Data Aquisition

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Data Aquisition

Post by IainRourke »

Hi all,

Myself and a few of my colleagues are building a water propelled unmanned jet-pack. Planning on using servos to control the angles of the jets, Multiwii as the controller. Water is provided to the jets via a central umbilical, we are planning to run a USB cable up the umbilical to and use a laptop to power the board. So essentially we will be able to view the GUI during flight and get real time feedback from the sensors.

I was wondering if there is any software out there that would allow us to "capture" the data being displayed from the GUI and export it to a txt file? We would like to gather some data on our test flights once we get it up and running so that this data can be analysed using excel or Matlab.

I'm sure there will be someone out there who knows how to go about it. Unfortunately software and electronics is not my strong suite, learning as I go (Mechanical Engineer, who would have guessed?? ;) )

Thanks in advance to anyone who replies!!


Iain Rourke!

Posts: 334
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:27 pm

Re: Data Aquisition

Post by bill516 »

Wont the multiwii win gui do it has a data logging function. You can also watch what your machine is doing live if it is connected to the gui as you are proposing. just type multiwiiwingui into a search engine and it will give you the link to the code on as well as the setup requirements.

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