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Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:51 pm
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:26 pm
by disq

Here I've published my changes. Also includes a better (well, at least "kinda working") pwm rssi handler for FrSky receivers.

Today I even attempted using hardware timers and pin change interrupts to measure the PWM signal, but failed to get stable results. Code here.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:17 pm
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:18 pm
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:47 pm
by kataventos
Hey, don´t be said...
The latest working dev r370... what´s wrong with it?
We already have a working new OSD dev that is waiting for the GUI updates, it is my fault because I have new projects going also and the changes that need to be done on the GUI are very hard for me alone (Java) so I need to focus and finish one thing at a time.

Promise that I will go deep on the GUI as soon as I have these new projects finished, besides christmas is coming... :lol:
As for other doubts about some new OSD´s like the awesome JDrones it will be implemented and wiki explained with the next release, but I already gave valuable information about it on the RCG topic. (please check it...)

I am already using the JDrones piece of hardware, taking advantage of all functions on the new KVY6_v1.
Be patient and enjoy what you have now, you are far from take full advantage of it.

Have tons of fun and please fly safe,

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:53 pm
by rortega
Ey, kataventos, your firm is working well with Baseflight (NAZE32). I'm still testing it, but seems to work fine.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:28 pm
by kataventos
rortega wrote:Ey, kataventos, your firm is working well with Baseflight (NAZE32). I'm still testing it, but seems to work fine.

Great, happy with that.

I have been looking at your latest videos today also ;) nice.
Have been with lot´s of hard work on other projects in past weeks so, I´m updating :mrgreen:

Have fun and keep it up friend,

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:50 am
by nicog
I'm trying to make your minim osd firmware running with the naze32. I have mixed results. I can see the horizon move, but the rest is not working. I mean, it keeps in disarmed even if i arm (the display), timer always on. Cannot change anything with gui.

I flashed the latest firmware (370 i believe) on it.

Any help will be appreciated.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:37 pm
by subaru4wd
Can we put this in the wiki somewhere so we can stop answering the same question over, and over, and over, and over....

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:39 am
by Noctaro
Hey people,
last flight was a bit unexpected. Testing my quad with my new Graupner Props (yay), i was really happy to see how much power i gained, as suddenly my OSD began to fade out. I decided to fly home, land and check. Around 20 secounds later.....Pew pew, midair reset....FC was restarting, OSD reappeared during this. It was showing bootup screen.
Had just to watch it fall. Lipo was damaged, 1 motorshaft and 2 bearings gave up, electronics and other 3 motors seem to be fine.
The cause seemed a resistor, wich left the minimOSD board. It just popped off... will add a picture later...
I am using MinimOSD 0.1
Any idea why this could happen? I am quite sure i had no bad cable connection and everything was connected the right way. It was working fine for 8 months. It never did heat up, just getting slightly warm. I still dont get it why OSD was able to reset FC. I was using DEV1625.

....the sound at impact... :shock:


Hope this will never ever happen again.
Ordered a V1.1 now. Were there any known hardware bugs on V0.1? Maybe just bad soldering. It does not look very clean at the other resistors either...
Greetz Noc

edit: This was not a software bug, sorry for choosing the wrong topic as it has nothing to do with development.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:12 pm
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:04 pm
by Noctaro
hey sky!
Thanks for your answer.
So you think it was a short on the serial? You may be right, i also had this in mind. But the fade out effect was weird...
Arent most of our components made in deepest china? :?
For sure there are differences in quality control. Wich hardware do you prefer instead?

