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ACC, GYRO and MAG go crazy when Arduino is connected to Lipo

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:41 pm
by elstino
I build my first quadcopter using an Arduino nano and the GY-87 (10DOF MPU6050 HMC5883L BMP180) Sensor Module. I've uploaded Multiwii 2.4 onto it, but now I'm having a problem I can't seem to resolve.

When the Arduino is connected through USB to the computer (and the other components are connected to the 3s Lipo) all is working fine and I can get my quadcopter to fly quite OK. But when I connect the Arduino to the Lipo, the values of ACC, GYRO and MAG go crazy! They just go up and down and turning around all over the place :shock: and so the quadcopter does the same :) Anyone an idea of what could cause this to happen?

To be clear, I tried feeding the Arduino through the 5V-pin with an external BEC which turns the voltage of the Lipo to 5,29V AND I also tried feeding the Arduino directly from the Lipo through the Vin-pin. Both give the same crazy result :)

Re: ACC, GYRO and MAG go crazy when Arduino is connected to

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:33 pm
by aster94
Try to use a better bec that will give you stables 5v, no too less not too much
I m surprised that you didn t kill your arduino since the ams1117 support a maximum of 12v and your battery is 12.6v.

Edit: consider to use an external small battery for the fc