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Strange behavior and I2c errors

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:44 am
by david88eve
Hi, I've buildt my first multicopter and had my first flight with it today. Everything seemed stable and it was easy to control, but when I got some range on it, it started to behave wierd.
The copter tilted by itself and it was pretty hard to control. I checked the multiwii GUI, and I saw there where 4 I2C errors. Could it just be a wrong setting in magnometer?
I've tried to calibrate magnometer, but it doesn't work. I know I'm supposed to tilt it 360 degrees in all directions and then the led is supposed to flash, but the led doesn't change when hitting calibrate mag in GUI
I would really appreciate help with this :D


AW: Strange behavior and I2c errors

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 9:31 pm
by Noctaro
does your mag work in gui?
greetz noc

Re: Strange behavior and I2c errors

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:46 am
by david88eve
Hi! Yes, it works in GUI. (it moves when I move copter around)