Greetz Noc

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:14 pm
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:27 pm
by Noctaro
Ahhh, i did not know about the voltage regulator issue. That may also be a good catch. Of course the shortcut still is an option. But now, i also think it has to do with voltage drop, as it would explain the fade effect. I dont think anything died, because after reset it was back to normal.(even without the resistor...or maybe it was just touching the right place and did pop out on impact.)
Is the voltage regulator also used if i power it from fc via serial? Guess not...
I do use a 2nd 2S Lipo for cam and tx. But its only connection to OSD is via GND at the video-in and out ports.
Thank you for the info about hardware sources :)
I will have a close look at my new OSD before activating it. HK order is already processed, otherwise i would have canceled.... :(

Greetz Noc

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:54 pm
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 6:08 pm
by linuxslate
Announcing HUD-OSD: A branch of KV-Team OSD.


As implied by the term "PRO", it has a little different aim than KV_TEAM_OSD. It is meant for expirienced RC pilots, possibly with acutal aircraft training expirience.


Units removed from most measurements. Units do not usually change, and I am assuming that the user can remember whether they set the units to SI or imperial. Units take up precious space and add clutter. Google some images of real aircraft huds. They usually do not show units for the major measurements.

More use of sliders for quick visual reference. I intend to implement more sliders -- right up until I bust the cycle time. I want it to be as graphical as possible.

For this reason the "Decoration" is forced on. The decoration doubles as the slider scales. I also hope that removing if-thens for some options will help save milliseconds for better graphics.

Font changes. No lower case. I appearently have a rather poor OSD board with lots of shadowing/smearing as you can see. I also do not have the eyesight that I once did. Clear, all-caps fonts help.

Terms/Icons changed to more air-craft like terminology (Such as "DME" - Distance Measuring Equipment - instead of Distance to Home. I know that it is not technically DME, but that is immediately intuitive to a pilot as the distance to the Airport) Yes, I could be easily talked into a Home icon for this.

It is based on 2.2, r345, since I could not get r370 to work on my board. I will pull in some fixes from later builds as needed.

While many of the changes are applicable to airplane, it is specifically oriented toward multi-rotors. This is not an OSD for people that fly km away up in the clouds.

Specific Enhancements:

Rate of climb indicator on right scale. It's set pretty sensitive to aid in landing or precision flying such as limbo competitions or flying under tree branches.

Throttle scale. It's seperate in the screen shot, but I may move it to the inside of the right scale. I think it would be interesting to be able to see the relation between throttle and rate of climb on a multi rotor. (Yes, there are extraneous "%" signs in this screenshot. Already fixed.)

I intend to implement an altitude slider on the left scale. It will be set very sesitive, probably only showing the last 20 Feet or so. Again to aid in landing.

What is not in this version

I do not have a reciever with RSSI, so the recent RSSI work is not yet in there. (Back porting RSSI fixes is in work. Help requested since I cannot test.)

Same for other things I do not have, such as a power meter. This code will be unchanged as of right now from r345.

I do not plan to support PID settings via the OSD. All code to write to MW EEPROM will be removed for safety. Associated screens will be removed. I do not think that is the purpose of an OSD. I use the MultiWii-GUI or something like MultiWii-EZ-GUI on Android to adjust PIDS/MW Settings. I don't want to be blamed for anything bad happening, and removing the EEPROM Write code makes the OSD basically totally passive.

I will not be updating/changing the OSD PC GUI. Having to keep the GUI in sync takes valuable time from "real" OSD development. While it currently still works, I plan to move everything to the config.h file. Again, this is the "PRO" version. If you cannot edit a text file, this version is probably not for you. The GUI still works as a font editor/uploader, but it is my understanding that people are working on other Font editors/uploaders.

Get the code:

Go to the KV_Team_OSD Google Code site and select the HUD-OSD branch ... me=HUD-OSD

You must upload my .mcm Font file. It should be in KV_Team_OSD_GUI/data for that branch, but I am still learning Mercurial/TortoiseHG. Please forgive (help fix) missing stuff/etc.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:07 pm
by hinkel
Hi Linuxslate !
Very interesting !
Thanks for sharing the code .If you have a video (like this for exemple : )
to see the changes, feel free to share !


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:15 am
by linuxslate
I will be posting a new screen shot shortly, so that it shows the corrected (and slightly moved) throttle slider.

