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Raspberry Pi bluetooth module EZ-GUI for Arduino Nano Multiwii controller

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:52 am
by LoyalBurrito

I have a quadcopter with multiwii 2.4 and a nanowii flight controller. I was hoping I could get the field functionality of EZ-GUI with my quad with my raspberry pi zero w connected by GPIO hardware serial to the arduino nano.

I have the pi right now performing some streaming tasks for the camera attached to it but I would love to use it as a bluetooth module as well to connect the flight controller via bluetooth so I could use EZ-GUI in the field without wires. And I would like to avoid using a bluetooth module as I do not have any on hand and would cramp my small quad form factor.

Is it possible then to use the pi as a bluetooth module for this purpose?

Thanks in advance!