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ublox 6m help

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 9:40 pm
by tobbyfrederico
Hello guys,
I`m new to this multiwii world and im having a lot of questions hahah

I have a Arduino Nano and a ublox 6m. I can make it work using the tinygps librarie, but I have no idea how to make it work with multiwii.
Its default rate is 9600.
I tried to connect using the nmea,ublox,gps serial and gps baud rate lines but it didnt work.

Do i need to change its baud rate?
Do i need to change its update frequency?
Which lines do I have to activate on config.h?
Which Arduino port do I have to connect it?

Thank you all,

Re: ublox 6m help

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 9:43 am
by synersignart
yes in config.h

right for Ublox 6 hopefuly you got has a working EEPROM
Baudrate both on multiwii and GPS module must be #define GPS_BAUD 57600

for Protocol
#define NMEA //for Ublox NMEA GPS - NMEA Protocol
#define UBLOX //for Beitian GPS - UBLX Protocol

you can download U-Center from ublox to check the GPS module itss elf on its configuration
Rate speed must be 5hz or 200ms

these are configure using an usb to ttl converter hooked up to the gps

but when running on arduino its serial 2 for mega
serial 0 for UNo but that would disable telemetry