Video when I fly Sunday.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:10 am
by linuxslate
Updated Screen shots showing PRO_HUD_OSD, and what I am trying to accomplish.

Current Screen shot:


Annotation - What is currently done is shown in Yellow text, Planned changes in Orange:


If you are concerned about the lack of units/lables, try it. After a few flights, I think you'll remember them, and you will appreciate the reduced clutter and better view of the "Real World".

*NOTE* if you are using Imperial (US) units, rate of climb is now in 100's of Feet per Second. This is the units commonly used in light aircaft. Metric units (Meters per second) are unchanged. Ref: (First Paragraph)

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:48 am
by balrog
Since there's no single minimosd git tree to base branches on (that I can find) I decided to post here so others can merge some of my changes if they like, I noted from linuxslate's post that different people addressing some of the same issues. My tree is at With the clunkiness of the whole minimosd code I'd rather start from scratch, but keep having to make small changes for lack of time.

Some of the changes:

* No timer based updates - whenever the contents of any panel changes, that panel is updated next. This reduces the lagging of the overlaid data behind the camera video by a lot. You can have 25fps/30fps (match with camera) if needed, or 2fps if nothing changes other than the timer.

* Artifical horizon, ILS and rose rewritten, the AF is simply horizontal lines every 15 degrees from level, with 0 deg represented by a slightly longer line. The AF covers the space not used by other panels, not a small window in the middle. The AF and the ILS are smoother because I changed the font to have 1px resolution instead of 2px for the ascii graphics (18 positions per char instead of 9). Also got rid of some unnecessary pitch&roll integer rounding, so it's really smooth.

* The AF and other panels are sort of double-buffered, i.e. only the modified areas are sent to the MAX7456 instead of constantly clearing the panels and redrawing, which I think caused the SPI communication with MAX7456 to be a huge bottleneck.

* The decimal point is culled into the first fractional digit char that follows so you don't waste a whole column for a dot.

* I replaced the MAVlink overkill with a super simple protocol that has 5 short packet types (may be missing a few things that I didn't need myself) and use 115200 baud rate. I'd encourage someone to simply add the support to multiwii/baseflight, but you can go back to MavLink by adding #define USE_MAVLINK. MavLink is made for bunches of devices communicating in network, not a simple FC->OSD situation.

* The home arrow and home distance are not shown if you're < 5m from home.

* There's an ESC-data panel that shows current RPM and temperature as returned by the each ESC, this will only work if someone adds the multitii FC support and you need to run a modified SimonK firmware on the ESCs (works pretty well with AfroESCs over I2C but possible non-I2C ESCs too).

I've sort of modified the OSD Config tool to support some of these but I find it pointless to touch that code until the whole thing is rewritten so that every new panel information doesn't need to be in 10 places in the minimosd-code + in the config tool. It could really easily be a single C file with all the panel definitions, default placements and sizes (really, why isn't something as simple ase panel size configurable?) and hopefully not requiring mono.

Also I'd love to use a nicer font for the A-Z characters if someone has found one that looks good.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:54 am
by subaru4wd
Looks like we have some very skilled and talented coders here interested in a good looking OSD for MultiWii.

Would be great if everyone combined efforts to make the ultimate OSD with many display configurations (and a winGUI that actually works with it).

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:48 pm
by kataventos
Hey guys,

I am having problems with my OSD... stuff appears like this on my screen and do not stay in one place, changing all the time! Can anyone help me please??


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:26 pm
by carlonb
kataventos wrote:Hey guys,

I am having problems with my OSD... stuff appears like this on my screen and do not stay in one place, changing all the time! Can anyone help me please??


Hi Henrique,
This issue only in OSD menu or in main nav screen too?
New dev S/W under test or regular s/w that now has this issue?
Seems that you have always engaged the RC sticks to change the pages of menu, your RC is OK? :lol:
Let me know, Carlo

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:06 pm
by kataventos
Hey Carlo no no no :lol: I love to make a joke from time to time... eheheheh!

