FAILSAFE MINTHROTTLE + : GUI vs. sketch - which wins?

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FAILSAFE MINTHROTTLE + : GUI vs. sketch - which wins?

Post by OrbitCowboy »

I uncommented FAILSAFE in MW 2.3 and tested by turning off TX. Worked better than I expected, but the sink rate was a bit fast for my liking. So I increased the default FAILSAFE_THROTTLE (MINTHROTTLE + 200) to MINTHROTTLE + 400.

I then noticed that WinGUI, under the Settings tab, has a "FS THR" setting which defaults to 200 and is adjustable using the GUI. I assume "FS THR" means "Failsafe Minthrottle +".

My question is: when the GUI value differs from the sketch value for FAILSAFE MINTHROTTLE +, which value "wins" and is applied during an actual failsafe "situation"?


-- OC

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Re: FAILSAFE MINTHROTTLE + : GUI vs. sketch - which wins?

Post by PatrikE »

Sketch setting is a default value if you press reset in Gui.
Gui setting will win over sketch until reset.

Practical if you fly with different payloads.

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Re: FAILSAFE MINTHROTTLE + : GUI vs. sketch - which wins?

Post by OrbitCowboy »

Thanks for this. So if there is a parameter appearing in both the GUI and the config.h, and I change the value of the parameter in the GUI (then press Write), the GUI value is applied to the FCB.

Pressing Reset reads the sketch values and writes them to the GUI.

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