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Insanely simple GPS hold question

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:29 am
by vtpete
Hi all,

Here are some really simple questions about GPS hold. (Which I think is working for me, by the way.)
1) With regards to stick input, when can I use it? For example, let's say I'm at 100% throttle, rocketing skyward and I flip the switch for GPS hold. What happens if I keep throttle full?
2) Most of the time when I turn it on, I'm at about 50% throttle and hovering steady. But, what happens after I turn it on and start to fly around? Does the GPS hold shut off and restart when I bring my sticks to neutral?

Today was very windy when I tried testing these things and I almost crashed hard. Figured I'd ask before doing more experimenting!


Re: Insanely simple GPS hold question

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:45 am
by Metori
Hi, Pete.
1) GPS HOLD mode doesn't control throttle. If you set full throttle and activate GPS HOLD you copter will fly to the sky holding its Lat and long :)
2) GPS HOLD doesn't shut off when you move pitch/roll sticks from neutral. It was possible at old versions of MultiWii, but not now. (and I don't know why). In MW 2.4 moving the pitch/roll sticks while in GPS HOLD is not a good idea.

Re: Insanely simple GPS hold question

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:38 am
by vtpete
Hey, thanks for replying! Since I posted that, my experience with MultiWii has taught me that GPS HOLD, when triggered, tells the copter to stay at the location the controller was in when it was activated. If you then fly somewhere, your copter will fly fine, but as soon as you release the sticks, it will fly back to the location you had set. My DJI controllers work a bit differently, saying "allow them to fly, but when the sticks are at neutral use GPS to stay put."
Thanks again!

Re: Insanely simple GPS hold question

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:16 pm
by Kbev5709
Multiwii has a function that allows you to move the craft to a new position during GPS Hold and it will stay at the new position. After I found it in my config.h I noticed that it says it's functionality has been temporarily removed. You might want to ask someone involved in that part of the code whats going on with that.

/************************ AP FlightMode **********************************/
/* Temporarily Disables GPS_HOLD_MODE to be able to make it possible to adjust the Hold-position when moving the sticks.*/
//#define AP_MODE 40 // Create a deadspan for GPS.

I can have my craft throttled up and climbing (I never open it up all the way because my quad is too strong) and when I flip in to position hold the quad stops climbing immediately and holds. In the GPS section of config.h there is this:
//Navigation engine will takeover BARO mode control
#define NAV_TAKEOVER_BARO 1 //(**)

If 1 is entered the GPS hold will takeover the baro and cause the quad to stop rising where the switch was flipped.

Re: Insanely simple GPS hold question

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 8:49 am
by Metori
Can anyone tell me why feature that allow to move the holding position by sticks is removed from MultiWii ?

Re: Insanely simple GPS hold question

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:27 pm
by Kbev5709
Metori wrote:Can anyone tell me why feature that allow to move the holding position by sticks is removed from MultiWii ?

Good question. (It is easy enough for me to just switch in and out as needed though.)