Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

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Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by Vallekano »



This is the first time I write in the forum.

I've built a trycopter with MultiWii software.

I have ridden a WMP and Nunchuk, both clones.

In the case of WMP I have the chip mounting ITG3205 and hypersensibility problems there discussed in many places.

After a few hours and the modification of WMP i saw in the forum, seen through the configuration tool works well.

The problem I have is that the fly is crazy. To be stable going well but when it starts to lean to one side starts to go like jerks. It is as if instead of making a small correction would make a very large and clear, is passed, which must be corrected to the other side and is the same. Worsens with time.

This happens to me both active and without activating the Autolevel.

I hit a screenshot of the settings I have:

I tried with several values ​​of PID. Specifically I changed the P to the PITCH and ROLL. I have changed from 1 to 20 ..... the higher is worse, but neither is there much difference.

I hit some short videos where it looks a bit theme. Rather than being heard.

I must say I am with the version 1.9 and I hit my MultiWii config.h:

You see I had to make some modifications rare at the end so that the sensors give me consistent values. For Gyro I had to swap two axes (ROLL and PITCH = Y =-X). In the case of ACC to reverse the PITCH and YAW (putting the "-") started giving me weird values ​​and had to make a rare account as you see, but seeing it through the configuration tool gives me perfectly valid values.

Code: Select all

****/ /**** Configurable Parameters

/ * Set the minimum throttle command Sent to the ESC (Electronic Speed ​​Controller)
   This is the minimum value allow motors to run That at a speed idle * /
/ / # Define MINTHROTTLE 1300 / / for Turnigy Plush 10A ESCs
/ / # Define MINTHROTTLE 1120 / / for Super Simple 10A ESCs
/ / # Define MINTHROTTLE 1220
# Define MINTHROTTLE 1150

/ * The type of multicopter * /
/ / # Define GIMBAL
/ / # Define BI
# Define TRI
/ / # Define QUADP
/ / # Define QUADX
/ / # Define Y4
/ / # Define Y6
/ / # Define HEX6
/ / # Define HEX6X
/ / # Define OCTOX8
/ / # Define OCTOFLATP
/ / # Define OCTOFLATX
/ / # Define FLYING_WING / / experimental

# Define YAW_DIRECTION 1 / / if you want to reverse the correction yaw direction
/ / # Define YAW_DIRECTION -1

# Define I2C_SPEED 100000L / / normal mode 100kHz, This Must Be Used value for a genuine WMP
/ / # Define I2C_SPEED 400000L / / 400kHz fast mode, it works Only with WMP Some clones

/ / Enable I2C internal pull ups

************* //****** Settings advanced users

/ * This option ACC Should Be uncommented if Z is holly When motors are running enough * /
/ / # Define TRUSTED_ACCZ

/ * PIN A0 and A1 INSTEAD OF D5 & D6 PIN for 6 motors promini config and config
   This mod allow the use of a standard mini receiver on a pro
   (No Need to use a sum PPM receiver)
* /
/ / # Define A0_A1_PIN_HEX

/ * Possibility to use pin8 PIN12 or AUX2 as the input RC
   In This case it deactivate the PIN POWER (pin 12) or the buzzer pin (pin 8)
* /
# Define RCAUXPIN8
/ / # Define RCAUXPIN12

/ * This option is here if you want to use the code from the old level VERSION 1.7
   It's just to have some feedback. This Will be removed in the future * /
/ / # Define STAB_OLD_17

/ * GPS
   available only on MEGA boards (this Might be possible based on 328 boards in the future)
   if enabled, defines here the Arduino Serial UART port number and the speed
   note: only the RX PIN is Used, the GPS is not configured by multiwii
   Must be the GPS NMEA sentences configured to output (Which is Generally the default conf for GPS devices MOST)
* /
/ / # Define GPS
/ / # Define GPS_SERIAL Serial3 / / should be Serial2 for flyduino v2
/ / # Define GPS_BAUD 4800
/ / # Define GPS_BAUD 9600

/ * Pseudo-derivative conrtroller for level mode (experimental)
   Additional information: * /
/ / # Define LEVEL_PDF

/ * Introduce a deadband around the stick center
   Must be Greater Than Zero, comment if you dont want a deadband on roll, pitch and yaw * /
/ / # Define DEADBAND 6

