Getting the MAG to work

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Getting the MAG to work

Post by hwurzburg »

Tried heading hold on my new quad with CRIUS MultiWii single board FC....doesn't work...if anything its unstable....acro mode is a lot more stable...

so I checked it in the house and monitored the Config tool compass display as I throttle up and it rotates with power up to 30degrees and while the ACC and Gryo traces are quiet, the MAG ones are noisy...

I understand that this is probably either power supply noise, or mag fields from the motors or ESCs....if its the later, I am probably screwed, I can't move the ESCs farther from the FC...if its power supply noise, I could probably add a big CAP on the FC board where the ESC powers it...

has anyone had a similar experience, AND fixed it?


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Re: Getting the MAG to work

Post by mr.rc-cam »

If you have performed the 3D calibration, and increasing the throttle causes mag sensor problems, then you will need more distance between the sensor and the heavy current wiring (including the battery and its cables). It generally does not require a large distance to cure the problem, so it is not impossible to do.

If you re-route the high current wiring away from the sensor, and continue to have problems, then post some photos showing your build; Perhaps one of the experts here will be able to see a solution for your installation.

- Thomas

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Re: Getting the MAG to work

Post by hwurzburg »

spacing between controller board and PCB power distribution board is 0.75 inch...but I can't increase it much without impact to overall height or increasing ground clearance....does this seem to be too close?

Thanks to all!
Spacing between FC board and Power Dist PCB/battery cable
Spacing between FC board and Power Dist PCB/battery cable

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Re: Getting the MAG to work

Post by mr.rc-cam »

It looks like you have your high current wiring quite close to your sensor shield. The following video demonstrates the issue and offers some hints on how some layout methods can worsen the effect:

Be sure to watch the entire video to the end and do not skip through it.

- Thomas

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