@OSD Users,
stuff does not stay in one place due to the MIL (Moveable Items Location) from the Christmas Dev KVTeam 2.2 :mrgreen: .

Dev 2.2 will be available soon (before Christmas like I said before) and it will be easy to change the items location :mrgreen: as well as they´r presence on screen.
Also there will be new Hardware implementations for JDrones Minim OSD v2 and WiteSpy´s v1.

-Some new implementations using the available Hayden mods for current sensing and Shikra for Auto coords on if the copter is in safe mode etc.
INTERNAL and DEFAULT switch available to be easily adapted to most of these new OSD´s regarding analog readings.

As you can see, we can rapidly transform the until now "default screen layout" into this one below (or as the pilot like it to be, this is just an example) using the grid principle. This have to be explored by the pilot regarding he´s Googles or screen display, some will have more space then others a well as for the normal difference between PAL and NTSC. I for example can use column 1 and line 2 to start with (16:9 Screen) some will be able to use line 1 as well.

Flight screen example:


Grid to be used as Estimated Place for items (will depend as written above):

NOTE: NTSC have a smaller "Grid" for both, line and column.


Now the OSD will have 9 pages and page 8 will make changes to the item position, you can make last hour mods according your needs on the field because everything is changeable with the sticks as well as to return to default if the stuff get´s messy:


Have fun and fly safe,

@Carlo_ This is mostly your wonderful work anyway ahahahah

OFf topic: have been busy with this new Open Source Project Guys :lol:

EDIT: GUI IS STILL NOT COMPATIBLE but the Java Master Itai is going to take care of it soon.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:50 pm
by Geebles
hi guys, are there any plans to implement a 'radar' style location of copter compared to take off location? For example this has been put into this (check out the vides with the 'characters moving around the centre cross hair) which may have come from arducopter OSD (forget the exact name).. it seems to be open source and i've been looking through the source code and plan to merge the gps part at some point when i get time (not likely any time soon). This would certainly be very interesting to have!

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:11 pm
by kataventos
Geebles wrote:hi guys, are there any plans to implement a 'radar' style location of copter compared to take off location? ... This would certainly be very interesting to have!

sure, we are going to take a look at it in time. There is lot´s of stuff to put together first but! (need to see it in action to be sure on how it works for real, not sure about it...).
Tell us more!


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:57 pm
by kataventos

hi, please synchronize the repo because the OSD SW is missing on latest dev, when I was matching configs with the GUI changed "no roll back stuff locally"... the dev is working but SW is missing... I must have forgot to verify it before push it!

Anyway, I am going to check again carefully later on at home but I think that final commit was (dev 2) without your last changes to enum Settings { so I could match easily on GUI.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:33 pm
by kataventos

OK just got home with it in my head... we really need to review all stuff again, the problem is with:

Code: Select all


#define POS_MASK        0x01FF
#define PAL_MASK        0x0003
#define PAL_SHFT             9
#define DISPLAY_MASK    0xC000
#define DISPLAY_ALWAYS  0xC000
#define DISPLAY_NEVER   0x0000
#define DISPLAY_COND    0x4000
#define DISPLAY_CONDR   0x8000

uint16_t getPosition(uint8_t pos) {
  uint16_t val = (uint16_t)pgm_read_word(&screenPosition[pos]);
  uint16_t ret = val&POS_MASK;

  if(Settings[S_VIDEOSIGNALTYPE]) {
    ret += LINE * ((val >> PAL_SHFT) & PAL_MASK);

  return ret;

uint8_t fieldIsVisible(uint8_t pos) {
  uint16_t val = (uint16_t)pgm_read_word(&screenPosition[pos]);
  switch(val & DISPLAY_MASK) {
    return 1;
    return 0;
    return !!(MwSensorActive&mode_osd_switch);
    return !(MwSensorActive&mode_osd_switch);

No longer used after current MIL implementation.


