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Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:29 am
by xuant9 ... controller


Please look atSingleCopter and DualCopter

Near the roof
Stand up
Not a broken plane
:o :o

Fei Yuan
Turn offLEVLE
Can glide energy saving flight

KK No automatic stabilization
Unable to hold oneself back to see the show MWC

Re: This mode allows me to fly in the roof fixed wing

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:53 am
by xuant9
why?No one?
Excuse me for bothering you
Complete my wish.

Re: This mode allows me to fly in the roof fixed wing

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:46 am
by PatrikE
I made a rough Beta for you to test.
BetaTest of SingleCopter

It's not possible to use the servo revese in config.
You must do all changes in the Mixtable In Output file.
Otherwise you can follow the airpålane guide.

The Mix looks like this.

Code: Select all

    #if  defined(SINGLECOPTER)
    // Singlecopter 
    // This is a beta requested by  xuant9
    // Assisted modes (gyro only or gyro+acc according to AUX configuration in Gui
      servo[3]  = servoMid[3] + axisPID[YAW] + axisPID[PITCH]  ;   //   SideServo  5
      servo[4]  = servoMid[4] + axisPID[YAW] - axisPID[PITCH]  ;   //   SideServo  6
      servo[5]  = servoMid[5] + axisPID[YAW] + axisPID[ROLL]   ;   //   FrontServo 2
      servo[6]  = servoMid[6] + axisPID[YAW] - axisPID[ROLL]   ;   //   RearServo  4

Good Luck...


Re: This mode allows me to fly in the roof fixed wing

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:19 pm
by xuant9
Very grateful

Thank you

KT landing
Again the severe people will break

Shake hands


Shout for joy

Imitation XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:54 am
by xuant9
Thank you PatrikE
Have completed the program
I was testing
good-hearted of genius

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:10 pm
by wilco1967
Succes !

made a quick build of a single copter, with some old stuff I had lying around.

And it WORKS ! :lol:

Still need to straighten things out (mechanically adjust servo's), and re-inforce my simple depron construction so it can survive a landing, but the concept works.... no need to change anything in the code.

Most difficult was to change the sensor orrientation, as in this single copter, I use my sensor board standing up (vertical), and not horizontal as on a normal quad...

So there is nothing a KK board can do, that a MultiWii cannot...... ;)

Thanks PartikE for the singlecopter code, and thanks everyone else who has contributed to this great MultiWii program...

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:17 pm
by PatrikE
Really a nice Grab what you find and Build.. :lol:
Real DIY. 8-)

The Mixer is written for a horizontal position like a Multirotor but it seems to be possible to do it like that to.. :o
If you show me some flight videos or really can confirm the function i can add it to _shared.

I have also made a mix for the DualCopter..
Also added some explaining digrams in the rar-file

Get the BetaVersion here

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:51 am
by wilco1967
PatrikE wrote:Really a nice Grab what you find and Build.. :lol:
Real DIY. 8-)

The Mixer is written for a horizontal position like a Multirotor but it seems to be possible to do it like that to.. :o
If you show me some flight videos or really can confirm the function i can add it to _shared.

I have also made a mix for the DualCopter..
Also added some explaining digrams in the rar-file

Get the BetaVersion here

I did not change anything on the mixer. I just changed the gyro/acc/mag orrientations, so roll=roll, pitch=pitch, yaw=yaw on GUI. And with the sensors correct, the mixers were correct as well....

Flight video will be a bid of a challenge..... at the moment it is still a handful to fly, I need to dail it in more.... haven't touched the PID's yet, but I'm pretty sure it can use some (= a lot) more I action.

I would say, definitely add it to the _shared..... From what I could find, it's only a few lines of code, which will not have any influence on code size if not #defined. By luck, I did not have to reverse any servo's... not looked into if that is difficult to reverse servo's, but that would be good to include before publishing into _shared...

Thanks !


Got some footage of the SingleCopter Airborne.....
Inhouse because of Weather (raining all day)....


And some video.....

It became even more 'beautiful'...... Where would we be without popsickle sticks, rope, and hot glue.... :oops:

Increased the PID settings to something like P=13, I = 0.2 ish on roll and pitch.... now it is starting to hold.... I'm sure it can be improved, but hey, it's still in its infancy.... :roll:

Sorry about the poor take-off..... too slow.... This behaviour probably means, I need to add more deflection to the rudders to counter the yaw tendency from the prop....

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:50 pm
by PatrikE
Haha You must eat more Icecream to build a Dualcopter to... :lol:

Ok Ill take a look at the setup and try to manage it in the config file.

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:03 pm
by wilco1967
DualCopter ????

Didn't even know they existed..... found one movie at youtube, from the same korean as in the first link xuant9 provided....

