Team_OSD_2.2_20131221) and it seems to be working...except there seems to be some kind of problem with the font. I'm getting letters and other symbols for the artificial horizon and lots of other parts of the OSD also appear to be using the wrong symbols. I tried re-uploading the font that came with the zip but it's still doing the same thing. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

Also is the ability to set a callsign that's always displayed gone now? I'm in the US and using 5.8ghz at usable power levels for video requires an amateur license and station identification...screenshots of the configurator show a spot to set that - but the version in the latest .zip seems to have dropped that.

board shall be powered for correct uploading of font (if it have separately powered CPU and MAX OSD circuit).
Callsign should be edited in file with defaults (look around which is which, I am not currently on my PC), look at font table and use decimal values for each character in callsign.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:17 pm
by jhitesma
Thanks, I'll look into reflashing after digging through the config files to see about the callsign. I had just seen it in the configurator on the wiki but it wasn't there in the version I had.

The other issues turned out to be voltage related. Once I rewired my ftdi to run at 5v I was able to config through the configurator and get it switched from PAL to NTSC and the display cleared up.

And once I disconnected the 12v line and only fed it off 5v (since the witespy board has the jumpers pre conected) it started communicating with the MW board again (When I had tested originally I had the 12v line disconnected but while debugging had hooked it back up.)

It's working great now, hope the wind stays calm so I can test it after work today!

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:25 pm
by jhitesma
I'm really happy with the basic OSD right now...but I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out the callsign display.

Searching through the code I found stuff relating to when and how long it's displayed and where it's displayed. But I can't seem to find anything that actually defines the default callsign or allows setting a custom one since that option seems to be gone from the configurator program now.

Any more specific help on this?

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:46 pm
by carlonb
jhitesma wrote:I'm really happy with the basic OSD right now...but I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out the callsign display.

Searching through the code I found stuff relating to when and how long it's displayed and where it's displayed. But I can't seem to find anything that actually defines the default callsign or allows setting a custom one since that option seems to be gone from the configurator program now.

Any more specific help on this?

Hi jhitesma,
This version has not the callsign setup in GUI because was removed in order to rewrite the GUI code, in next version we are adding it again.
To manually edit it, see the example here modifying the globalvariables.h file starting at line 215 and use only numbers and/or capital letters.

Code: Select all

'M',   // S_CS0,                    // 10 callsign char locations
'W',   // S_CS1,
'I',   // S_CS2,
'I',   // S_CS3,
' ',   // S_CS4,
'P',   // S_CS5,
'I',   // S_CS6,
'L',   // S_CS7,
'O',   // S_CS8,
'T',   // S_CS9,


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:57 am
by djborden
Im trying to get my EzUHF RSSI signal which is output in PPM into my minimosd-extra without an additional ppm to analog converter. Im running a Crius AIO Pro controller.

This is possible by passing the PPM through the tx/rx and into the controller and then passed on through the mavlink interface. The guys who have made this work are on adrupilot system controllers and are not using the KV branch of minimosd but the standard minim-extra code.