/ * If you use a specific sensor board:
   Please submit Any correction to this list.
     Note from Alex: I only own Some boards
                     for other boards, I'm not sure, WAS Gathered info via the rc forums, be Cautious * /
/ / # Define FFIMUv1 / / first baro 9DOF + board from Jussi, With HMC5843 <- Confirmed by Alex
/ / # Define FFIMUv2 / / second version of 9DOF + baro board from Jussi, With HMC5883 <- Confirmed by Alex
/ / # Define FREEIMUv1 / / v0.1 & v0.2 & v0.3 version of 9DOF board from Fabio
/ / # Define FREEIMUv03 / / v0.3 and v0.3.1 FreeIMU
/ / # Define FREEIMUv035 / / baro not FreeIMU v0.3.5
/ / # Define FREEIMUv035_MS / / FreeIMU v0.3.5_MS <- Confirmed by Alex
/ / # Define FREEIMUv035_BMP / / FreeIMU v0.3.5_BMP
/ / # Define PIPO / / 9DOF board from erazz
/ / # Define Quadrinity / / FC board full board from 9DOF + baro baro witespy with BMP085 <- Confirmed by Alex
/ / # Define QUADRINO_ZOOM / / FC board full board from 9DOF + baro witespy second edition <- Confirmed by Alex
/ / # Define allinone / / full board or FC standalone board from 9DOF + baro CSG_EU
/ / # Define ATAVRSBIN1 / / Atmel 9DOF (Contribution by EOSBandi). Requires 3.3V power.
/ / # Define SIRIUS / / Sirius Navigator IMU <- Confirmed by Alex
/ / # Define SIRIUS600 / / Sirius Navigator IMU using the WMP for the gyro
/ / # Define MINIWII / / Jussi's MiniWii Flight Controller
/ / # Define CITRUSv1_0 / / CITRUSv1 from
/ / # Define DROTEK_IMU10DOF

/ / If you use independent sensors
/ / Leave it commented it you checked to specific board Already Above
/ * I2C gyroscope * /
# Define ITG3200
/ / # Define L3G4200D

/ * I2C accelerometer * /
/ / # Define ADXL345
/ / # Define BMA020
/ / # Define BMA180
# Define NUNCHACK / / if you want to use the Nunchuk as a standalone WMP Without I2C ACC
/ / # Define LIS3LV02
/ / # Define LSM303DLx_ACC

/ * I2C barometer * /
/ / # Define BMP085
/ / # Define MS561101BA

/ * I2C magnetometer * /
/ / # Define HMC5843
/ / # Define HMC5883
/ / # Define AK8975

/ * ADC accelerometer * / / / for 5DOF from SparkFun, use analog PIN A1/A2/A3
/ / # Define ADCACC

/ * ITG3200 & ITG3205 Low pass filter setting. In case you can not Eliminate all to the Gyro Vibrations, You Can try
   to DECREASE the LPF frequency, only one step per try. As soon as twitching gone, stick with That setting.
   It Will not help on feedback wobbles, so change is randomly Only When copter and all dampening and twiching
   balancing options ran out. Uncomment only one option!
   IMPORTANT! Change low pass filter setting Behaviour Changes PID, PID's so retune your LPF After changing .* /
/ / # Define ITG3200_LPF_256HZ / / This is the default setting, No Need To uncomment, just for reference
/ / # Define ITG3200_LPF_188HZ
/ / # Define ITG3200_LPF_98HZ
/ / # Define ITG3200_LPF_42HZ
/ / # Define ITG3200_LPF_20HZ
/ / # Define ITG3200_LPF_10HZ / / Use this only in extreme cases, Rather change motors and / or props

/ * The Following lines apply only for specific PPM receiver with only one sum signal, digital on PIN 2
   IF YOUR RECEIVER IS NOT CONCERNED DO NOT Uncomment ANYTHING. Note this is mandatory for a setup on a promini Y6
   Select the line right on your radio Depending brand. Feel free to modify the order in your order is Different PPM * /
/ / # Define SERIAL_SUM_PPM PITCH, ROLL, THROTTLE, YAW, AUX1, AUX2, CAMPITCH, CAMROLL / / For Some Hitec / Sanwa / Others