Seems like even more work than building a single copter ;)

Perhaps some other time.... don't have 2 identical motors at the moment, unless I tear down my quad.... So far, the quad performs way better than the SingleCopter..... But nice experiment nevertheless.... :D

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:18 am
by captaingeek
awesome work gents

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:49 am
by PatrikE
I comitted Single and DualCopter to _shared

The setup will look like this.

Code: Select all

//*************************** !!!!  Single and DualCopter Settings  !!!!*************************//
    // Change to -1 to reverse servomovement per axis
    // Servosettings for SingleCopter....   
    #define SINGLECOPTRER_YAW   {1, 1, 1, 1} // Left, Right,Front,Rear
    #define SINGLECOPTRER_SERVO {1,-1, 1,-1} // Pitch,Pitch,Roll, Roll   
    // Servosettings for DualCopter.....
     #define DUALCOPTER_SERVO {1,1} //Pitch,Roll
    // Use  SERVO_OFFSET and SERVO_RATES in Heli and Airplane section for centering and endpoints.

:idea: Maby we should start up a contest in the KISS theme. ( Keep It It Simple Stupid ) :idea: :lol:

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:32 pm
by wilco1967
Just came back from first flight outside with the SingleCopter. The wind has died down so I could finally fly the SingleCopter with some more room.

As to be expected from the large flat surface area, it is very sensitive from wind.
Stability is very good, as long as you keep sufficient thrust.

If throttle down to decent, the airflow is mostly lost over the rudders / ailerons / whatever we call them, then it becomes really unstable, so it is difficult to get down fast.... It tends to yaw around it axis initially (with rudders fully deflected as it tries to counteract). When reducing throttle even further, it tips over, and falls uncontrolled..... Nothing the software can do about.... this is just a habit of a singlecopter I guess... The airflow simply stops, or even reverses without sufficient propwash.
Also fun is to let it fall and tumble down with the motor off, and then with the MultiWii in level mode, give throttle again.... It automatically rightens itself just like a quad.... Very entertaining to see, and good to safe the thing if you loose orrientation, which is very easy.

When flying more or less horizontally (leaning on the side, or forward or backwards), it starts to fly like an airplane, but the controls are still like a quad (rudder becomes roll, pitch becomes rudder, and roll becomes elevator).... all correct as long you don't forget it's a multi / single copter.
Problem is, your eyes see a plane, your brain starts to act like it is a plane.... but it still responds like a copter.... very confusing :shock: , but fun :lol:

It also needs significantly less throttle to stay up when using the 'wings' for lift.
When flying fast horizontally, my rudders start to flutter.... no big concern.. probably overtuned for higher airspeeds.... I think it can be corrected by the trottle attenuation setting in the GUI... haven't tried yet.

I posted a new video flying outside.

It is not a replacement for a quad or tri... those definitely fly better than a singlecopter. But it is a fun project, easy to do, and I think most of us have some spare parts lying around to build one on a rainy afternoon.... :idea:

Thanks again to PatrikE for providing the code !


Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:57 pm
by PatrikE
Maby make a dual mode for it?
Flick a switch and it change the Mix and fly like a plane...
Then it will be a real VTOL...

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:22 pm
by Pyrofer
+1 for building it with Ice cream sticks.

You could make it more stable by having it shorter with control surfaces near the prop.

I would suggest a long tube with electronics/motor/battery all inside it and the prop sticking out the top. Have the 4 control surfaces just below the prop but continue the tube down low with battery at the bottom for stability. The end result would look like a giant T shape.
This would be much less prone to blowing about!


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:59 pm
by wilco1967
PatrikE wrote:Maby make a dual mode for it?
Flick a switch and it change the Mix and fly like a plane...
Then it will be a real VTOL...

That might be a good idea.....
take of with normal control, same as quad....

pitch it over away from you (so the front becomes 'top'), flick the switch, and fly like a plane....

the changes in the transmitter should be
- pitch should stay pitch
- roll becomes yaw (so the roll stick will let it spin around the axis)
- yaw becomes roll (it acts as a plane's rudder).

You would need to fly it as a rudder / elevator plane.... roll ('ailerons'), will ONLY roll it, but not initiate a curve...

Still rather strange behaviour, not sure if it is less confusing as now.... the mind responds strange to switches..... :?
I'll give it a try weather permitting.....

Pyrofer wrote:You could make it more stable by having it shorter with control surfaces near the prop.

I would suggest a long tube with electronics/motor/battery all inside it and the prop sticking out the top. Have the 4 control surfaces just below the prop but continue the tube down low with battery at the bottom for stability. The end result would look like a giant T shape.
This would be much less prone to blowing about!