Found here: ... -minim-osd

Reply by Tom Buetow on September 11, 2013 at 7:38pm
It looks like Josh has answered a good deal of this already. This is for MinimOSD-Extra, using Arduino 1.0.5.
Gábor and others have just about maxed out the MinimOSD board's capacity with new features, so I got lucky and found that they are already reading in raw PPM channels 1-8 via mavlink messages (you can see this in MAVLink.ino line 128.) In the OSD_Panels.ino file, I simply changed the rssi=(int16_t)osd_rssi line to read rssi=chanX_raw, where X is your choice of channel number 5 through 8. I then had to do a bit of math to convert the upper and lower PPM times to percents. You may have to change these to get a full 0-100%. See my post on the MinimOSD-Extra thread for the full code change.
I didn't use the Arduino IDE to upload the sketch once it compiled so I can't tell you if it's possible. I dug out the hex file from %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\buildXXXXXXXXXXXX\<sketch_name>.cpp.hex. This is on Windows 7 or 8 and the buildXXXXXXXXXX folder seems to be randomly generated by Arduino. I just sorted by date and picked the one made at the time of opening the Arduino IDE. The hex file will be named whatever you name the sketch. From there, I just used the MinimOSD Config Tool provided by the MiminOSD-Extra guys to flash it.
If you have trouble getting the sketch to compile, make sure the MinimOSD libraries at \trunk\libraries\ are moved to the default Arduino install, %userprofile%\Documents\Arduino\libraries\, in my case.
Oh, and assuming you're using arduplane, you want the \trunk\MinimOsd-Extra_Pre release_Beta folder for your files. ArduCAM_OSD.ino is the file you want to open in Arduino.
Feel free to ask further questions if you need help. I was pretty excited when I figured this out as I've never touched Arduino before. This is a much less chaotic thread than the general -Extra thread.

Is this possible with the KV minimosd? I searched the INO files but didnt find similar lines that get changed in any of the KV ino files. Is there another way to make this work in KV? If not, is it possible to run minimosd-extra on multiwii 2.3?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:31 pm
by pacoswava
I'm having issues with my MinimOSD on my RTFQ's Mega EZ3.0. It was working previously, but needed to switch to 4s. Everything was powered from the serial side, but had to go to a 2 battery setup for my video to get 12v on the video side. So the only changes were separate video power and 4s. Right now, I get no video output from my OSD. I've tried using the same ground (used the charge plug for 3s power), powered from video side, did just about everything I can think and just can't get it work. I even tried another osd that I had waiting for another project. Any tips here?

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:15 pm
by Deet
Use a 12V reg off the 4S lipo to power all your video stuff, thats what I do

It will be an earthing issue, you can leave the GND solder bridge on the OSD board linked, that may help

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:38 am
by pacoswava
I've tried using the same ground from the 4s battery pulling from the balance plug, but that doesn't change it. I'd try a regulator, but I don't have one handy.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 4:11 pm
by pacoswava
pacoswava wrote:I've tried using the same ground from the 4s battery pulling from the balance plug, but that doesn't change it. I'd try a regulator, but I don't have one handy.

Any other ideas on this, can't seem to make any headway.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:33 am
by scrat
Just a question. Will KV-OSD v2.3 ever found a way to us users or did you stopped the development?

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:21 pm
by kataventos

be patient please ;) I have been (still am) with lot´s of work these days, professional and other projects. Of course that developments will continue mainly with the new HUD, but we will release the announced last version of the old OSD.

"I will be back" soon...

Have fun and fly safe.


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:24 am
by scrat
No need to rush :). Just asking. Work is more important.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:04 pm
by kataventos
Hi all,

2.3 will be released during May 2014.

KV Team OSD will stop developing this code but a new one, faster lighter and objective FPV code have born.

Flight tests are being made by me and Neb (SHORT TEAM that developed the old RUSH code since r340 till the last one 2.3 (soon...))

We thank you all for this journey together with us.

NOTE: the new MULTIWII HUD (KV TEAM code) will be served in HEX and the new project page will be announced ASAP.
Till then... have lot´s of fun and don´t forget to fly safe.


Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:12 pm
by ReadError

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:16 pm
by ABL
New code will be bug free, as it was with all previous versions?

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:18 pm
by creyc
With closed source there are no bugs. Only features..

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:25 pm
by kipkool

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:38 pm
by timecop
kataventos wrote:Hi all,

NOTE: the new MULTIWII HUD (KV TEAM code) will be served in HEX and the new project page will be announced ASAP.
Till then... have lot´s of fun and don´t forget to fly safe.


You forgot to update hardware while closing the source.
Nobody gives a fuck about obsolete overpriced 8bit MCU in 2014.