/ * The Following lines apply only for Spektrum Satellite Receiver
   Spektrum Satellites are 3V devices. DO NOT connect to 5V!
   For MEGA boards, gray wire to attach sat RX1, pin 19. Sat black wire to ground. Sat orange wire to Mega board's 3.3V (or 3V to 3.3V Any other source).
   For PROMINI, flock to attach RX0 sat. Attach black sat to ground.
     There is no source on a pro 3.3V mini, You Can Either use a different 3V source, or attach orange 3V to 5V regulator With A in-line (Such as . dll? Detail & name = MCP1700-3002E/TO-ND)
     If you use an inline-regulator, a standard 3-pin servo connector Can connect to ground, +5 V, and RX0, solder the correct wires (and the 3V regulator!) To a Spektrum baseRX wire-to-Sat That Has Been Cut in half.
     NOTE: Because There Is Only one serial port on the Pro Mini, using a Spektrum Satellite Implies you CAN NOT use the PC based configuration tool. Further, you can not use on-aircraft serial LCD as the baud rates are incompatible. You Can set by one of two methods:
       1) Coming soon: Use an on-aircraft Eagle Tree LCD for setting gains, reading sensors, etc..
       2) Available now: Comment out the definition Spektrum, upload, plug in your PC, configure, uncomment the definition Spektrum, upload, plug in RX, and fly. Repeat as required to configure.
   (Contribution by Danal) * /
/ / # Define SPEKTRUM 1024
/ / # Define SPEKTRUM 2048

   Captain contribution from IXI and Zagg
   The Following line apply only for Futaba S-Bus Receiver on MEGA boards at RX1 only (Serial 1).
   You have to invert the S-Bus-Serial Signal e.g. With A Hex-Inverter IC SN74 like LS 04 * /
/ / # Define SBUS

/ * Failsave settings - added by MIS
   Failsafe check click on THROTTLE channel. If the press is OFF (on only or on all channels THROTTLE) the failsafe procedure is Initiated.
   After Absence FAILSAVE_DELAY time of press, the level mode is on (if ACC is avalia or nunchuk), PITCH, ROLL and YAW is centered
   and THROTTLE is September to FAILSAVE_THR0TTLE value. You Must SET THIS value to descending About 1m / s or so for best results.
   This value is depends from your configuration, AUW and Some Other params.
   Next, the copter is FAILSAVE_OFF_DELAY afrer disarmed, and motors is stopped.
   If RC press FAILSAVE_OFF_DELAY Reached Before coming back time, after-the small quarded the RC time control is return to normal.
   If you use serial PPM sum, the sum converter completly turn off the must-SUM Pusl PPM Functionality For This FailSafe .* /
# Define FAILSAFE / / Alex: Comment this line if you want to deactivate the failsafe function
# Define FAILSAVE_DELAY 10 / / Guard time for after-activation signal failsafe lost. 1 step = 0.1sec - 1sec in example
# Define FAILSAVE_OFF_DELAY 200 / / Time for Landing Before motors stop in 0.1sec. 1 step = 0.1sec - 20sec in example
# Define FAILSAVE_THR0TTLE (MINTHROTTLE + 200) / / Used for landing Throttle level - may be relative to MINTHROTTLE - as In This Case

  contribution from Luis Correia
  It use a Bluetooth Serial module as the input for controlling the device via an Android application
  As With The SPEKTRUM option, is not possible to use the configuration tool on a mini or promini. * /
/ / # Define BTSERIAL

/ * The Following lines apply only for a pitch / roll tilt Stabilization system
   Promini On board, it is not Compatible with config with 6 or more motors
   Uncomment the first line to activate it * /
/ / # Define SERVO_TILT
# Define TILT_PITCH_MIN 1020 / / min servo travel, do not set it below 1020
# Define TILT_PITCH_MAX 2000 / / servo travel max, max value = 2000
# Define TILT_PITCH_MIDDLE 1500 / / servo neutral value
# Define TILT_PITCH_PROP 10 / / proportional servo (tied to angle); Can be negative to invert movement
# Define TILT_ROLL_MIN 1020
# Define TILT_ROLL_MAX 2000
# Define TILT_ROLL_MIDDLE 1500
# Define TILT_ROLL_PROP 10

/ * Delay in micro seconds interleaving Between 2 readings WMP / WMP + NK NK in a config
   ACC if the calibration time is very long (20 or 30), try to Increase this delay up to 4000
   it is only for a conf relevent with NK * /

/ * For V BAT monitoring
   After the resistor divider Should we get [0V, 5V] -> [0, 1023] on analog V_BATPIN
   with R1 = R2 = 33k and 51k
   vbat = [0, 1023] * 16/VBATSCALE * /
# Define VBAT / / Comment this line to suppress the code vbat
# Define VBATSCALE 131 / / change this value if Battery voltage readed real voltage is Different Than
# Define VBATLEVEL1_3S 107 / / 10.7 V
# Define VBATLEVEL2_3S 103 / / 10.3 V
# Define VBATLEVEL3_3S 99 / / 9.9V
# Define NO_VBAT 16 / / Avoid Without Any battery beeping

