hobbyking multiwi pro 2.0 using serial/ spektrum sat rx

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hobbyking multiwi pro 2.0 using serial/ spektrum sat rx

Post by captainanthony »

Ok I have been trying to find out if it is feasible to use either a spectrum type sat Rx(just the sat) OR an open lrs orange rx ( ppm using RX ch5 configured for serial out ) with the hobbyking type fc (MCW MEGAv1.0 ) multiwii pro 2.0

My problem is not the software but knowing where to make a connection(s) on the FC circuit board for reach of the above 2 options
I see from pictures that some of the later boards ( from whitespy) have ports on the board to connect a sat RX input . Descriptions on the arduno /multiwii do not seem pertinent to the board I am using>>>>> i.e. " For MEGA boards, attach sat grey wire to RX1, pin 19" pin 19 ????

Also where do I connect a buzzer to this board and rssi input ? so I can seeit on the GUI.......from what I have read I could guess the connections but if some one knows for sure I would prefer to use their experience

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