Proof: ... ND/3789455 $1.96132@1K ... ND/3947378 $1.61935@1K

What do we get for nearly $2 for atmega?
* Obsolete 8bit MCU running at worthless 16MHz
* 10bit horrendously slow ADC
* 1 hardware USART
* 1 hardware SPI
* 1 hardware TWI/I2C
* Couple 8 bit timers
* 1K SRAM, 32K Flash
* Upload-and-pray debugging with printf or just guesswork.

What do we get for $1.7 for a bottom of the line piece of shit Cortex-M0 (some functions overlap depending on pin usage)
* Modern ARM Cortex M0 32bit at 48MHz
* 2 SPI
* 2 I2C
* 12bit ADC, DAC
* DMA controller
* Up to ELEVEN 16 and 32bit timers with input/output capture, etc.
* 8K SRAM with paritycheck
* Hardware debugging via SWD, with code stepping, live memory inspection, breakpoints, etc.

The only people who would willingly choose to continue using obsolete 8bit trash in 2014 are amateurs who wouldn't be contributing anything of value, anyway.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:32 pm
by subaru4wd
So this is what happens when all the kids are home on spring break?

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:11 pm
by copterrichie
Had to happen sooner or later. Ha.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:05 am
by Crashpilot1000
copterrichie wrote:Had to happen sooner or later. Ha.

I wonder why. Is it to prevent feeding commercial products with code or is it going to be "pay per view" in the future?
Anyway thanks must go to kataventos for carrying his project so far on an open basis!

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:46 pm
by copterrichie
Crashpilot1000 wrote:I wonder why. Is it to prevent feeding commercial products with code or is it going to be "pay per view" in the future?
Anyway thanks must go to kataventos for carrying his project so far on an open basis!

Well, it seems to be the general trend now, everyone is out for themselves. I find no fault with it because we are living in very hard times now, survival of the fittest.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:23 pm
by kataventos
No no guys!

copterrichie wrote:
Crashpilot1000 wrote:I wonder why. Is it to prevent feeding commercial products with code or is it going to be "pay per view" in the future?
Anyway thanks must go to kataventos for carrying his project so far on an open basis!

Well, it seems to be the general trend now, everyone is out for themselves. I find no fault with it because we are living in very hard times now, survival of the fittest.

Everithing will just be like before! Just no source... This prevents stuff like what I see in Shikra´s "developments" mainly on the GUI introduction!

It´s easy to "develop" after the concept is solid ~... How does this work after all? oohhhh I see now it´s just repeat here and there and I am the man!

He intends to give credit to rushduino but... rushduino had no GUI! The GUI concept is from KV Team and the guy who made it happen calls by Ross (Power67)

The entire code have nothing to do with when I and the Team grab it from the forgotten none working piece of codes. Anyway, open is open but credits should be given to the ones that truly made it what it is now.

subaru4wd wrote:So this is what happens when all the kids are home on spring break?



Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:29 pm
by ABL
kataventos wrote:Everithing will just be like before!

Zarro boogs found?
kataventos wrote:Just no source... This prevents stuff like what I see in Shikra´s "developments" mainly on the GUI introduction!

You do not like others, who try to improve software?
Or think that other software will kill your "no bugs" concept?

Oh wait... Let me guess - next time we will see closed-source release, we will see scrolling "DISARMED" over heading indicator, in flight. Right?

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:36 pm
by kataventos
timecop wrote:
kataventos wrote:Hi all,

NOTE: the new MULTIWII HUD (KV TEAM code) will be served in HEX and the new project page will be announced ASAP.
Till then... have lot´s of fun and don´t forget to fly safe.


You forgot to update hardware while closing the source.
Nobody gives a fuck about obsolete overpriced 8bit MCU in 2014.

Proof: ... ND/3789455 $1.96132@1K ... ND/3947378 $1.61935@1K

What do we get for nearly $2 for atmega?
* Obsolete 8bit MCU running at worthless 16MHz
* 10bit horrendously slow ADC
* 1 hardware USART
* 1 hardware SPI
* 1 hardware TWI/I2C
* Couple 8 bit timers
* 1K SRAM, 32K Flash
* Upload-and-pray debugging with printf or just guesswork.