/ * When There is an error on I2C bus, the values ​​we Neutralize DURING a short time. Expressed in microseconds
   it is only for a conf relevent with at least a WMP * /
# Define NEUTRALIZE_DELAY 100000

/ * This is the value for the ESCs When They Are Not Armed
   In Some Cases, This Must Be Lowered value down to 900 for Some specific ESCs * /
# Define MINCOMMAND 1000

/ * This is the maximum value for the ESCs at full power
   Can this value be INCREASED up to 2000 * /
# Define MAXTHROTTLE 1850

/ * This is the speed of the serial interface. 115 200 kbit / s is the best option for a USB connection .* /
# Define SERIAL_COM_SPEED 115200

/ * In order to save space, it's possibile to desactivate the LCD configuration functions
   Comment this line only if you do not plan to Used to LCD * /
/ / # Define LCD_CONF

/ * To use an Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD for configuration, uncomment this line
 White wire to Ground
 Red wire to +5 V dc (or WMP to the power pin, if you prefer to reset everything on the bus resets when to WMP)
 Yellow wire to SDA - A4 Pin Mini Pro - Mega Pin 20
 Brown wire to SCL - A5 Mini Pro Pin - Pin 21 Mega
 (Contribution by Danal) * /
/ / # Define LCD_ETPP

/ * To use Cat's whisker TEXTSTAR LCD Following uncomment line.
   Pleae Note this needs a full display connection to 4 wire (+5 V, GND, RXD, TXD)
   Set display as FOLLOWS: 115K baud, and TTL RXD and TXD Levels for, terminal mode
   NO rx / tx line reconfiguration, natural use pins * /
/ / # Define LCD_TEXTSTAR

/ * Will not spin motors When the throttle command is in low position
   this is an alternative method to stop the motors Immediately * /
/ / # Define MOTOR_STOP

/ * Some radios Have not a neutral point centered on 1500. Can be changed here * /
# Define MIDRC 1570
/ / 1500

/ * Experimental
   camera trigger function: activated via Options in the GUI Rc, servo output on promini = A2 * /
/ / # Define CAMTRIG
# Define CAM_SERVO_HIGH 2000 / / the position of servo HIGH state
# Define CAM_SERVO_LOW 1020 / / the position of servo LOW state
# Define CAM_TIME_HIGH 1000 / / the duration of HIGH state in ms Server Express
# Define CAM_TIME_LOW 1000 / / the duration of LOW state in ms Server Express

/ * Can you change the servo travel tricopter here * /
# Define TRI_YAW_MIDDLE 1500

/ * Flying Wing: you can change orientation servo and servo change min / max values ​​here * /
/ * Valid for all flight modes, Even passthrough mode * /
/ * Need to setup servo directions here; No Need to swap servos at rx Amongst channels * /
# Define PITCH_DIRECTION_L 1 / / left servo - pitch orientation
# Define PITCH_DIRECTION_R -1 / / right servo - pitch orientation (opposite sign to PITCH_DIRECTION_L, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation)
# Define ROLL_DIRECTION_L 1 / / left servo - roll orientation
# Define ROLL_DIRECTION_R 1 / / right servo - roll orientation (same sign as ROLL_DIRECTION_L, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation)
# Define WING_LEFT_MID 1500 / / left servo center pos. - Use this for trim
# Define WING_RIGHT_MID 1500 / / right servo center pos. - Use this for trim
# Define WING_LEFT_MIN 1020 / / limit servo travel range inside Must Be [1020, 2000]
# Define WING_LEFT_MAX 2000 / / limit servo travel range inside Must Be [1020, 2000]
# Define WING_RIGHT_MIN 1020 / / limit servo travel range inside Must Be [1020, 2000]
# Define WING_RIGHT_MAX 2000 / / limit servo travel range inside Must Be [1020, 2000]

