how to tune the new modes?

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how to tune the new modes?

Post by jy0933 »

I finally get the back onto mwc (from mpng... ) with latest dev... then i'm a bit confused with tuning with the new modes

i assume we still start with acro mode tuning.. just follow the steps on wiki.. not a big problem..

angle mode is basically old level.. i assume just tune the level pid... i havent tested how responsive yet.. (in another thread i stated a problem that in level mode the MR return to level slowly after release stick.. even i crank level_p up to 10)

horizon mode.. this is the thing i dont understand.. it looks to me more like an advanced acro mode just adding the ability holding the alt
>> how do I tune horizon mode to make it better performance? (i guess i will most likely use horizon all the time instead of old acro) should I just tune the P/T/Y pid in horizon mode instead?


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