What do we get for $1.7 for a bottom of the line piece of shit Cortex-M0 (some functions overlap depending on pin usage)
* Modern ARM Cortex M0 32bit at 48MHz
* 2 SPI
* 2 I2C
* 12bit ADC, DAC
* DMA controller
* Up to ELEVEN 16 and 32bit timers with input/output capture, etc.
* 8K SRAM with paritycheck
* Hardware debugging via SWD, with code stepping, live memory inspection, breakpoints, etc.

The only people who would willingly choose to continue using obsolete 8bit trash in 2014 are amateurs who wouldn't be contributing anything of value, anyway.

Hey Timecop,

you are absolutely right in almost all points you focus on your message friend, I intend to agree in all less the part that you say "Nobody gives a fuck about obsolete overpriced 8bit MCU in 2014."... why? because this is what you have at the moment!

Me and Neb will for sure talk about a new concept using the best tech available and why not really create something from scratch? :idea:

I trully enjoyed your message and I must say that it changed my thoughts about what I really would like to do in future together with my good friend Carlo (NEB).

All I can say is that we both have the know how and the means to make it happen!
As you said we are in fact amateurs but we do what we do for the fun of doing it.

Thank you once more friend, we really took it into account and we will be talking about this again in a near future.


Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:39 pm
by kataventos
ABL wrote:
kataventos wrote:Everithing will just be like before!

Zarro boogs found?
kataventos wrote:Just no source... This prevents stuff like what I see in Shikra´s "developments" mainly on the GUI introduction!

You do not like others, who try to improve software?
Or think that other software will kill your "no bugs" concept?

Oh wait... Let me guess - next time we will see closed-source release, we will see scrolling "DISARMED" over heading indicator, in flight. Right?

You again Awesome Brain Less ?

Always contributing for nothing :lol: lucky you I do not have time to play around at this moment... maybe later ;)

Have fun,

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:04 pm
by kipkool
I wonder how you would react if one day AlexInPAris decide to close Multiwii code because somebody else use multiwigui...

Sorry dude, but distribootin hex is clearly not the spirit of this community.
You should try to make an osd for Dji users, they do not care & probably will enjoy .

For now, this project is dead to me. No sauce, no merit.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:46 pm
by copterrichie
kataventos wrote:
Everithing will just be like before! Just no source... This prevents stuff like what I see in Shikra´s "developments" mainly on the GUI introduction!

It´s easy to "develop" after the concept is solid ~... How does this work after all? oohhhh I see now it´s just repeat here and there and I am the man!


Well, that is a MAJOR changed and it appears to me, that you can not take what you have dished out in the past. I will not go into details. ha!!

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:29 pm
by timecop
kipkool wrote:I wonder how you would react if one day AlexInPAris decide to close Multiwii code because somebody else use multiwigui...

If he was gonna do that, he shoulda done it a while ago, alexmos stole the original mwiigui at first, trying to think what other crappy closedsores proj did same, I'm pretty sure I knew one or two others.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:18 pm
by copterrichie
timecop wrote:If he was gonna do that, he shoulda done it a while ago, alexmos stole the original mwiigui at first, trying to think what other crappy closedsores proj did same, I'm pretty sure I knew one or two others.


Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:57 pm
by timecop
Slightly different, he was talking about GUI, not the code.
How's rabbit doing anyway? I haven't heard much of them since this guy /ragequit

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:20 pm
by copterrichie
Classic!! LOL

As for the GUI, it was originally the MWC GUI. So by rights, it is Open Source.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:50 pm
by rortega
Kataventos, it is a bit sad reading this, some of us had donated as a symbolic way to recognize the work around a open source project. I'm sure you have good reasons for doing it, but please try to roll back your decision, publishing the code is the best way for maintaining the spirit of open source.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:26 am
by kataventos
copterrichie wrote:
Well, that is a MAJOR changed and it appears to me, that you can not take what you have dished out in the past. I will not go into details. ha!!

