Still REALLY struggling for control.

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Still REALLY struggling for control.

Post by Andy7 »

I went out again with my quad to see if I could get it trimmed properly.
I flew in ACRO mode and managed to get my RC reasonably well trimmed so it's not drifting about too badly. Trouble is, it's WAY too frisky and it only takes a tiny bit of wind or movement of ANY controls to send it soaring up in the air.
I had a scary moment in ACRO mode where it shot up and rolled to about 45'. I was able to get it to the ground with only a fairly heavy thump (though if I really had my whits about me I should have hit level mode).

I think I'm happy with the PIDs for now as it flys fairly level in both modes, no wobbling etc. (I've calibrated my ACC and ESCs).

My FC is a nanowii, so flying with just GYRO and ACC but shouln't level mode guard against sudden changes in height without any throttle commands?
I'm starting to get a little frustrated, seeing all those videos where their quad sits neatly in the air while mine just wants to get up and away.

Any pointers to help me tame the dragon?

Talon CF Frame | NanoWii | Turnigy Plush 30A | Turnigy 2830/1100kv | 10/45 Props.

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Re: Still REALLY struggling for control.

Post by tovrin »

if you only have Gyro and ACC then you really dont have a method for determining height movement. you really need a barometer for that.

also, which version of the code are you running, i know there is significant improvements in the newest DEV code for alt hold, again, not sure if this will apply to just gyro/acc setup, but i would suggest loading it anyway.

also if your controls are too touchy, change the RATE level down and you have to move your sticks further for the copter to move.

one of my birds is like yours and has a MPU-6050 gyro/acc only, i took it out on thanksgiving with 2.1 code and it was mad windy, i almost lost my copter to a wind gust that day.

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Re: Still REALLY struggling for control.

Post by Andy7 »

Thanks tovrin.
So, pretty much everyone is flying with a baro then? That explains it. I think it might be nice if the nanowii came with a baro, the part is only about £1.50 from Farnell. Okay, that does it, I'm gonna go get myself a baro! ;)

The code I'm running is version 2.1. I've just been looking at the source code archives and saw a LOT of files have been updated recently. Which files are worth grabbing then? Just the main multiwii file or should I get the lot (yes, I'll make sure I merge my config).

I also just had a tinker with the throttle rate to make it a nice low curve, pretty much like the pitch/roll ones. Maybe that'll give me a bit more stick movement.

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Re: Still REALLY struggling for control.

Post by cardboard »

I find my baro somewhat useless for anything other then static hovering, just my experience though.
I have one copter that is servilely overpowered and is very sensitive to input and can climb like nobodies business. It is my have fun aerobatic ship and was built like that though. With some settings here and there it can be tamed down but it will never be as docile as other copters.
If throttle is causing you issues you can limit the max output ether in code in the config or by using the GUI and playing with the throttle curve. I would advise adding some more curve to it at least as well.
If your other controls are sensitive do as the above post said and drop rates to 0, also add in some expo in the GUI and even limit the control throws if you want to. You can do this in you radio as well and that may be the easier option to quickly tweak in the field but if you do it on the copter end the resolution is far higher.

And finally an interesting observation. My throttle control is the most used when I'm flying, it is responsible for altitude and speed and both of those are tied directly to the attitude of the copter. My pitch, roll and yaw movements are all very fluid and smooth but the throttle is always being worked, even more so on windy days or during aggressive flight.

Apart form that you could load up the copter with more weight (batteries) to soak up the excess energy from the motors and give the copter some more mass to slow down its reactions. Extending the booms will also move your point of ration further out making any pitch or roll have less effect.

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Re: Still REALLY struggling for control.

Post by Andy7 »

Thanks Cardboard.
Looking at the French PID tuning video I posted, it looks like my drift problem might be related to the I value, because I'm fairly sure about the trim. They showed that a quad will drift in all directions if the I is too low. At the moment, it's at the default value of 0.03

Let's see how I get on with my flatter throttle curve first. I wasn't able to get any real tuning done with it zipping up in the air like that.

Not too keen to add extra weight - I have a 5000mAH 3S on it already.

If I can't get any joy, I might switch to my 8" props, that ought to take it down a peg or two.

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Re: Still REALLY struggling for control.

Post by Plüschi »

Is your copter very sluggish on yaw? I did have this.

You have the back left/right esc connectors reversed, and maybe props/rotation direction. Dont exactly remember, but it was a setup mistake. Copter height was incontrollable because something did wind up. It did not flip over, just made wild height oscillations.

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