Simple serial control

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Joined: Fri May 10, 2013 11:30 am

Simple serial control

Post by jellee »

Hi all,

For my project I would like to control a MultiWii board using the serial port from a self build board.
Now I found the info about the serial protocol:

But I do not understand what I have to send to the MultiWii board to control my flight. I found the message MSP_SET_RAW_RC, but don't know how to use it.
To explain my idea about controlling it: My thought was to send a serial message to move up or move down. A message that contains the throttle to move forward en then a message to move to the left or right.

Is it possible like the way I think?


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Re: Simple serial control

Post by crashlander »

MSP_SET_RAW_RC does exactly what its name suggests: it sets raw RC values in range from 1000 - 2000 for each channel (curently 8 channels) and that is same the normal RC receiver (35MHz, 2.4GHz...) would do.
So in our case sending (for the main 4 channels) 1000,1500,1500,1500 means zero TH and "centered sticks" (no input) for ROLL, YAW and PITCH...
Actual implementation can be seen directly in MWII source (serial.ino), simple data "cooking" based on that can be seen in my TX implementation ... _BABEL.ino


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