/ * Enable monitoring of the battery from Power Consumption (think of mAh) * /
/ * Allows to alarm value in September via GUI or LCD * /
/ * Two options: * /
/ * 1 - soft: - (+ -5% good results for plush and mystery 2S and 3S @ ESCs, ESC SuperSimple not Good with * /
/ * 00. relie on your combo of battery type (Voltage, cpacity), ESC, ESC settings, motors, props and multiwii cycle time * /
/ * 01. PowerMeter software in September. Uses PLEVELSCALE = 50, PLEVELDIV = PLEVELDIVSOFT = 10000 * /
/ * 0. That value is output to scales linearily to power (mAh) * /
/ * 1. get right first voltage reading * /
/ * 2. freshly charged battery start with * /
/ * 3. go fly your typical flight (routine and duration) * /
/ * 4. at end connect to GUI or LCD power and read the value, write it down (example 4711) * /
/ * 5. battery charge, write down amount of energy needed (example 722 mAh) * /
/ * 6. Desired value for compute power alarm threshold (750 mAh example: alarm = 4711 / 722 * 750) * /
/ * 7. September alarm value in GUI or LCD * /
/ * 8. enjoy your new battery alarm - Possibly repeat steps 2 .. 7 * /
/ * 9. if you want the numbers to Represent your mAh value, you Must Change PLEVELDIV * /
/ * 2 - hard: - (use sensor hardware, After Gives reasonable configuration results * /
/ * 00. Pin 2 to use analog output voltage from sensor read. * /
/ * 01. September PowerMeter hard. Uses PLEVELSCALE = 50 * /
/ * 02. install low path filter for 25 Hz to sensor input * /
/ * 1. PLEVELDIV compute for your sensor (see below for insturctions) * /
/ * 2. September PLEVELDIVSOFT to 10000 (to use individual motor LOG_VALUES for comparison) * /
/ * 3. attach, set PSENSORNULL and PINT2mA * /
/ * 4. configure, compile, upload, set alarm value in GUI or LCD * /
/ * 3. enjoy true readings of mAh consumed * /
/ * Set PowerMeter to "soft" (1) or "hard" (2) Depending on sensor you want to use * /
/ / # Define PowerMeter 1
/ / # Define PowerMeter 2
/ * The sum of all Powermeters ranges from [0:60000 e4] theoretically. * /
/ * The alarm level is out of eeprom from [0:255], so we multipy alarm level and with PLEVELSCALE Before Comparing with 1E4 * /
/ * Is the step size PLEVELSCALE You Can Use to September alarm * /
# Define PLEVELSCALE 50 / / if you change this value for other granularity, you must-search for comments in code to change accordingly
/ * Will get you PLEVELDIV larger Smaller value for power (equivalent mAh) * /
# Define PLEVELDIV 10000 / / default for soft - if you lower PLEVELDIV, beware of uint32 overrun in pMeter
# Define PLEVELDIVSOFT PLEVELDIV / / for always equal to PLEVELDIV soft, hard for September to 10,000
/ / # Define PLEVELDIV 1361L / / to convert the sum divided Into By This value mAh
/ * You amploc sensor 25A 37mV / A * /
/ * Arduino analog resolution is 4.9mV per unit, units from [0 .. 1023] * /
/ * 20ms sampling rate, approx 19,977 micro seconds * /
/ * PLEVELDIV = 37 / 4.9 * 10E6 / 19 977 * 3600/1000 = 1361L * /
/ * Set to analogRead () for zero current value * /
# Define PSENSORNULL 510 / / for I = 0A Gives my sensor 1 / 2 Vss; That is approx 2.49Volt
# Define PINT2mA 13 / / for telemtry display: one step on integer translates to arduino analog mA (example 4.9 / 37 * 100

/ * Values ​​to monitor system (battery level, time etc loop. With LCD Enable this * /
/ * Note: for now you Must send single characters 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' to request 4 Different pages * /
/ * Request for page Buttons toggle on / off * /
/ * The active page on the LCD does get updated Automatically * /
/ * Easy to Use with Terminal application Textstar or LCD - the 4 buttons are preconfigured to send 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' * /
/ * The value Represents the refresh interval in cpu time (micro seconds) * /
/ / # Define LCD_TELEMETRY 100011
/ * To enable automatic hopping telemetry Between 4 pages uncomment this. * /
/ * This May Be Useful if your LCD has no buttons or the sending is broken * /
/ * Is activated and deactivated hopping in unarmed mode with throttle = low & roll = pitch = left & forward * /
/ * The value Represents the hopping interval in cpu time (micro seconds) * /
/ / # Define LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO 2000123
/ * On page B telemetry Gives a bar graph it shows how much voltage Which battery you have left. Range from 0 to 12 Volt is not very informative * /
/ * So we try do define a Meaningful part. For a 3S battery we define full = 12.6 V and calculate how much it is first warning level Above * /
/ * Example: 12.6V - VBATLEVEL1_3S (for me = 126-102 = 24) * /
# Define VBATREF 24

