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Walking with a drone project with Multiwii 2.3 Nav.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:36 pm
by bpereiradasilva
Dear all,

I'm a french senior mobile software developer currently working-walking from 20 to 30 km / day on a treadmill desk. (French blog post)

I gonna proceed to special performance walking 150 km with a portable desktop and a followed / preceded by a drone.
You ll find the project description in french :

I ve decided to evaluate the ability to use a multiwii 2.3 nav controller to implement a securized "follow me" mode.
The project is sponsored by a large company in the field of internet of things, and some major partners.

I would like to identify multiwii experts that would like to contribute to that project.

Feel free to contact me directly for more details.
benoit [@]

Re: Walking with a drone project with Multiwii 2.3 Nav.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 5:39 am
by Rob
I miss the english version, french is hard to read.

Best regards