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:25 pm
by carlonb
@ Kataventos.......joking man..... :mrgreen: :lol:

I confirm, you uploaded in repo my old dev n. 2, I resent you PM the correct one my dev 5 already sent you in October 3.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:53 am
by kataventos
@ Carlo
I checked all files before push, both are the same the only change I see is with the SW´s on the EEPROM, please confirm this...
AOK and flight tested here also with the repo revision! Everything seems correct less OSD SW (check described above code missing) + it´s previous functionality on Screenlayout.ino. Also, will have some cleaning on the function as well, no more llights SW less one variable...


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:52 am
by kataventos
linuxslate wrote:Announcing HUD-OSD: A branch of KV-Team OSD.


As implied by the term "PRO", it has a little different aim than KV_TEAM_OSD. It is meant for expirienced RC pilots, possibly with acutal aircraft training expirience.


Units removed from most measurements. Units do not usually change, and I am assuming that the user can remember whether they set the units to SI or imperial. Units take up precious space and add clutter. Google some images of real aircraft huds. They usually do not show units for the major measurements.

More use of sliders for quick visual reference. I intend to implement more sliders -- right up until I bust the cycle time. I want it to be as graphical as possible.

For this reason the "Decoration" is forced on. The decoration doubles as the slider scales. I also hope that removing if-thens for some options will help save milliseconds for better graphics.

Font changes. No lower case. I appearently have a rather poor OSD board with lots of shadowing/smearing as you can see. I also do not have the eyesight that I once did. Clear, all-caps fonts help.

Terms/Icons changed to more air-craft like terminology (Such as "DME" - Distance Measuring Equipment - instead of Distance to Home. I know that it is not technically DME, but that is immediately intuitive to a pilot as the distance to the Airport) Yes, I could be easily talked into a Home icon for this.

It is based on 2.2, r345, since I could not get r370 to work on my board. I will pull in some fixes from later builds as needed.

While many of the changes are applicable to airplane, it is specifically oriented toward multi-rotors. This is not an OSD for people that fly km away up in the clouds.

Specific Enhancements:

Rate of climb indicator on right scale. It's set pretty sensitive to aid in landing or precision flying such as limbo competitions or flying under tree branches.

Throttle scale. It's seperate in the screen shot, but I may move it to the inside of the right scale. I think it would be interesting to be able to see the relation between throttle and rate of climb on a multi rotor. (Yes, there are extraneous "%" signs in this screenshot. Already fixed.)

I intend to implement an altitude slider on the left scale. It will be set very sesitive, probably only showing the last 20 Feet or so. Again to aid in landing.

What is not in this version

I do not have a reciever with RSSI, so the recent RSSI work is not yet in there. (Back porting RSSI fixes is in work. Help requested since I cannot test.)

Same for other things I do not have, such as a power meter. This code will be unchanged as of right now from r345.

I do not plan to support PID settings via the OSD. All code to write to MW EEPROM will be removed for safety. Associated screens will be removed. I do not think that is the purpose of an OSD. I use the MultiWii-GUI or something like MultiWii-EZ-GUI on Android to adjust PIDS/MW Settings. I don't want to be blamed for anything bad happening, and removing the EEPROM Write code makes the OSD basically totally passive.

I will not be updating/changing the OSD PC GUI. Having to keep the GUI in sync takes valuable time from "real" OSD development. While it currently still works, I plan to move everything to the config.h file. Again, this is the "PRO" version. If you cannot edit a text file, this version is probably not for you. The GUI still works as a font editor/uploader, but it is my understanding that people are working on other Font editors/uploaders.

Get the code:

Go to the KV_Team_OSD Google Code site and select the HUD-OSD branch ... me=HUD-OSD

You must upload my .mcm Font file. It should be in KV_Team_OSD_GUI/data for that branch, but I am still learning Mercurial/TortoiseHG. Please forgive (help fix) missing stuff/etc.

the work from Linuxslate is also on the downloads section with the CharMap included to who wants to go for it.
Please follow he´s instructions carefully. I did not yet had the chance to try it (no time at the moment).


