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GPS help: UCtronics UC-300 / Ublox Neo-6M

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:58 am
by wastevenson
Hey everyone. I'm putting together my first flight controller.

I have the following configured / working so you can see where I am at:
Arduino Nano clone w/ 328P Atmega microprocessor
GY-521 (MPU6050) 6 DOF gyro/accelerometer
GY-65 (BMP085) barometer
GY-271 (HMC5883L) magnetometer
ZS-040 (HC-05) bluetooth module

Everything so far works from my PC and android devices using the EZ-Gui and the Multiwii Configurator.

I am trying to add GPS capabilities. It is a uBlox Neo-6M on a sort of breakout module from Utronics (UC-300). The GPS module works great using example sketches for TinyGPS, and TinyGPSplus using softwareserial. However I am at a roadblock in getting it working with Multiwii. The config file is a little vague to me on how to set it up to work.

I tried defining ublox as well as nmea. Neither worked. Tried specifying serial pins. That didn't appear to get me anywhere either.

I have not been able to find an example that works strictly from the serial pins on Arduino to see how I make out. But I have my Bluetooth module connected to the serial port already. However I think it may be possible to use a second Nano and link the two via I2C? So that's one thought.

Serialsoftware perhaps another? It was easy enough for myself to get working with the examples.

At any rate, does anyone have any experience with this that can give me pointers on how to get it working or if it is going to be compatible with the Multiwii software at the moment?

Thank-you in advance.

Re: GPS help: UCtronics UC-300 / Ublox Neo-6M

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:09 pm
by Hamburger
with 328p you only have one serial - also used for usb. So you cannot have both at the same time.
While it was possible to run GPS on 328p in the past, it is not recommended - and I have no idea if/how it fits in the small memory.
My advice is to get your GPS gadget working with a MEGA board first (4 serial ports, so easy to run GPS, MWiiConf and possibly other serial display all at the same time)

Re: GPS help: UCtronics UC-300 / Ublox Neo-6M

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:29 pm
by Kbev5709
I would not try and run GPS with your home made FC. The 328p is borderline for memory at best when running GPS. Not only that, the baro you want to use is inaccurate and pretty much obsolete. Why not just drop the $35.00 needed to get a really nice and capable AIO mega board. If a remote mag is important you can get a black mega board with no compass from RTFQ and use yours on it. I have one of those boards and I'm happy with it.

Re: GPS help: UCtronics UC-300 / Ublox Neo-6M

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:19 am
by wastevenson
Thanks for the advice guys.

I do understand the 328 has only one serial. Which is why I mentioned softwareserial or connecting two 328s together via I2C or something. But I'll give it a try tonight on a Mega and go from there. That wasn't my preference as I love the small footprint of the nanos and they fit well on a small PCB with the rest of the components. But once I get it working, I can sort that all out.

As for the barometer being obsolete, that's fine. I have several other types to choose from.

Re: GPS help: UCtronics UC-300 / Ublox Neo-6M

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:04 pm
by wastevenson
Stuck everything on a 2560 last night. Multiwii is working beautifully with both my GPS and Bluetooth. And everything is working great. And I realized that I was running with a BMP-180 and not the 85 as I originally thought.

What are decent barometric sensors to use by the way? I have an 85, 180, 280 on hand.