What fligth controller does my hexacopter have?

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What fligth controller does my hexacopter have?

Post by pemy »

I bought this hexacopter from goodluckbuy recently:

It says it has a MWC 2012 flight control board with 2.1 firmware.
It flew just fine out of the box, but now I want to get the GPS to work properly and have a need to adjust the firmware.

Then it struck me that I have no clue what flight controller this is! Hence I don't know what senors and stuff is on the board, making it difficult to configure new firmware.

Does anyone know this board? Or does anyone know where/how to obtain the source code for the original firmware?

What I am particularly interested in is what board I should specify that I have in the "boards and sensor definitions" sections i config.h, and what board I should select in Arduino before uploading the firmware.

I know two things:
  • It says "atmel 2560" on the main chip
  • the GPS is a U-blox 6 High Precision GPS Module Set H-8123, and it works fine, except that the copter rotates in big circles when GPS-HOLD is activated.
what controller is this?
what controller is this?

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Re: What fligth controller does my hexacopter have?

Post by ardufriki »

hi, you should can read the codes on the chips, (mostly you need a magnifier for this).

Later you should find them in the def.h file of multiwii code.

Anyway, it seems to be similar to a CRIUS AIO PRO.

Good luck

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Re: What fligth controller does my hexacopter have?

Post by leopoldorbm »

I also got a device like that I took a close pictures that shows ehat is printed in the chip, Have been very hard to find informations ans setup guides and tutoriais, if anyone can help will be welcome.


HJ F550 (DJI Clone) inboard fly controler






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Re: What fligth controller does my hexacopter have?

Post by scrat »

Maybe this is CRIUS AIO clone.

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Re: What fligth controller does my hexacopter have?

Post by pemy »

I have now tested with defining this board in config.h: #define GY_86, and the copter flies fine with. Firmware is now upgraded to 2.3.
However, I am not sure if that is the best option and don't really know the impact if it is not. But hey, I'm a newbee and not too worried about experimenting a little, so I will try with #define CRIUS_AIO_PRO_V1 also

I'll update this thread if I find anything interesting, and still appreciate if anyone else has more information and experience regarding this strange,integrated flight controller board.

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Re: What fligth controller does my hexacopter have?

Post by leopoldorbm »

After many research I make my HJ550 to arm the motors, after coding and updating to 2.3, but it was possible only after setup a button for it.

In Arduino you need to setup the board "arduino mega 2560"

Now I have a new problem with the GPS, some one have configured the GPS in this board? I stil don´t know the boad model name.

Please someone post the GPS code for this board

thank you

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