Tri-copter servo
Tri-copter servo
Using the cirus se 2.5 board. When I plug my servo into the yaw channel it stuttered then went over to the right, then the board stopped responding. If I plug direct into the RX it is fine, I swapped servos and the new one works but sounds like it is binding in the neutral position.
Can any one help with this
Can any one help with this
Re: Tri-copter servo
What brand and model servo? Analog or digital? What servo frequency do you have set in the cofig.h file?
westwind wrote:Servo is from twisted hobbies
This servo?
Or this servo?
If the second, it is analogue and shouldn't be fed at 300Hz.
When the servo stuttered, then went to the right, was it during take-off, or just sitting on the bench? If during take-off, there might be another issue.
westwind wrote:The first servo, this is on the bench. Haven't flow yet, still testing the build
OK, proper setup for servo, check.
Stable when connected to the receiver, check.
Unstable when connected to the FC, check.
Have you monitored the outputs with MultiWiiConfig? What does it show for the Yaw servo output, jittery or stable?
Does it show stable Acc and Gyro input, or jittery?
Have you calibrated the FC while it is stationary?
westwind wrote:If I remember right everything is stable, yes acc and meg have been calibrated a few times, no change
OK, My guess then is that, based on everything we have covered so far, and the signals showing steady, then it is likely the output from the board it's self is defective.
The software thinks it's right, as demonstrated by the stable signals displayed, but apparently the signal is jittery, causing the servo to misbehave. So, I'd say you have a bad board.
westwind wrote:Ok, just wondering if the magnetic declination might affect this? Also should I try to reload the sketch and start over
You may wan to try it without the Mag enabled.
Reloading the board can't really hurt, so I say, go for it.
westwind wrote:How do you disable mag
If you have the Mag configured in Config.h, it should show up in the MultiWiiConf GUI. IIRC, it should have an "Aux" channel selection assigned to it that allows you to turn it on or off.
Sorry, I've never used a Mag yet, so this is just my understanding of how it "should" operate.
westwind wrote:Problem fixed, using SPC on Hitec Optima 9 some how interferes with the power on the multiwii board. Removed spec, everything works
SPC is designed to power the receiver directly from the battery, but does not power anything else, just the receiver. If you did not provide a second power source to the FC, like a UBEC or a BEC on the speed controller, then you were not properly powering the FC or servo.