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U-center packet console showing extra unknown messages

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:43 pm
by doughboy
I uploaded the ublox configuration that comes with i2c_nav, and looking at packet console, I see this

02:06:23 UBX NAV-SOL, Size 60, 'Navigation Solution'
02:06:23 UBX NAV-STATUS, Size 24, 'Navigation Status'
02:06:23 UBX NAV-POSLLH, Size 36, 'Geodetic Position'
02:06:23 UBX NAV-VELNED, Size 44, 'Velocity in WGS 84'
02:06:23 UBX NAV-AOPSTATUS, Size 28, 'AOP Status'
02:06:23 UBX 0C-10, Size 508, 'Unknown'
02:06:23 UBX 03-09, Size 96, 'Unknown'
02:06:23 UBX 03-0A, Size 936, 'Unknown'

The first 5 messages are whats defined in the configuration. I do not know what the last 3 are, and they are not in u-blox 6 protocol spec document.

any ideas?
can these be removed? or ok to just ignore?