No Control in Level Mode

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No Control in Level Mode

Post by jroorda »

Hi all,

I recently completed a class where we built quadcopters using the MultiWii lite. Our group did fairly well and got some decent flights in acro mode. We always have had some yaw issues, but after 26 hours of PID tuning we were able to minimize them and get these flights.

In order to try to get a better and longer flight for an upcoming demo we wanted to use level mode. With a little PID tuning level mode leveled very well, but we no longer have any control of pitch or roll. It is as though the controls do nothing at all.

Any ideas as to what caused this and how we can restore our controls?

Background: I and my partners are electrical engineering students. I am comfortable digging around in the code and I contribute regularly to the Arduino forum. I am confident in the wiring and construction of our quad, and I understand the science behind PID, but I have yet to master the art. I wish I had more time to dig though the code and get a great understanding of what every control does, but I have not had a ton of time to do that. Thanks in advance, your experience is appreciated.

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Re: No Control in Level Mode

Post by KasparsL »

Sounds like messed up PIDs. Do you still have control in ACRO mode? Maybe the P value of Level is 0? Try to reset to default values.

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