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:40 am
by kataventos
balrog wrote:
Also I'd love to use a nicer font for the A-Z characters if someone has found one that looks good.


nice of you to stop by with your ideas... I missed some posts lately, sorry for that.
Don´t really get your all picture sorry... :roll:
Anyway, in case you like our AZ char map I can help you guys with that, no problem ;) Just send me your char map and I can retrieve it with our good looking characters with KVOSDTeam and Multiwii greetings.

Have fun and fly safe friend,

Simple clean example :mrgreen:

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 8:02 am
by hinkel
linuxslate wrote:Announcing HUD-OSD: A branch of KV-Team OSD.


You must upload my .mcm Font file. It should be in KV_Team_OSD_GUI/data for that branch, but I am still learning Mercurial/TortoiseHG. Please forgive (help fix) missing stuff/etc.

Where is the right .mcm font file ? can not find it ?
MW_OSD_Team.mcm r903534c8aaa2 ?... is the old one. :?:

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:17 pm
by linuxslate
Where is the right .mcm font file ? can not find it ?

The correct .mcm is in the data folder for the Linux32 version of the GUI.

The latest (All my changes + New RSSI icon) is attached to this post.
(4.42 KiB) Downloaded 261 times

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:00 pm
by hinkel
Thank You !
The difference between KvTeamosd.mcm and Linuxslate_HUD1.mcm seems not so huge , Eventually in the future you can switch with OSD SW
between this 2 OSD ! ;) If wanted ! :)

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:59 pm
by linuxslate
There is a short (22 Sec) video of my version here:

I only got 22 sec of actual flight video because my capture software kept crashing.

Also, I am already working on some new changes:

RSSI Icon changed to antenna icon. (Use .mcm file in this thread)
RSSI Moved to upper right (Above "DME"). I would like to implement an RSSI scale or "S Meter", but there just isn't room.
Some RSSI Back porting from later version. Not sure if it works since I do not have a receiver with RSSI.
Option to display GPS Co-ordinates any time vehicle is disarmed. (To aid in finding a downed aircraft).
Started Movement of settings back to config.h, since I do not plan on maintaining the GUI.
Cosmetic fixes/screen location movements. (Temperature, and Call Sign are examples).

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:56 pm
by linuxslate
To be clear, Support for the GUI is only going away in my branch.

The official KV_Team_OSD will continue to use the GUI.

To avoid confusion, I am going to start a new thread for the PRO-HUD branch in the FPV, OSD, Cameras forum.


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:16 pm
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:26 pm
by kataventos
SkyrimDragon wrote:Hello all,

I posted this over at RCGroups but wanted to double down in the hopes that someone will know what's up...

Yes, a PITA... As you and some others here should know already with mine and others silence, this is a forum mainly dedicated to developers and this topic is dedicated to SW development on this particular hardware and not for nonsense bullshit like mostly in the past months.

You are getting my patience truly close to the limits, please create your own topic to this kind of foolish bla bla bla here or on RCG´s or wherever you want JUST NOT HERE on this topic, this tread have at this time 30% of work and serious development and 70% of this kind of bullshit mislead stuff that just induce others in error with your own errors, because obviously you don´t know shit and worse, you don´t even want to learn.

PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE THIS TOPIC NOW and go home to get some real study on this and on your setup. Also try to use our work to really go out there and fly, it will for sure prevent you from this continuous crapy posts.


Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:31 pm
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:40 pm
by subaru4wd
I think its time I look for another OSD to use.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:47 pm
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:19 am
by kataventos
SkyrimDragon wrote:But shouldn't the developers know about technical issues as they arise, particularly when they represent clearly code-based issues?

Would it hurt to create a thread for non-development questions? Maybe better than lashing out.