Again the stuff with the RasPi development and supposed ideas that you gave?
Now you can develop it... go for it ... ohhh no ! you´r prety much busy playing with the camera and waiting for the frames to arrive the FPV time lapse :roll:

What was it after all? You have sent me a PM yesterday and deleted it before I have the time to read... Don´t tell me that you really decided (AGAIN) to move to APM... What´s wrong... did not find any good use with it at first try??

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:36 am
by copterrichie
kataventos wrote:
Again the stuff with the RasPi development and supposed ideas that you gave?
Now you can develop it... go for it ... ohhh no ! you´r prety much busy playing with the camera and waiting for the frames to arrive the FPV time lapse :roll:

What was it after all? You have sent me a PM yesterday and deleted it before I have the time to read... Don´t tell me that you really decided (AGAIN) to move to APM... What´s wrong... did not find any good use with it at first try??

LOL, for a matter of fact, where did you get the idea of writing the GUI for your OSD? Never mind, you will never admit to it. Ha. As for the other stuff you stated, the APM is coming along nicely and my Raspberry Pi copter is too. As for the email, figured it was better to say what I had to say publicly.

Nice that you are following my progress. ;)

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:48 am
by kataventos
rortega wrote:Kataventos, it is a bit sad reading this, some of us had donated as a symbolic way to recognize the work around a open source project. I'm sure you have good reasons for doing it, but please try to roll back your decision, publishing the code is the best way for maintaining the spirit of open source.

Do not worry too much ;) besides fly together during summer, you are one of the few that will receive "special" emails from time to time.

My main reason is available time, me and Carlo have our family´s to take care of... we need to have fun keeping our pace without any obligation to assist and support CN factories ;)

We talk later again...

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:51 am
by kataventos
copterrichie wrote:
kataventos wrote:
Again the stuff with the RasPi development and supposed ideas that you gave?
Now you can develop it... go for it ... ohhh no ! you´r prety much busy playing with the camera and waiting for the frames to arrive the FPV time lapse :roll:

What was it after all? You have sent me a PM yesterday and deleted it before I have the time to read... Don´t tell me that you really decided (AGAIN) to move to APM... What´s wrong... did not find any good use with it at first try??

LOL, for a matter of fact, where did you get the idea of writing the GUI for your OSD? Never mind, you will never admit to it. Ha. As for the other stuff you stated, the APM is coming along nicely and my Raspberry Pi copter is too. As for the email, figured it was better to say what I had to say publicly.

Nice that you are following my progress. ;)

Of ourse I am following your progress ;) At least you really struggle to make progress on your ideas. You do work to get where you think you can reach...

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:26 am
by subaru4wd
So when can we expect v2.3 to be released?

Will you update the wiki so we know how to flash .hex files?

Will we finally get PWM RSSI support?

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:13 pm
by bignose13
I think we are seeing true colours of KataVentos.

I wonder if we will ever see the next release. Its been promised since last year and I'm fed up with waiting.
Is no surprise the other developers dropped out of the project - and why you seem to struggle to add any value to it for long time. I'm glad someone else seems to be taking over now.

What ANNOYS ME most - you seem to be forgetting this is OPEN SOURCE

You complain about others COPYING KVOSD but forget...

It open source - free for anyone to copy + modify + etc. If you are not happy with then don't develop for open source. Idiot. That's why most of us here follow it instead of closed up DJI
KVOSD WOULD NOT EXIST without Rushduino. Remember you said "It´s easy to "develop" after the concept is solid. But this is exactly what you did ??? look in the mirror and see Mr HYPOCRITE
KVOSD WOULD NOT EXIST without multiwii gui which it is based on. Again you forget ----- Mr HYPOCRITE

And developing new closed source stuff for MultiWii. What an idiot... you have become too big for your boots Mr HYPOCRITE - starting from when you decided to name the OSD after yourself. LOL

I don't think you get the idea of OPEN SOURCE - suggest you go and read up on it...