/ * To log max values ​​like time loop and Others to come * /
/ * Values ​​are visible logging config via LCD * /
/ / # Define LOG_VALUES
//****** End users of advanced settings *************

/ / If you want to change to orientation of individual sensor
/ / # Define ACC_ORIENTATION (X, Y, Z) {accADC [ROLL] = Y; accADC [PITCH] = X; accADC [YAW] = Z;}
/ / # Define GYRO_ORIENTATION (X, Y, Z) {gyroADC [ROLL] = X; gyroADC [PITCH] = Y; gyroADC [YAW] = Z;}
/ / # Define MAG_ORIENTATION (X, Y, Z) {magADC [ROLL] = X; magADC [PITCH] = Y; magADC [YAW] = Z;}
# Define ACC_ORIENTATION (X, Y, Z) {accADC [ROLL] = X; accADC [PITCH] =-Y - 1000; accADC [YAW] = 740 - Z;}
# Define GYRO_ORIENTATION (X, Y, Z) {gyroADC [ROLL] = Y; gyroADC [PITCH] =-X; gyroADC [YAW] = Z;}

Last edited by Vallekano on Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:53 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by matbogdan »

i saw your videos ... that's wobble of death. After i checked your screenshot of the settings, i saw they are too high values on the P values.
Try lower your values and you will fly it.
You can try values around 3.5 to 4 max for P parameter and max 0.005 -> 0.010 for I parameter for Roll and Pitch and for the yaw 4.5-5 for P parameter and 0.010 to 0.015 for yaw.

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Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by Vallekano »

The same result:

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Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by PatrikE »

You are overshooting totally! :twisted:

This is a picture who shows how it should look if everything is ok with your sensors...
It's from a old ver but the values works with V1,9.

Pitch and Roll D is originally 23'

Your picture also dont show the GYRO Only ACC.
Is it correct installed?
# Define ITG3200 is setup in the config but dont show in the GUI.


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Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by Vallekano »

Yes, the gyro works correctly, though in the images they are to 0.

# Define ITG3200 in the config setup is But dont show in the GUI.

Would that be something in the GUI?

I have bought a WM + and one original NK and today I will try to test with to see these if it goes better.

Also I have to try with other ESC's because I have an engine that I have the sensation that always it goes more rapid though in the GUI it puts that it goes equally. And I have calibrated the ESC's 20 times already.

Since you can see the first image it is of a TRI and the second one in a QUAD +, with them same problems.

Both frames I think that they are enough good constructed, but just in case it wanted to ask you: it is very important that the frame is perfectly constructed, or even with frames very badly balanced the software should be capable of making it fly?

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Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by Noctaro »

my first frame was just a balsa plate with some balsa arms and was constructed very badly. But it did fly, after some trimming.

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Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by PatrikE »

A bad frame can be trimmed to fly "Good".

Most importent is to Balance motors and props.
The sensors Don't like vibrations... :cry:

The sensorboard should be qite firmly mounted on the centerhub.
If they are allowed to move around it will create wery strange behaivor.(Dont ask how i know. ;) )

Best is to stop vigrations at the source as much as possible.
WoodArms "Eats" vibration bertter than aluprofiles or carbonfibre.

Good luck


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Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by PatrikE »

I would also clear the EEPROM first to get the default pid settings.

Code: Select all

 * EEPROM Clear
 * Sets all of the bytes of the EEPROM to 0.
 * This example code is in the public domain.


#include <EEPROM.h>

void setup()
  // write a 0 to all 512 bytes of the EEPROM
  for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
    EEPROM.write(i, 0);
  // turn the LED on when we're done
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

void loop()

It's better to start fresch...

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Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by Vallekano »

ok, I'll try the WM + and NK original and well I will review the issue of balancing the propeller and vibration.

I tell you ...

Thank you very much,

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Joined: Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:07 pm

Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by Vallekano »

Finally the problem was that the WM + was not well attached to the frame and the tricopter was going crazy.

After securely hold the WM + everything went well and stable flies.

But now I have another problem. Suddenly an engine stop, and the tricopter fall. The video shows it several times as the engine stops suddenly.

Any idea because it can be?

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Location: Sweden

Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by PatrikE »

Make shure all esc's are calibrated.
Try to increase MINTHROTTLE to between 1200 -1300

Posts: 25
Joined: Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:07 pm

Re: Problems Tricopter MultiWii, is crazy!

Post by Vallekano »

Eventually the problem was the transmitter. The receiver antenna was half broken and 3-4 meters away when I lost the signal.

Thank you anyway.

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