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Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:32 pm
by wareck
Hi everyone.
I schedule to build my own FC board this summer.
I need Eagle-cad fil for a board like Crius AIOP
There is someone with this king of files ?


Re: Need Crius AIO shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:17 am
by timecop
There's no fucking way it would make sense technically or financially when you can just BUY IT FROM CHINA FOR $20.
It would cost you more to get the boards fabbed, stencil made, parts ordered in single qty, assembled (and likely failed) by your toaster oven, etc.
Also, "AIOP".

Re: Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:50 am
by wareck
Because I have got all the material (toaster oven, heat gun for msd, paste), I know how to use it ,and I've got the time...

All my heli's and multicopter are all "home made" so I want to make a new board based on atmega2560...

Re: Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:39 am
by copterrichie
People just do not appreciate DIY anymore. That is the root cause here. ;)

Re: Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:49 am
by jef79m
but this isn't really diy, using existing files to build a board won't really accomplish much but waste time. if your goal is to get better at placing components on a board go for it, but this is about as DIY as assembling a piece of IKEA furniture.

Re: Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:56 am
by copterrichie
If the guy wants to build his own board with his OWN money, where is the F'ing problem? Wow!

Re: Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:01 am
by tovrin
I have to agree with jef and richie. i started out DIY, now I'm more along the Timecop lines, but i appreciate what they stand for. if you want to DIY then DIY it, build your board, and write your code, then ask for help. if you want to be efficient, be efficient, find the best hardware that suits your desires along with he best code for your desired results and assemble. Personally, I have had much better luck like this then my original DIY goals.

but thats because my soldering skills along with my fading eyesight made things difficult for me, as well as the fact that my coding is better left to kindergartners.

if you can do it, you dont need to ask for directions, only assistance, if not, save yourself the headache and follow instructions than ask for advice.

Re: Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:17 am
by timecop
copterrichie wrote:People just do not appreciate DIY anymore. That is the root cause here. ;)

if this was DIY he wouldn't be asking for fucking schematics/gerbers, pinout is obvious from looking at config.h or def.h or whatever, the rest is just connecting shit based on datasheets, that would be DIY because he'd actually have to read shit and apply his knowledge to make a schematic and then again spend time to layout or make it on perfboard or whatever, but just fabbing existing gerbers and wasting time to assemble is just that, waste of time. No DIY here.

Re: Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:39 am
by wareck
If you read my first post, I never ask that need gerber file to only push on "print" and make a board clone
I know, if I only wants the same board I'll buy it on eBay à 20$

If you had ever draw a pcb, it's not only technical, you need some idea and trick to make good placement, nice board and make wiring easy.
An another think is that I want to build a board with different sensors and some adds (telemetry emitter on board, flash memory for mission planner, and move some sensor to fit with my frame)

Starting from zero is difficult, modding board is a better way to be sure that gerber and board respect rules to be realised...

Now timecop, I had a big car accident.
I am blocked at home with two broken legs and I cannot go out flying or make something else.
Every day a nurse came to dispensing care.
I spend my day to waits and hopping that I will walk again.

So I wants and I need to make somethink for occupating my time and my mind.
I prefered to spend my time to make this than reading useless post like yours

Re: Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:32 am
by NikTheGreek
I wish you a quick recovery.

Re: Need Crius AIOP shemlatics and brd files

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:29 am
by copterrichie
Kudos to you Wareck and hope for a quick recovery!!