I get your idea..... it will fly probably a lot better as a copter as you describe, but you will not have the option of horizontal flight anymore..... that is some strange experience, but its also fun. Yours will look like a flying nail..... mine in the air reminds me of one of those ghosts in the old Pacman game :roll:

On second thought, It might not fly so good with the control surface so close to the prop.... it has no leverage anymore for pitch/roll.... The heavy battery way down will hold it vertical no matter what the control surfaces do. So the sideways motion you get will be by the control surfaces deflecting the air, but that will be opposite to the direction it tries to control.... The singlecopter works by pointing the prop in the direction of flight... not by thrust vectoring.... It might be possible, but you would probably have to change the mix so roll/pitch are reversed, but yaw stays the same.

Another option: control surfaces way down at the bottom, but without any area in the middle (so only a tail, without a flat body), might become very unstable. the CG will be way above any surface area....
When tilting, the singlecopter can just fall over.... there is no sideward force preventing the motor/prop to fall over to a side.. The controls will try to stop it falling over, but there is nothing to act against.... Not sure if the controls can overcome this (worth a try though....) :?:
I think, any singlecopter will at least need some surface area.... Mine is way overdone, but the singlecopter in the first post is probably a good example....

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:51 pm
by Pyrofer
This just shows how much variation you can put into such a simple design.

My original idea for a single copter was to have a high power ducted fan with a tube connected to the duct and a slight screw thread inside.
This would "twist" the air to counter the prop.
2 Servos would bend the end of the tube pointing the air outlet in slightly different directions.
All the weight would be up near the top so it balanced on a column of air like a flying segway.

Not sure how practical this would be, but great fun to make work!

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:03 pm
by xuant9
See this plane is in summer.
Quite a lot Popsicle :lol:

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:25 pm
by wilco1967
xuant9 wrote:See this plane is in summer.
Quite a lot Popsicle :lol:

I got 'RTF' popsicle sticks...... :idea:
I bought them at a hobby shop with the icecream already removed, hence 'RTF' ;)

More serious (if thats possible)..... I tried today with mixing in the transmitter for 'horizontal flight'..... wasn't a succes..... It works OK, but even more confusing....

Also had to revers yaw (roll) to make it feel more natural, but that confuses me even more when back to normal quad mode..... :shock:

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:09 pm
by xuant9
wilco1967 wrote:
xuant9 wrote:See this plane is in summer.
Quite a lot Popsicle :lol:

I got 'RTF' popsicle sticks...... :idea:
I bought them at a hobby shop with the icecream already removed, hence 'RTF' ;)

More serious (if thats possible)..... I tried today with mixing in the transmitter for 'horizontal flight'..... wasn't a succes..... It works OK, but even more confusing....

Also had to revers yaw (roll) to make it feel more natural, but that confuses me even more when back to normal quad mode..... :shock:

Rollover and opposite in direction?
Can please PatrikE Do some changes
Do an option Like Delete //
Operation like fixed wing(By adding a like F14 Deformation wing)

Flight control panel To repair.
I was late for the party
Because I was too excited, or even forget many should do
Yes,PatrikE Is a kind-hearted man

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:03 pm
by agressiva
Well, i have a PLANK wing that do a Vertical take-off and fly like wing .
For now i am using the acro mode but i am working in Stabilization mode.

Does anyone know how to do a 90deg rotation in IMU ? without changing the sensor positions ?
IN full DCM IMU its possible but in multi-wii i dont know.
I will analyze this today at night.

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:06 pm
by agressiva
Here are my modification to VTOL...

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:01 am
by Mis
Does anyone know how to do a 90deg rotation in IMU ?

Code: Select all

      #define ACC_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z)  {accADC[ROLL]  = Y; accADC[PITCH]  = X; accADC[YAW]  = Z;}
      #define GYRO_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z) {gyroADC[ROLL] = Y; gyroADC[PITCH] =  X; gyroADC[YAW] = Z;}
      #define MAG_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z)  {magADC[ROLL]  = Y; magADC[PITCH]  = X; magADC[YAW]  = Z;}

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:51 am
by Hamburger
search for a post by PatrikE.
He did some code for smooth transition for VTOL, maybe it was in the airplane thread,

Re: Imitate XFY-1 Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:46 pm
by PatrikE
I have made a new version to test.
Download BETA TEST

Automaticly Switches between SC-Hover and Airplane flight.
In upright flight it will fly like a Single copter.
It will change to airplane mode when it's Tilted forward.

For SC mode setup as before.

SC_PLANE_SERVOS Adjust servo direction in plane mode.
TRANSFORMER_POINT is the point on ACC PITCH when it will change.

//***** servosettings for PlaneMode *****//
#define SC_PLANE_SERVOS {1,-1, 1,-1, 1, 1} // Elev,Elev,Roll,Roll,Yaw,Yaw Elevons directions in plane mode
#define TRANSFORMER_POINT 100 // Sets a point where Mode is changed based on Acc value

It is not possible to fly PlaneMode In Level mode!
If any of the level modes is selected it will return to hover!

Test with care...
I have not tested IRL!
Only on the desktop.
