HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

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HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by MYSQL »

I have been unable to get any help on this issue, so I thought I'd try my luck with my own thread since I am out of ideas and I can't find any help on google.

I've got a Witespy Pro Ez3.0 (multiwii black (no MAG)) and I'm having an issue with my octocopter sketch..

When I first installed the mutliwii, I powered it up and it activated every other motor (as I would expect) since only the left ESC port would be activated.

I then opened the MultiWii_ black gps sketch, commented out QUADX and uncommented OCTOFLATX. Compiled and uploaded.

While the first ESC connections work (bottom left), the second ESC connector (on the bottom right) still does nothing. So I only have half the motors turning on.


I also did Examples -> EEPROM -> eeprom_clear sketch and then reflashed, but still didn't go anywhere.

Edit: MultiwiiGUI always shows 4 motors on the 'Realtime Data' tab.

Edit2: I tried HEX and QUADP, but MultiWiiGUI always says QuadCopter X on realtime data screen.

Edit3: When I swap ESC2 cable with ESC1, the other set of 4 motors activate and run as expected. So this isn't a wiring issue on my side, It's just the ESC2 port is not activating for whatever reason.

Edit4: Should the second ESC connector also be connected to ground/power, or does it not matter?


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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by tovrin »

what else are you commenting out? have you contacted the witespy people they have been super fast in replying to me. I only use their flip1.5 but its worked great for me so far.

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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by MYSQL »

That's the only change. Once I couldn't get the motors spinning, I couldn't go any further.

I've been unable to get in touch with Paul for 3 days. He gets busy sometimes. I was hoping someone had an idea what else I could try.

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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by subaru4wd »

if the guI is only showing 4 motor outputs, then I dont think you have the octo set properly in the sketch. Try setting it to Hex and see if more motors show up. It should look like this in the GUI:

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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by MYSQL »

See Edit 2 in my original post. I tried other quads and hex too. After I make the change, I compiled and uploaded. The MWC red light goes on, and then it restarts.

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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by subaru4wd »

does the gui ever show more than 4 motors?

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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by MYSQL »

No, that's exactly my problem.

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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by MYSQL »

This is what my config.h shows:

/************************** The type of multicopter ****************************/
//#define GIMBAL
//#define BI
//#define TRI
//#define QUADP
//#define QUADX
//#define Y4
//#define Y6
//#define HEX6
//#define HEX6X
//#define HEX6H // New Model
#define OCTOX8
//#define OCTOFLATP
//#define OCTOFLATX
//#define FLYING_WING
//#define VTAIL4
//#define AIRPLANE
//#define DUALCOPTER
//#define HELI_120_CCPM
//#define HELI_90_DEG

I'm using the file from

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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by MYSQL »

I just installed all drivers and downloaded all files from scratch on a new desktop. Tried flashing, same result. MultiWiiConf also says it's a quadX.

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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by MYSQL »

I found the issue!

The value of Tools > Board was incorrect. It claimed successful but nothing happened. Right out of the Adrino FAQ.

Thanks for the help guys. Now I feel silly. I didn't have this issue with my quad for whatever reason.

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Re: HELP! Unable to get Witespy MWC to activate motors/esc

Post by MYSQL »

ugh. I have one last problem.

Both ESC ports are functional now, and the sketch looks proper. In MultiWiiConfig the motors gain thrust as I'd expect (by dipping the octo around to see which motors turn on).

I'm getting motor chatter on D3 and D8 of my octocopter sketch. Chatter is the motor turning left, and then right, rapidly.

if I have only one ESC plug connected at a time, everything is functional, regardless of which port is used, and which set of motors.

If both ESC plugs are connected, it's always D3 and D8 motors that chatter. They are the second motor from the left in terms of order of the signal wires from the ESC port.

Any idea?

Edit: I found out that if I ran the throttle up and kept it up, sometimes it would stop chattering and run normally. It would keep running normally regardless of throttle input. The second I hit zero throttle, the chatter would start up again when I gave it throttle again.

This last time around I kept it running with chatter, trying to make a video clip to share online, but the chatter didn't stop. I started to smell a burning smell, and the motors with chatter were burning hot. The ESCs connected to D3 and D8 were also extremely hot.

If it weren't for the fact that if I remove either ESC plug that the chatter is completely gone, I might think there was a short somewhere.

Edit2: I found if I unplug the ESC cable from either D3 or D8 going to the MultiWii, the remaining 7 motors run fine. I just can't connect both or the chatter starts.

Edit3: Compiled as HEX6X and OCTOX8 and both sketches have the chatter (likely because both used D3 and D8).

Edit4: This is no longer a MWC issue. I get the same problem on KK2 board... I cannot see how it's my wiring. Maybe the receiver is broken. I have a spare...

Edit5: Now that I think about it, I don't know how it would be the receiver, since it's the flight controller that tells which motor to activate. As a test, I turned on my second KK2 quad, and took motor2 esc signal wire and plugged it into the FC on the octo (in D8's position). When I give it throttle, all motors fire up just fine (7 on the octo, and 1 on the quad), so the FC is fine, receiver is fine.

So far, the only thing I know for sure is the D2 and D8 motors can't both be running at the same time. wtf...

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