Nunchuck off when radio on??

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Nunchuck off when radio on??

Post by davidws »

Hi there,

I finally managed to get the Arduino, WM and NK working fine in the GUI :)

I have some questions about connecting the radio, hope someone can help.

1) When I am connected to the config everything looks fine in the GUI,
however turning the radio on results in the NK being reported as OFF ??

2) With only Throttle and Roll connected from R/X to Arduino, toggling the "switch B" on my (Hobbyking 7ch t/x) radio results in throttle going to min values in the GUI, and not responding to the throttle stick on the radio ???

please help a novice out :(

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Re: Nunchuck off when radio on??

Post by cardboard »

This problem sounds familiar, well problem 2 does anyway. Do you have a common ground between all your components, its sounds to me as if your Rx and arduino don't have a common ground. I learnt this through trial and error when I first built my multicopter as well.
I'm not sure how much you already know about electronics but ill try walk through the possible problems the best I can. Currently you have the signal wires going from each channel or your RX to their respective pins on the arduino. Do you also have a a ground/black(or brown) wire going from your Rx to the arduinos gnd/-ve pin??? If this is not present adding it should sort out all your problems.
Images of your setup or wiring diagrams will help us hunt down your problem if this tip doesn't get you there.

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Re: Nunchuck off when radio on??

Post by cardboard »

edit, re read your post *faceplam*. My mate also has the hobbyking radio and 'switch B' is default setup to be throttle cut. Its meant to 0 the throttle stick. You need the programming cable and software to change the switch operation and radio functions. Check out the discussion tab on the product page for more details on programming that particular radio.

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Re: Nunchuck off when radio on??

Post by davidws »

hi Cardboard and thanks for your answer,

Unfortunately my electronics knowledge is limited but given some time I can figure things out :)

Anyway, yes I do have a wire going from each ch on the r/x to the arduino.
Both Arduino and Receiver are powered by the BEC of the ESC, I did a Y splitter for both + and - as seen on other instructions and both power up fine.

I'd say that the only other strange thing is that the Arduino flashes regularly the green led until the config boots it up,
is that because it's waiting the throttle down/left stick to be armed?

By the way, this is my t/x ... de_2_.html what kind of cable does it use?
Can it be hacked to use a regular USB one instead?

Once this is solved, my next steps are to program the ESCs and TX... can't wait to see a motor spinning :)

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