MultiWiiConf_shared is broken - function copyOf(byte[], int)

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Re: MultiWiiConf_shared is broken - function copyOf(byte[],

Post by Pyrofer »

The unused parts shouldn't contribute to code size, so unused for multicopter parts don't hurt multicopters.

It does get a bit messy in the code with lots of odd stuff you don't need, but better that than 10 versions, one for each kind of device.

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Re: MultiWiiConf_shared is broken - function copyOf(byte[],

Post by Hamburger »

you wrote:
Pyrofer wrote:[...]YOU can easily update your OS,[...]

so now you chicken out.

Pyrofer wrote:"Caveat: my hardware is not from apple."

A Hackint0sh. Great. No WONDER you don't want to change anything!

Those things are about as stable as a drunk on a pogo-stick trying to cross a rope bridge. If you fart at the wrong time it stops working.

maybe you are not doing it right?
next thing you gonna tell me which OS real men run on their computers - what is it, netbsd?
You need not worry about my system, I can take care of it.
Pyrofer wrote:If you are willing to take the responsibility for running a Hackint0sh then you should take the responsibility of making things work on it, not ask everybody else to slow down so you can keep up.

You are either mean or ignorant. As it stands my system is fully capable of running everything required to comply with MultiWii fundamentals and development.

Why force your ideas on everyone of what the MWii project definition, fundamentals and goals should be instead of what they currently are? Why accuse me of being backwards oriented? You could have invested some labour in the planning on the future multi-platform MWii? I did not see you contributing there, too much real work for you? viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1632

You have not contributed anything useful but nasty remarks and personal attacks. From hereon you deserve to be ignored.

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Re: MultiWiiConf_shared is broken - function copyOf(byte[],

Post by Hamburger »

fiendie wrote:
Hamburger wrote:which OS & hardware I run is _my_ choice with consequences on me alone.
As always I will move on when the time has come.
For MultiWii it is not my decision - and definitely not yours either. If you have such a progressive mind (like ronco summarized earlier), then why do you not start your own next generation flight controller project and amaze us with the latest greatest next big thing?

Why should I? I think MultiWii is a great project and I think fragmentation is hurting open source.
And why beat a dead horse? I already told you I agree with you on the Java 1.5 front.

like in ?
So you're running an OS that is expressly designed NOT to run on your hardware and you go around telling people we have to be conservative with our software choices?

rehashing your later posts shows a fair amount of personally attacking me. You have chosen to criticise and ridicule about every statement I made. You may not like it, but I am in sync with the fundamentals of the MWii project. And I did and will again stand up for that. Will you?
fiendie wrote:Look, you probably have contributed so much to the project that you don't like "outsiders" stirring things up.
Why not take it down a notch and try to discuss those things on a technical level?

still want to charm me out?
Where is your energy when it comes to planning on the future multi-platform MWii? I did not see you contributing there viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1632
fiendie wrote:P.S.: You're always welcome in the channel of course! ;)
A lot of misunderstandings could've been avoided.

Ronco's response does show the contrary. No thanks, I currently prefer to divide my time between other channels of communication.

You have not contributed anything useful but nasty remarks and personal attacks. From hereon you deserve to be ignored.

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Re: MultiWiiConf_shared is broken - function copyOf(byte[],

Post by Pyrofer »

Talk about personal Hamburger, your posts are the ones getting that way.

I am promoting progress not stagnation. That is all.

The only thing I can be bothered to respond to is this,
"next thing you gonna tell me which OS real men run on their computers - what is it, netbsd?"
Way to make ass-umptions. I run Windows, MacOS (on a real mac), linux (ubuntu) and about 3 other operating systems. I couldn't give a crap what other people use as long as, and here is the important bit, IT IS SUITABLE TO THE TASK.
"right tool for the right job"
I do not personally feel a hacked together version of an OS that is already obsolete is the right tool for any job. I know, I tried it. I HAD a hackint0sh for about 3 days. That's how long I managed to keep it working against all the updates and changes that were required to keep an up to date development environment.
I'm sorry if my posts seemed a little aggressive but I replied in kind to the way you have attacked tommies work on the project.

Have I contributed to the project? Not a huge amount no. I try to help users of the forum by answering questions if I can, I was going to do a load of GUI coding but as I said before. Too damn scared to submit any code here any more.

I am simply one of the users that make up this community Alex was trying to protect with a lot of his rules. I may not agree with the rules as he sees them but I respect the way HE has gone about dealing with them.

I do not feel confident that MultiWii has the future I thought it could have if this is how problems are dealt with.

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Re: MultiWiiConf_shared is broken - function copyOf(byte[],

Post by fiendie »

Hamburger wrote:So you're running an OS that is expressly designed NOT to run on your hardware and you go around telling people we have to be conservative with our software choices?

OK, that was a cheap shot ;)
But to reiterate, Processing requires source level 1.5 => As long as Processing is used, Java 1.5 is the minimum requirement. If you don't call that agreeing, I can't help you.

rehashing your later posts shows a fair amount of personally attacking me. You have chosen to criticise and ridicule about every statement I made.

So you're saying that you didn't resort to ad hominem attacks?
You won't admit any fault on your part when it comes to the overall tone of the discussion?

You may not like it, but I am in sync with the fundamentals of the MWii project. And I did and will again stand up for that. Will you?

I don't question your standing within the project. Maybe our opinions differ over how much technical decisions should be influenced by "philosophy".
Maybe your intention of keeping everything in check is a noble one but the way the Serial thread has developed indicates that maybe you overshot your mark a little bit.

still want to charm me out?

Don't flatter yourself. I just think it's counterproductive.

Where is your energy when it comes to planning on the future multi-platform MWii? I did not see you contributing there viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1632

Let's just say I was occupied for professional reasons in the first two weeks of May. I missed that thread entirely.

Ronco's response does show the contrary. No thanks, I currently prefer to divide my time between other channels of communication.

That is hardly my fault. I can show you the logs if you want.
I still think it would have been a good idea of you to try and talk to people first who screwed up in your opinion.
Please, tell me why I should not get the impression that you'd rather pillory someone than resolve the situation in everyone's best interest?

You have not contributed anything useful but nasty remarks and personal attacks. From hereon you deserve to be ignored.

I'll survive.

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Re: MultiWiiConf_shared is broken - function copyOf(byte[],

Post by chris ables »

Thanks to all who were involved in version 2.0 ! It works great for me and on my Mac ! I have it saved so i will always have it and i will always run it ! Pyro's , flips , and hauls ass as smooth as silk ! Warthox style !!!! Good job guy's and the best response for a remark is no response at all !!! Keep up the good work !!!

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Re: MultiWiiConf_shared is broken - function copyOf(byte[],

Post by jevermeister »

Oh come on guys what is this s**?

Can we please just stop the fights?

I have no time and energy in fighting against each other.

This is so pointless...

I will stop testing and contributing in any multiwii code until these arguments are settled.


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