If this topic were not so damn full of this kind of crap people could easily find answers to they´r setup problems, I have suggested before a solution to this kind of "issue".
The same way I posted solutions about other supposed problems over and over again.
Also I said that this Working Team will no longer answer or help anyone that does not post exact setup with detailed specifications because we are developers not wizards or magicians that can (with crapy post´s reporting they´r shit) find solutions when in truth the user´s have poorly prepared setups made by who don´t know what they´r doing with all kind´s of information extracted from the internet.

Now this is where I want you and others here to get my point.
If you are reading a topic with all sorts of this bullshit you will get tired and at the end you will know less and even get more confuse then when you started to read... or you will go to try all kinds of supposed but useless suggestions that were posted by guys that know even less then you...

Required to get answers by the KVTeam members and others who really can speak because they know what to do:

-FC Board type and Multiwii SW version;
-OSD Type brand and KVTeam SW version (with description of mods);
-Serial ports used and everything they have connected with a full description;
and more information but I am really tired of this post already...

No to your question, it does not hurt... the thread I created since the beginning for this kind of non-development and setup problems and questions is on RCG´s and you know about it...

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:25 am
by kataventos
SkyrimDragon wrote:
subaru4wd wrote:I think its time I look for another OSD to use.

I guess so. I thought this was just a conversation. My mistake, I acknowledge that, and I will not post again.
subaru4wd wrote:I think its time I look for another OSD to use.

Precisely, you two are the guys I will love to see using other OSD :mrgreen: Please do like so.

Have fun and don´t forget to fly safe,

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:00 am
by postaL
kataventos wrote:
SkyrimDragon wrote:
subaru4wd wrote:I think its time I look for another OSD to use.

I guess so. I thought this was just a conversation. My mistake, I acknowledge that, and I will not post again.
subaru4wd wrote:I think its time I look for another OSD to use.

Precisely, you two are the guys I will love to see using other OSD :mrgreen: Please do like so.

Have fun and don´t forget to fly safe,

lol. he was banned from #multiwii for bein' a dumbass too.

edit: crap, just filled this thread w/ bullshit too. SORRY!

ps. Lovin' the new minimalistic layout. Lookin' forward to upgradin' my firmware. Keep up the good work guys!

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:37 am
by kataventos
postaL wrote:lol. he was banned from #multiwii for bein' a dumbass too.

edit: crap, just filled this thread w/ bullshit too. SORRY!

ps. Lovin' the new minimalistic layout. Lookin' forward to upgradin' my firmware. Keep up the good work guys!

:mrgreen: look at the pics carefully:


Anyway :lol:

Thanks, we will try to continue without burning to much brain cells with this kind of Hijacking.
The minimalist layout is just my example, you will be able to switch ON or OFF every function on your screen as well as to move every items to the place you like more.

All credits on this moveable items on screen should go to my friend Carlonb which I call the "Italian Stalian" :mrgreen:

I am also preparing new icons on screen ( I will call the Hobby version :D because we already have a PRO HUD ) prepared to HD screens only, I do not think they will be visible on low resolution googles or screens...
Anyway, people will have the chance to try and choose because there will be two variants of the official code, the only thing will change are the Icons on screen, for this you need to change both code and char map.
I will explain better when the time comes.



PS: The KVTeamOSD and the Squid fly together like this:

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:50 am
by subaru4wd
I thought it was just a language barrier, but no.. you truely are a dick.

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:32 am
by SkyrimDragon

Re: SW Development on Minim Osd

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:55 pm
by bicycle
Hi I use KV-team OSD and I love it, thanks guys

Minim Osd, MW 2.3, Crius AIO V2

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:29 pm
by just4einstein
Minim OSD mit KV-Team R3.70, Crius AIO V2, Multiwii 2.3

after arming still "disarmed" in OSD
no change of flightmode icons
(Battery, angle, heading are working)

"Use Boxnames" is checked in GUI.

Any ideas?
Problem with MW 2.3 ??
