I'm going to make a tricopter using an Arduino Nano.
I'm going to use a NRF24L01 receiver (and transmitter) on my Arduino Nano flight controller.
MultiWii uses pin 11,10,9 for ESC and 3 for servo.
But I need D11 to connect NRF24L01 "MOSI".
So I have some questions:
1. How can I change D11 with another free PWM such as D5/D6?
2. Front Left motor is CCW, front right motor CW and rear motor is CCW?
3. Is it possible to use MPU9250 (GY9250) instead of MPU6050? Can MultiWii use 9250 magnetometer ?
4. Is it possible to send telemetry of drone battery ?
5. How should use transmitter code inside MultiWii ?
My transmitter uses NRF24L01 and Arduino Nano with 2 simple joystick and LCD if telemetry is possible.
I know very well to be a noob.
So please, be patient.
Thanks in advance