I'm outta here... you and KVOSD is dead to me too... one and only post here. Its even putting me off multiwii

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:28 pm
by kipkool
kataventos wrote:
My main reason is available time, me and Carlo have our family´s to take care of... we need to have fun keeping our pace without any obligation to assist and support CN factories ;)

So you close the source because of that ? You know what you're saying is pure nonsense ?
Considering NOBODY will be able to investigate on bugs & now EVERYBODY will be dependant of future Hex update, this will off course gives you far more work.

Ah no you're work anymore, because we're all leaving this project.
RIP KVOSD, welcome Multiwii OSD. \o/

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:20 pm
by subaru4wd
kataventos wrote:My main reason is available time, me and Carlo have our family´s to take care of... we need to have fun keeping our pace without any obligation to assist and support CN factories ;)

Yup... gotta have fun keeping your pace. Would hate to have development actually progress. It must be a load of fun posting in this thread constantly, and defend yourself against the "elitists". All without ever showing any progress on this project.

And I couldn't agree more with the Hypocrite statements. Anybody who writes open source code, and publishes the actual source code HAS GOT TO UNDERSTAND somebody will come along, see it, and use that code. If you didn't want anybody to use your source code (which you took from someone else, remember??) then you should have never published it in the first place.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:54 pm
by copterrichie
The really SAD issue here, there is no COLLABORATION aka, working together for a common cause. This Project is dead and ever sadder, this is spreading to the main MWC code as well.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:59 pm
by kataventos
subaru4wd wrote:So when can we expect v2.3 to be released?

Will you update the wiki so we know how to flash .hex files?

Will we finally get PWM RSSI support?

Answers for future questions:

Thanks ;)

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:33 pm
by Exhodus
Hi Everone!

I came across a problem with the rushosd, that I cannot solve, or I rather say with the minimosd, as this likely be hardware related.
This minimosd board has freashly arrived, it supposed to be 1.1, it has the 5V mod done, so both the power and the ground pins are soldered to have the analog side running from the same voltage, it has never recieved 12V-os on the analog side!
The two status leds come up as solid red but I cant communicate with it via FTDI, the ST led does not flash arduino IDe says uploading, and it happens without an error message, but all without the ST led ever lighting up, which is very wierd. I can program it via UsbASP, the ST led is flashing during firmware upload as it should, but after that I'm dead in the water as the GUI is not able to communicate with it either. and if I plug it it just after flashing what I get is a black screen with some white lines moving up and down.

My ftdi is working, I have an another minimosd with a burnt OSD chip, but I can flash the atmel 328 and communicate with it from the GUI without an issue through ftdi.

The only thing that comes to my mind as a possible cause is that I rewrote the bootloader with an UsbASP becuse I had a wiring mess-up (switched the GRN with the TX) and I was getting constant out_of_sync messages, so I looked for a solution on google, since than I checked the fuses, and reburned the bootloader manually from avrdude just to be on the safe side that the arduino ide did not flash some incorrect version, but still the problem remains.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:55 pm
by treym
bignose13 wrote:I think we are seeing true colours of KataVentos.
You complain about others copying kvosd but forget...
It open source - free for anyone to copy + modify + etc.
And developing new closed source stuff for MultiWii. What an idiot...


Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:57 pm
by Exhodus
Further info, I had the appanel set to Arduino Nano Atmega 328, now I found another guide, that says Arduino Pro / Pro Mini 5V 16mhz Atmega328, so I tried with this as well, also tried re-burning the bootloader with this apppanel being selected, still nothing.

Re: KV Team Multiwii OSD

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:56 pm
by timecop
So this thread is just for trolling now, right?