MultiWii 2.4 setup values

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MultiWii 2.4 setup values

Post by ttmatis »

After spending weeks looking through others' posts to resolve my issues (thank you all!) I finally registered today so that I could post a simple question. My transmitter (Hobby King 2.4Ghz 6Ch Tx & Rx V2) does not have the ability to adjust the minimum and maximum values of pulse width (as far as I can tell) so I'm stuck with what I have for min and max. The values I read from the MultiiConf 2.4 GUI are:

Channel Min- Mid-- Max
Throttle 1158 1803
Yaw----- 1102 1493 1830
Pitch---- 1138 1472 1768
Roll------ 1130 1493 1877

I've (finally) figured out what changes could be made in the configuration so that I could arm the quad, but I reading conflicting advice on the values that should be set. I trust that you know a lot more about what the best settings are than I do. What changes would you suggest I make to the current ones below?

#defin---------------------------------------------- default file-------- current-value----- description?

MAXCHECK----------------------------------- 1900-- Multiwii.h 1760----------------
MAXTHROTTLE----------------------------- 1850-- config.h-- 1800---------------- maximum throttle signal when multi is armed
MINCHECK------------------------------------ 1100-- Multiwii.h 1160
MINTHROTTLE------------------------------ 1150-- config.h-- 1150---------------- minimum throttle signal when multi is armed
MINCOMMAND------------------------------ 1000-- config.h-- 1100---------------- the signal the ESC receives when the multi is not armed
MIDRC------------------------------------------- -------- config.h--
ALT_HOLD_THROTTLE_MIDPOINT -------- config.h--

Thanks in advance. (In case it matters, my FC is a HobbyKing MultiWii 328P Flight Controller w/FTDI & DSM2 Comp. Port)

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Re: MultiWii 2.4 setup values

Post by Cereal_Killer »

Oh man there has been a lot of similar posts recently, I dont understand why people are ok building these multi-hundreds of dollar machines and then trying to fly them with a $35 tx... Just doesnt make sense to me!

Anyway bro, to tell you the truth, [not to be a dick] but you'll probably never get it working right, not without being able to adjust the Tx's endpoints and sub-trims. You may be able to get it to kind'a center up by changing the main trims (the buttons) on the Tx, but even still that will definitely not be the correct way to do it and it's doubtful it'll register fully either way once you apply a bunch of actual trim one way or the other (meaning you wont be able to give it stick commends- things like arm/disarm with the sticks, calibrating the gyro's, trimming the ACC...) As it is now it's probably not flyable, you MUST get the center points to as near 1500 as possible (IIRC the aloud range is 1497-1503).

The other thing I will point out is what you want to leave maxthrottle higher than what your TX sends it, the FC needs to be able to increase a motor over what your TX is sending (for self-corrections and PID balancing and all that good stuff for flight control) you do not want to tell it that 1800 is the max its aloud to do, that wont allow it any room for it to make corrections. Your max and min throttle levels will depend on your ESC's, not your transmitter. If your TX can send a max value of 1803 (and again, this is mostly ESC dependent) but you'd want to set MAXTHROTTLE some ~10% higher than that (at the very minimum) so it can increase power to a motor when you're at max throttle on the stick. Say you're at foll throttle, it's sending it the value you have set as max and the FC needs to raise an arm up (by applying more power, either to flight wind or whatever) but you have it set to limit throttle to the level you're sending, it wont be able to increase any higher and will have to compensate by lowering the other 3 motors which could result in no longer enough lift to maintain flight.

I just checked out that Tx on the HK site, it appears you can hook it to a PC and be able to change things like the endpoints and stuff. Have you got it setup with your computer yet?

Go the the product page then go down to just above the discussion / review section, there are 4 tabs, click on the files tab and try to choose the files you need for setup of the Tx. Maybe [and that's a big one] you'll be able to get it working.

Looking at this picture it appears you should be able to adjust your endpoints and subtrims as needed, it'll just be about 50000 times harder than with a proper Tx.
For anyone else reading, for only about double the price (around $55-65) you can get either a turnigy 9X or a Devo 7E which will be SO MUCH better of a setup it's not even comparable.

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Re: MultiWii 2.4 setup values

Post by FengShuiDrone »

Kind of funny how they have the "Help" button dead smack in the middle of the System Option box. It's like saying "You're going to need it." At least it can be done......

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Re: MultiWii 2.4 setup values

Post by ttmatis »

Thanks so much,Cereal_Killer, for your advice.. It amazes me the that I had not stumbled on anyone mentioning the software to adjust the transmitter endpoints ... that you found in a minute. (I'll remember those tabs on Hobby King's product pages from now on!)

Being a complete nube, I've spent more time than I'd like to admit trying to figure out what exactly the MIN and MAX defines do. Your description regarding MAXTHROTTLE helps a lot. Again, thanks. BTW, the build cost of the quad is comparable to that of the transmitter. Figured building on the cheap it would be a good way to learn a few things. A few things and then some!

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