BlackVortex Board from CSG_EU _ update 20120528dev

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BlackVortex Board from CSG_EU _ update 20120528dev

Post by cob »

Hi all,
I grabbed one of these boards. Nicely made up, specifically designed for ArduPirate and Multiwii code.
On the Mega boards (ArduMega, Freeduino etc... with Atmel 1280 or 2560) there is probably more pins available.
But that board is small and compact even though less versatile. Also cheaper = around 160€ for France.
And everything is on it including an Ublox GPS.

8 Rx inputs and 10 outputs, 8 motors/servos and 2 for Camstab named Pan and Tilt. Also outputs for Sonar and Xbee are ready on the board.
The problem with Multiwii is the corresponding Pin mapping. If anyone has bought this board and want to use Multiwii I'm enclosing my code so you may pick up the
differences in the code. The code I enclose here is modified to fit my need for a VTOL project you may see at
As I use all the available pins on the board for my project it may be useful also for use on a plane or wing.
I don't guarantee you can just change config.h and it will work for you. I did my best to keep all the feature of the Multiwii project functionning.
As I don't have Promini or other boards I can't test the code. But basically I used everywhere conditional statement so as to not change anything in the original code.
To be noted that there is now in the last MWII dev 20120528 an automatic feature to detect type of boards which define MEGA. The turn around has been to disable that feature if BLACKVORTEX is used.
Also I'm not a specialist in coding C++ but I managed to get it working.
Main changes are Pin mapping in def.h to suit the correct order of the board's pins M1 to M8
Also the Output.pde file is modified to generate the needed PWM sequence (only when BLACKVORTEX is defined adding servo 9 to 11) for that board and a total of 11 servos can be adressed.
For now the only untouched files are LCD.pde, Serial.pde and LED.pde
Depending the type of flying machine (TRI - QUAD etc...) you will loose servos accordingly.
Please test it as a TRI, QUAD, FLYINGWING of other config you have and report any change made or to be made so we can use that board in any configuration.
Mwii dev20120528 code modified for Blackvortex board
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Attached you will find a zipped PDF file containing most of the pins mapping of the board.
zipped PDF of BLACKVORTEX Pins mapping updated 05 June 2012
(196.1 KiB) Downloaded 137 times
BlackVortex_pin 1-13.jpg
Last edited by cob on Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:24 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: BlackVortex Board from CSG_EU

Post by spagoziak »

Have you had a good experience with the developer of this one? The board looks great, almost too great lol

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Re: BlackVortex Board from CSG_EU

Post by cob »

Yes CSG_EU is following his products on
Though CSG pretend to have devolpped formers IMU boards for MWWI, this one is not MWII fully compliant nor ArduPirate compliant. The code has to be changed.
The developpers are working on it to adapt MegaPirate code to that board as the pin mapping is not compliant with ArduPilot Mega boards.
I'm still awaiting CSG_EU to give out the schematics of this board to be able to correctly adapt codes to my wishes.
Multiwii is fully running on it, without any problem. Even the GPS is ok. Providing change in the code to be made regarding Pin's mapping. Tilt & Pan Cam pins are Digital pins 32 and 33 and not 33-34 or 44-45.
Even better if less functions than MegaPirate code as MWII is using an efficient way to address motors and servos, is simpler to adapt to any personal needs.
On that Blackvortex board I have not been able to get Serial Sum PPM function running with MWII nor with Ardupirate. This is to be adressed by CSG_EU as the Interrupt pins are used as Motor out. On a Mega board it is INT4, not possible on Blackvortex. But INT2 is possible if using pin RX of the board as input for Serial Sum PPM (the little holes in a row labelled RX-TX-SCA-SCL).
Basically it is a compact board, not offering any and all Pins as on the Sparkfun Mega Pilot Board. Less versatile though very well equipped with good quality sensors and at a holy price. (around 160€ for a BV, 250€ for an Ardupilot+Oilpan IMU)
Last edited by cob on Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: BlackVortex Board from CSG_EU

Post by cob »

I worked a little to include Blackvortex board in MWII code last dev 20111017
Here is the .rar file
I'm not a specialist of C++ coding so it may be optimized for sure. But it works.
Blackvortex supported on MWII
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Re: BlackVortex Board from CSG_EU

Post by spagoziak »

Thanks for the info, Cob!

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Re: BlackVortex Board from CSG_EU

Post by vadda »

great job.
Have you ported also the 1.9 ?
Can you create a diff file with the code for upcoming version ?


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Re: BlackVortex Board from CSG_EU _ update 20120528dev

Post by cob »

Sorry I was not on the project since end of last year. Have a look at the first post I updated for the last MWII dev 20120528

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